Communism general

Hello Comrades. This general is for the discussion of Marxism-Leninism, the ideology of revolutionary socialism and communism.

Communism is the next stage of humanity following the capitalist stage.

What exactly is communism according to Marxist-Leninists:

>Communism is a stage of society in which the productive infrastructure is socially owned, and goods are produced not in order to sell for profit, but in order to meet a social need.
>Communism in it's full form is a stateless, classless society that follows the maxim "From each according to their ability, to each according to their need."
>To achieve such a society Marxism-Leninism teaches us that we must replace the capitalist state, which is controlled by the capitalist class, by a socialist state, which is controlled by the working class. Then, a period of class struggle follows in which the capitalist class is liquidated by the working class. When the capitalist class has been completely vanquished, there will be only one class, the working class, and eventually the functions of the state will become indistinguishable from the functions of the society as a whole, and the state as such will 'wither away' as Marx said.

ML uses a philosophy called dialectical materialism, see here:

It is recommended that you read some of the critical works of Marxism-Leninism so you can make an informed assessment of the ideology.


Other urls found in this thread:

faggot spanish commie posters gtfo
>saged and hidden


Communism has never worked, setting a precedent that it will never work in the future. There will always be Commies, and there will always be those of us who fight them.

Communism has never existed yet comrade

Your labor theory value is ridiculous.

How can a worker even get everything they create without relying on someone else to front the costs for marketing, machinery and everything else that goes into creating a product.

i love how these threads are just 100 posts of mockery and have been for months, please just give up, move out, you'll never win here.

Then I'll make sure the followers don't exist, either.

OPs faggotry has reached inversion level. His head is so far up his ass it's come out his mouth again.

These threads have to be the greatest piece of anti-communist propaganda ever. Anyone still on the fence about communism can't take it seriously after the tidal wave of memes refuting and ridiculing this evil inhumane ideology every time this thread is remade.



Hi there comrade

Its has, multiple times.

It was shit every time because it was communism, which isn't a well thought out system which is why it will ALWAYS fail.

"Real communism" as you put it is the equivalent of a "perfect utopia", where humans stop acting like humans in which case virtually any political system would be perfect. I mean even in theocratic states which believe a literal god will send them to hell if they don't follow the rules still has criminals, so what makes you think communism would be any different? Simply put communism doesn't account for humans acting like humans so it will never work because it's a fucking house of cards.

We have to talk to an original we need a Russian

This is fucking Sup Forums

Delete this fucking thread

The most important one is the concept. There is zero reward for concept or creativity, just the physical labour.

Also government dictated pricing is hilariously stupid

We can deal with constructive criticism I respect the kek

Biggest anti communist propagandist are the retards who come here to defend it.

But trips

Explain Venezuela?

Or has it not killed enough people to be considered communist yet?

This one
Is the one that makes me laugh the most
>in communism workers have complete, free and immediate access to an abundance of social production.
>workers work when they want
I don't understand how anyone can read this and this it could actually function. It takes 3 seconds to realize this is utter nonsense This shit was ripped to pieces back in the 1920s yet people still shill it.

U.s. agent orange end of discussion

You again? Fuck off. If it was good, it would be applied

A communist society would free individuals from long working hours by first automating production to an extent that the average length of the working day is reduced and second by eliminating the exploitation inherent in the division between workers and owners. A communist system would thus free individuals from alienation in the sense of having one's life structured around survival (making a wage or salary in a capitalist system), which Marx referred to as a transition from the "realm of necessity" to the "realm of freedom." As a result, a communist society is envisioned as being composed of an intellectually-inclined population with both the time and resources to pursue its creative hobbies and genuine interests, and to contribute to creative social wealth in this manner. Karl Marx considered "true richness" to be the amount of time one has at his or her disposal to pursue one's creative passions. Marx's notion of communism is in this way radically individualistic.

So lets say you magically manage to get this sytem up and working, which you won't because nobody manages to to that for the simple reason that absolute power corrupts absolutely, and especially when you rip the people of their culture and reason to live.
So you establish a nation, wait that does not work there is no communist nations.
let me at this again so you establish an expansionist dictatorship with intend to take over the entire world, lets say you succeed, now you need to control and police the entire world from the inevitable uprising from people whose culture and religion has been ripped from them, lets say you succeed.
lets just say there are no problems.
lets ignore the problems.
Is communism a utopia?
No ownership, no reason to develop, so technology is brought to a halt, no cultures other than comradship (look at china) society then deteriorates in to a nihilist mess, where nobody takes responsibility, morality is mocked and life is worth next to nothing, oh yeah, and population-control.
communism is about instead of big megacorp corrupting the state, we'll make the state a one world megacorp with no contenders, what could possibly go wrong.

They don't even try to defend it. That's how pathetic it is.

Just look at this thread. The stupid Spaniard just spams propaganda and no one ever falls for it because there's always 5 people constantly ripping it to pieces



Yes but if you add Democratic socialism with a set period of terms it works better because you don't have to worry about absolute power being absolutely corrupted because there's always a change and Power with no Corporation behind the power




Wasn't entirely true Democratic Socialist Party because there was a flaw there were no elections and no set term limits remember some of our presidents did get a little nutty after having one too many times

>exploitation inherent in the division between workers and owners.
This is the equivalent of "privilege", just because you say it over and over doesnt make it so.

And the easiest way to get that vision you're talking about is using capitalism and encouraging people to invest at a young age, rather than giving people stuff for simply existing

A communist economic system would be characterized by advanced productive technology that enables material abundance, which in turn would enable the free distribution of most or all economic output and the holding of the means of producing this output in common. In this respect communism is differentiated from socialism, which, out of economic necessity, restricts access to articles of consumption and services based on one's contribution.

