Plain sight assassination methods

What kind of methods are likely available with current (possibly classified) technology? Radio-controlled cars? Inducing heart attacks?

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x-ray emitters pointed at your house from multiple directions to give you a lethal radiation dose over the course of weeks/months.

Hiring a serial killer to walk up to someone and mug them to death

Walk up and shoot them in the head.

Sabotaging a motor vehicle so it crashes and kills the occupant

Hire an aids-ridden nigger thug to spread some of his own blood on a knife then go and stab your target

That sounds like the most retarded way to kill someone.

dropping someone off in a black neighborhood

Send them refugees

ur mums retarded

Spray them with "water".

Send it here, mate, we are a very peaceful country.

Find someone suicidal or willing to spend life in prison to use a bomb or gun.

Take a risk, follow your target into a crowd, and stab them. If you hit them well, and simply act like everyone else, people might not realize you're the killer.

That crash was a weird one.

Princess Di was similar.

Death cap mushrooms kill you two weeks later so theres a start. Shit grows everywhere, mycologists are basically halfassed bioweapons buffs

If you're going there then ricin poison will do it, put it in their drink, or just sprinkle some at their face. Govt probably has something much more poisonous.

Suicide with two bullets to the back of your head.
You just need to have whoever will be investigating that murder to be on your side.

Causing cancer with overexposure to highly radioactive materials works too, I guess.

Some KKK members tried it with an x-ray gun on Obama but the FBI caught them before hand. The FBI said it would have worked to.

let them date courtney love

ayy lmao

Bully them until they commit suicide by shooting themselves in the back of the head three times in an empty carpark on the other side of town



Deathcap grows in Europe, Destroying Angel grows in western N. America. Literally 2 mushrooms dried will kill someone and it tastes like normal cooking mushrooms.

t. medical student that deals with hippies in liver failure

checked and keked Ivan

They do that shit in prison, scary stuff.

Stab them with an icicle and let the murder weapon melt.

It's one of the main ways they kill cancer cells, m8.

Actually, this works.
Not in the way you described. Just pick a street the target walks commonly, have some ice so unluckily slip off the roof and fall on the fucker.
Such incidents are common enough to be counted as simply result of some utility workers not doing their job.

/pol is board of peace


Tie them to a fallen tree belly down. Cut the skin from his back. Hack the ribs from the spine on both sides till they pop open. Take both lungs out of his back and drape them over his shoulders so that he gets to see his lungs breath his last breaths. The blood eagle.

Plutonium in breakfast cereal.

Depends on where you live though. I spend so much time in traffic because I live in LA that I can't even go fast enough to die in an auto accident.

Explosives are a pretty great way to assassinate someone granted you know what you are doing, if you rig a pipe bomb to a cars ignition it's pretty much game over for anyone in the car. Just buy the components from different cities and it's pretty much untraceable.

Sup Forumsonium

punch holes in the exhaust such that carbon monoxide blows into the cabin

>it's real
i haven't laughed that hard in a while
>he tried to acquire (((their))) help

nice tabloid source bud

But you can clearly smell that, usually people die like that when they are committing suicide.

You would also get violently sick and throw up before you died.

i thought it made you high and fall asleep?

>hire illegal immigrant to inject HIV positive penis semen into starbucks coffee
there's more

What do you do though?
Light up dudes house like a spotlight?

just shoot them in a crowd when they say they would investigate the murder of their brother, people cry for a month or so and then everyone forgets.