SEVEN YEAR OLDS. The narrative has shifted

SEVEN YEAR OLDS. The narrative has shifted

If you can't do the time, don't do the crime.


I don't believe it, but I hope it happened.


Was she a criminal? If so then what's the problem? I'm sure fagsbook is exploding

Fake news.

You have to go back.



>it's another twitter post thread


No one is above the law.

Damn it! It's moment like these that break my heart and really make me think: fuck having laws and borders and shit.

So we are supposed to not enforce laws of this nation...because why? KYS jr Commie.


>illegal alien gets deported

Literally a non-story.

Yeah why are we deporting illegals when we could be raping them since we're pro pedophilia now


I guess because she has kids she should stay even though she is an illegal alien? We should give her free money too. Am I right? Wont it be great when all these rats destroy America and make it just like the shit hole the fled from? Reconquista now!

Did she fumble around in her purse looking for her papers, or did she just throw in the towel and admit defeat?

My dad killed a few guys, mostly innocent gang-related stuff.

Well, I was bringing him and his girlfriend a few packs of cigarettes, and some government agents came and took him away - right there. They left me all alone with that meth-addicted prostitute. I'm only 8.

This shouldn't be allowed.

wtf? am I reading something by pop trigger on youtube?

same exact insane look as zuckerberg.


Did you at least get some

And it's back to the "Think of the children" arguments.

So, to be clear, illegals with children should be immune from deportation, their crimes forgiven, and they should continue to leech off the taxpayer?

That's what they're saying, right?

Anyone here have advice on how to get rid of this Trump Boner I've had since 11/8?

>we are not this country
that's where you're wrong, kiddo


Most likely fake news but I wish it was real.

>must of already deported all the "eight year olds"


how the fuck do people sleep at night after dragging a mother away from her kids?

it's not even like they get a big pile of money for it, why would you do it, just work some other job like a normal person

>Government actually upholding laws.


Hint: Illegal immigrants broke the law. Amazing how that works

How the fuck do people sleep at night when they uproot their childrens lives and drag them across a border to a place where no one speaks the same language, and the imminent threat of having your life uprooted again could happen at any time?

>how do people sleep at night protecting their countries borders, laws and taxpayers
hopefully with a well deserved smile

They feel good by knowing that the American taxpayer just saved thousands of dollars by not having to pay gibmedats to some illegal beaner.


Send the 7 year old back

Woah hold the fuck up guys. Shouldn't all of the shitlibs be applauding deportations? I mean if all the spics are kicked out then the minimum wage has no choice to increase, so people can fill the jobs made vacant by their absence.


Also in these cases had the known or the criminal wasnt fucking dumb they could let them know and child services would come help or the police.

Underrated quality post

> EU
> American overstays 90 day visa, gets deported to USA
All good sir.
> EU
> Ukrainian is required to get work visa or gets deported
Sounds ok.
> Canada
> EU nationals can stay a long time, I don't remember how long, but they cant work without a permit
Sounds reasonable.
> gets thrown out of the country because doesnt have a visa

Can someone explain this shit to me? Like, is there _any_ country in the world that will not haul your ass if you don't have the right papers?

> EU
> No visa
> cannot get bank account
> cannot get insurance
> cannot get legal job
The EU system is a lot more watertight than what you have in the US. The legality of your stay is checked almost every time you contact any government agency (getting an ID, moving to new city, etc.).

Best post. Fuck you, illegals.

Not like they want to stay in Mexico

>Football practice

They couldn't have made it believable and said basketball practice?

Too fucking bad

read his pro jew tweets, that killed the boner for me

Leftists hate whites more than anything on earth, replacing them is more important to them than anything else

this timeline....

Wow why aren't you americans outraged more, ICE left the job half finished

fucking kek

I guess you could say that came out of left field

>inb4 baseball reference

Fuck you, I'm trying.

Not committing crimes is literally the easiest thing in the world. How can you fuck it up.

Is there a site or anything where I can track all the ICE reported raids? I'd masturbate to that.

