This alt-right shit cancer needs to die

It's detrimental to our cause. Civilization is crumbling before our eyes, degeneracy left and right, ethics and morals are slowly becoming the thing of the past, muslim and nigger hordes are swarming Europe and, to a lesser extent, US and Canada. And what does the alt-right do? They argue with feminists. I'm pretty convinced this whole alt-right shit was invented by merchants as a subversion. Divide and conquer. Gavin Mcinnes is a numale posing as a conservative family man. Steven Crowder once wore women's lingerie and lipstick as a joke. Andrew Breitbart was adopted into a Jewish family and raised by Jewish values. Paul Joseph Watson is an annoying idiot. Milo (lel) is a degenerate Jew faggot. This shit needs to stop, these people are not helping.

Other urls found in this thread:

nobody cares. the alt-right was never a thing it was a label the left made because they couldn't attack a throng of different people with different goals banding together to say fuck off to democrats.

>following ecelebs

Alt-right doesn't exist

None of the people you mentioned are alt-right you absolute fucking moron. Literally all of these people have denied being alt-right. They constantly virtue-signal about how they're opposed to racism and nationalism. They are alt-lite cuckservatives.

Who says i follow them? From my post it's pretty obvious i resent them. But you can't deny that a lot of people are listening to them. We need people waking up, these fools are part of the problem.

The alt-right will never surrender. Fuck off shills

And....... you just gave yourself away shill, post is so fucking contrived

serbro is right on every point.
much love

None of those are alt-right.

Yep. That's why I don't consider myself alt-right.
Everything post-Englightenment/French Revolution=cancer
Politics is a modern invention, therefore cancer.
Alt-right is a modern political movement, therefore cancer.
The problems the West faces go so far beyond their petty concerns, it's laughable.
Our entire way of thinking, perceiving, being, living is corrupt beyond repair, and infinitely destructive to ourselves, those around us, and the very earth we inhabit.

>muslim and nigger hordes are swarming Europe and, to a lesser extent, US and Canada

Oh it's not to a lesser extent in Canada. The libshits are upping our annual quota to 300k per year now!

Maybe not, but they are certainly calling themselves that. And they are in the spotlight, a lot of people are listening to their nonsense, that's my point.

they're useful idiots (as long as we don't get eaten by them), just like sjws and antifa are for the left

just ignore it.


Care to elaborate? I honestly don't see how am i a shill or what i'm shilling for. I don't care about this Milo pedo shit, fake or not, i saw that he was a degenerate faggot long time ago.

wtf I love Hillary now

>they are certainly calling themselves that

no they don't

if your definition of "alt right" is non establishment right wingers then the leader of the alt right is Donald Trump.

I agree, but westerners are too comfy in their homes right now
it will be too late when they see they're out of the /comfyzone/

I lile Gavin, But I recognize he isn't helping. We have all these storm fags messing things up too. All we gotta do is keep our power level in check. Let them sperg out and act like petulant children.Eventually everyone will see through the facade and get tired of there temper tantrums.

shills wanting us to attack the people helping us :)

the alt-right is an attack on the right. People who are pro-socialism, pro-abortion, pro-faggot and identify as an atheist belong to the left. They think their racism and being pro-male makes them conservative. Instead of diluting and polluting the right, they should take control of the left from the women and niggers who took it over. Gavin is a faggot who's married to a tranny, Milo is a faggot who sucks nigger dick, neither is conservative and are not your political ally.

For me, the most demonstrative story about the 2016 election was how reddit's faggot ass “libertarian” movement as well as the “tea party” retards completely fell apart and actually showed their true colors.

For years, in fact ever since Obama's election, rural and suburban retards have been bullshitting everyone and promoting noble and sophisticated values such as muh republic, muh constitutional values, muh free market, muh religious social conservatism, muh tolerance, muh rationality and of course those of us who have dealt with rural and suburban retards knew perfectly well that they neither have the required IQ nor literacy to even understand what any of those words mean.

But still, they kept lecturing city people on how they think civilization works and we all thought it was cute but it almost seemed like their movement was growing into something consistent.

And sure enough came the primaries, and Rand Paul got about 10 votes total, mostly from his mom and the few redditors who managed to leave their basements to vote.

The candidates who actually got the most votes in rural and suburban areas were Drumpf, a fat orange cunt who represents vulgar pride, gluttony, blind intolerance and muh dik and Boinie Sandas, a degenerate kike who stands for gibmedats, mob rule, willful retardation and drug abuse. Both being the complete opposite of everything they've championed for all these years.

Rural and suburban retards will never understand civilization, and they will never be part of it.

Gavin and Milo fucking disgust me

You literally do not understand politics at all.

>Lets kill our advocates because they aren't good enough!

lol serbian proxies now shill? what did serbia do to deserve this?

this dude, what the fuck? What planet are you on OP? We've been rejecting all of these faggots for over a year. None of them are WN.

100% correct. I'm still trying to figure out how to realign my life in light of this truth.

They aren't. Milo outright said he's not alt right, it's only CNN who labels him that.

Milo isn't alt-right.
Gavin isn't alt-right.

Shill harder next time, Jew.


Oh yeah sure I wonder who the real shill is...