Goat fucker

>A communist economic system would be characterized by advanced productive technology that enables material abundance
Why even have communism at that point, it seems kind of pointless.

What would be the point in voting in someone new if you don't want your communist state to change? Besides if the government has absolute control they can just tell you and your vote to fuck off to the gulag

> We pretend to work and they pretend to pay us

To make sure everyone from each part of the country or part of the state would have his or her say


Comunism is good if there is nothing to share. What if I cant do shit in life but need a 5 story mansion by the water front? To each what they need in exchange of what they can.

So what if they said they no longer want communism?

Here's the thing you autistic goat fucker.

Every time communism, the one you fantasise about, has been attempted it has fail miserably.

How do you expect people to get behind a system that has a 100% failure rate and if it has the slightest flaw it leads to genocide and absolute disaster?

Pretty much this, I don't know why they haven't given up yet. Sad!

poor commies

>How do you expect people to get behind a system that has a 100% failure rate and if it has the slightest flaw it leads to genocide and absolute disaster?
Thats what they want. Except they always forget they will not even be close of being safe because they wanted it.

So you're saying that someone would withhold the stuff that you need to live and you can only get what you have on your land that sounds very familiar. sounds like American frontier Style didn't work out. that well remember left just a little bit better with our friendly Neighbors. Wasn't there a bit of a fight with us to that one point.

just wanna torture some people and this how there repay you

And this is why Spain is so fucked up, filled with comunist filth everywhere

I'm saying it wouldn't be controlled by the Banks or special interest groups just the people who get voted and elected

Says the man posting pictures of Muslims

Socialism works in white ethnostate. Wish there was an ideology for that.

Entitled to their basic human needs and human rights and if they want to perform capitalism make sure that they play honest when dealing with our country

>Entitled to their basic human needs and human rights and if they want to perform capitalism make sure that they play honest when dealing with our country
So why not just reform the current system? What you're proposing sounds perfectly viable within a libertarian capitalist nation.



Again what is the point if everyone already agrees they want communism always. What would happen if someone decides they don't want to prop up fatty mcretard next door?

And saying:
>characterized by advanced productive technology that enables material abundance
A) that isn't our current reality nor will it be for a very very long time (if ever)
B) capitalism and fascism has already shown to be better at achieving technological progress, this makes sense on an intuitive level as well, since there's no incentive for communisms to make the small incremental advancements that are necessary before actually useful ones.

Communism has never been nor will it be associated with "technologically advanced"

Yeah perhaps some kind of white nationalist socialism, we could call it "natsoc" for short

If you don't need the boss then why don't you just form a worker's syndicate and out-compete him?

But that's not marxian socialism...

That's a good point.

That sounds a bit too much like nazi. Remember we are the antifa now!


>not real communism meme
you don't even try

America can't even speak for itself in this account considering the fact that we don't have our own shit but if it's done properly we would be able to get what we work for a fare price based on the agreement of the government and business of living wages and price range as a standard 4 specific types of food clothing as well as climate. Luxuries would not before government officials in charge of specific luxuries and shelter will not all be Apartments but the Prime Minister wouldn't exactly have a palace or the president for that matter or Premier if you'd like to call it.

If you think about it wouldn't it be smart to have the capitol always moving with every election to represent the state of each person who was elected

Proponents of capitalism argue that the real living standards of those on low pay are better raised by allowing the whole economy to grow.
As it grows, those at the bottom of the social heap will benefit from wealth that ‘trickles down’ from the top.
The falsity of this argument can be seen by looking at the figures.
The long term rate of growth of the UK economy is 2.5 percent per annum(1993).
How many years would it take a woman earning the median wage to get up to £300 per week at this growth rate? The answer is 30 years: check it on your calculator.

Socialist redistribution could achieve directly what would otherwise take the better part of a working lifetime. With socialism the employee can have her cake and eat it too. She gets a once and for all rise in income through redistribution, but economic growth does not stop, so she will continue to enjoy rising earnings year by year.

Reaganomics don't work for a Walmart employee neither doesn't work for a McDonald's employee why do you need five different jobs to pay the rent. maybe a bit of an exaggeration but still you do need at least equality for jobs

But you just described Nazism.

"Real Communism" is not possible unless there's no such thing as scarcity. Won't happen without serious technological invent.


Never in my life have I seen someone (on the right) argue that wealth "trickles down". It's a leftist strawman and that's it.

I have heard the argument here in Spain.

There's something wrong with you, Spain. Do you need another Franco?




DON'T compare glorious national socialism to filthy marxism ever again you disgusting yellow cuntbag.


This thread is now called Feminism General


You say it hasn't existed yet

But every time it's been attempted to be implemented, it ALWAYS results in a lower quality of life and usually mass starvations and deaths

So isn't it safer to just not try it then?

How very authoritarian of you. Tell us, are you employed?

How do you get from corporatism/oligarchies to communism?

No, I live on student allowance.
Also I'm only joking about Natsoc being good. This is Sup Forums - Satire after all.


>I was only pretending to be retarded

stop posting this thread shit commie cunt


We will kill these Nazis just like the soviets did. Thank you for trying to reach to the work Sup Forums is a lost cause full of pedophiles losers.

Not gonna lie, former Trump voter here. This is fucking hilarious watching Trump crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this guy get the nuclear codes.

Good night left side isnt even orginal or catchy lmao fucking dumb asses

We're going to unite and cum in that tight ass...

I bet you haven't even killed any Nazis you poseur.

We are going to kill all of you Nazis
You mad beacuse white women prefer black cock.
American Liberal Progressives will fucking kill you again

Because they aren't contributing jack shit. Not only that, your ideology is beyond fucking retarded. So please stop spamming this board with this fucking garbage.