This kind of thing is such a non-argument. Should we not enforce the law on anyone who has a kid? "We can't imprison that arsonist, he has a family!"

im smiling right now.

if they break the law, then they have to face the consequences. they have to go back.

>things that never happened

The kids should be expelled as well.

they're not playing with a full deck

Don't reproduce if you know you've broken the law. Problem solve.

These people, I swear.

Roses are Red,
Barrack was half Black.
If you lack Documents,
You have to Go Back.


rwds when???

Of course. They were 8 years old because they were talking about Obama's presidency.
They are 7 years old now because they are talking about them being born under Obama's presidency.

Wait until Obama comes back as the new Malcolm X or MLK.
That's when all hell breaks loose.
He's just biding his time...

If my job didnt pay better id kill to be out there doing my part

His point is that it's generally due to more severe crimes, e.g., identity theft.

I don't understand how immigrants live in the US. What ID's do they use? How do they react when they need anything that involves the use of an ID? Schooling, hospitals, driving licenses, insurance, renting etc. You literally couldn't do anything in my shithole country without being a citizen, how do they get away with it there?

Youre right. Lets have a poll around the world asking "would you to live in america at taxpayers expense instead?"

Is this like the immigrant version of the Doomsday Clock?


>how do they get away with it there?
Sanctuary cities issuing IDs to illegals.

>know that Trump is on the warpath regarding illegals
>Instead of going back to fucking mexico with your family you choose to stay in America
>cry when you get arrested

Trump needs to keep his campaign promises and keep the families together

Deport all 18 million, not just the 12 million illegals

Immigration isn't a right in any country. It is a privilege afforded by the finite tolerance of a people or government.

>When the first post is the best post



Trump getting rid of those nasty wetbacks.

Meanwhile the jews still run the world.


In small towns in cops usually feel bad and give them a break because beans actually work hard af and don't do anything but drink work and shop at wal mart

The illegal ones just do off the books work and pay for everything in cash. it's not hard you pussy

>even giving a lone fuck what champagne socialist bernouts think

It's literally the holocaust all over again.

it's fake news moron.

Why did they leave kid?


You fuckers are reddit. You're bluepilled shits who will believe anything/

The problem has never been the jew. It is the jew that tries to pass itself off as goy. The ones that forsake the Torah ultimately wind up filthy communist scum.


>We are not his country

These the same people who shit talk this country and call it racist

Don't split families, take the kids too!!!

Kike indoctrination has turned these folks into massive cucks. Oh well, I just learned that the Moors taught Europeans how to bathe, so they can take a break from educating the unwashed white masses once the yt peepol iz gonnn.

>read his pro jew tweets, that killed the boner for me

I haven't seen any of those, but I did see him tell Bibi to his face the one state solution might work, and then he told some shlomo to sit down and shut the fuck up.

Did that piece of dogshit get deported yet?

Idk I really like weed

>What the fuck!!?? They only broke the law a little bit...
If the guy they lifted was a drug dealing rapist wanted for murder (most likely) would you still be so concerned. Criminals have kids too, but they choose to endanger them with their life choices and irresponsibility.

This was not a case of raiding and arresting someone simply because they are in the US illegally,

They have no ID. They drive car with no license no insurance, they are able to get welfare from one of the 20 people in their household apply with a false application. Some states give WIC (food only welfare for new mothers) to illegal women who have a freshly american new born. Some states give a photo ID with hardly any documents to get it. Sometimes they have fake documents but most work under the table with a dishonest employer. Hospital and school, rent - they just say no id and give fake name. They are heavily dependent on the one person who is legal and the benefits/welfare they get.

Pretty much this. No other country lets in that many illegals nor gives them so much leeway. I dont know why the US hasn't cracked down on them more. Those people wouldnt last a year in the EU, yet they go the the US, buy houses, birth children, etc.

Women get away with that bullshit, or get time off on the weekends to go home to family

I call BS. Sports practices are seldom (if ever) limited to a single age group. Either this person is misinformed and leaving out details, or this is a complete fabrication.


complete propaganda, not a single source that says anything remotely close to this. if it were true, the liberal media would be all over it.