Sup Forums IS alt-right, idiots.

None of the people you listed are alt-right.

Sup Forums is Sup Forums

id like to be a face of the alt-right, but im to blunt and abusive when it comes to the truth.

Gavin, Milo, Crowder, Shapiro, etc.

It's like Reddit version of Sup Forums

This will never stop. The alt-right will forever be infiltrated and subverted. Shills and leftards will push the idea that civic nationalist cucks are alt-right.

We will forever see faggots saying things like the alt-right isn't real or the alt-right are just right SJW's muh huh.

It's a shame because the real alt-right people that I enjoy watching have answers but they don't have a way of saying who's who.

gavin is awesome, fuck you.

>shit cancer

the most benign type of cancer tho

> Married to a tranny

How can you make 3 kids with a tranny? Da fuck

i should start up a youtube channel and speak about what is really happening in australia. and the world for that matter.

Anyone who follows Gavin & Milo, put yourself in the same category as an edge core.

Get lost loser, go taint boys butts with Milo.

I remember when alt-right just meant libertarian and then, practically the next day, it meant neo nazi
right means nazi. Far right means nazi. alt right is bullshit fiction meant to trick normies.

nobody cares about Australia, it's like the orphaned child of the world

always attention seeking from America

>our cause
Mate, what.

>civilization is crumbling before our eyes
That's because you live in Serbia.

DEFRANCO Video about pewdiepie and Milo.

Even the biggest youtubers don't lie about the edited video


It is not about him being a faggot it is about (((they))) want to bring on of our guys down

Only one I respect is sam hyde. He is working class white & keeps it funny

Most fags here can't stand him because they know he's right about everything and they wasted their lives hunting some perfect white unicorn that doesn't exist when they could have settle down with a nice ethnic woman and pumped babies out.

Sup Forums isn't anything but Sup Forums, kill youself you cultist shit.

>you now realise why the conservatives were so suspicious of the alt-right
>you now realise that the conservatives were actually being conservative in their suspicions of the alt-right
>you now realise they were right all along

australians dont care about america. trumps cool though.

Crowder doesn't really deserve to be grouped in with the alt-right. He's actually pretty traditional in his beliefs.

These neckbeards brought Zionist kikes with them and flipped this board into a pro-Jewish board. Srsly fuck all these alt right fags

I don't even know what 'alt right' is. And I don't care.
My political and religious beliefs are mine. I own them.
I arrived at them through experience and they change: they are fluid.
I refuse to be put into a category. It's more complicated than a label like 'left wing', 'right wing' 'alt right'.

Labels diminish complexity of thought. They reduce our beliefs to throwaway name tags like a price tag in the supermaket.

How many people voted for Ron Paul in your ghetto, and what does Ron Paul have to do with civilization?

Alt-right is a label made by mainstream media. It was never anything we cared for or associate ourselves with - it was pushed on us.

Feminists should be argued with. Modern feminism is a sexist, degenerate, hypocritical bullshit, yet also one which gets certain push in the society. It has to be opposed or it will keep on ruining things both for me and women (those who don't support it in the current form, point out lies and flaws in the narrative get shat on).

Crowder's humor is shit but he's reasonable. Milo is a degenerate jew faggot but not nearly as degenerate as currently media try to portray him - and degenerate or not he's useful fighting against SJW cancer.

You basically made a thread bashing people, whining left and right, telling everyone to stop cause you dislike something and are willin gto throw insults. You're right, it's divide and conquer and you're the one doing dividing.

alt-right was literally born out of Sup Forums.

now ya'll backtrack because SJW use it as an insult.

Those guys are degenerates.

no it didn't
but there was a concerted effort to appropriate the name by some lolbertarians that ran away when spencer showed up to the party

"I exclusively suck black cock" said no conservative, Christian man EVER.

Good for him for fighting feminism. The enemy of my enemy is my ally, but he isn't me. I would not have a coldbeer and hang out with a degenerate faggot shit dick like Milo.

Gavin is OK considering his Leaf heritage.

Seems to me the lines are blurry at this point in the fight to save Western civilization.

stuff anything up your ass lately

Quit bitching about these guys already. They're far more useful than any of you fucks will ever be.

sta tebe boli kurac sta stranci radi?

Usefull to who? The fags and jews?

He's a degenerate, and no fucking thank you -- I'll pass on race mixing because I'm not a self-hating white man.

Shill or retarded?

Gavin and Milo have both denied being alt-right, Gavin even virtue signals against it because he was butthurt over being called a race mixer.

While I'm on the subject, the alt-right is white identity politics for the US, also known as identitarianism, the main influence being the French "Generation Identity" movement, it's not anti-establishment conservatism (or more idiotically, a label invented by lefties and the media, if you took two seconds to think about what you're claiming you'd realuse how stupid a concept that is) like our resident Reddit refugees all seem to assume, an easy way to tell if someone is alt-right or "alt-lite" is whether they're against immigration primarily because of race or culture, if your answer was culture please return to the_Donald

Why are you posting here and not on Reddit you dumb shill? Sup Forums hates all of these people and always has. Doesn't mean we'll participate your your leftist smear campaign. We're not the personal army of huff post.