The chink is coming, lads

When China surpasses America, how outdated and pointless as a way of explaining the world will your boring colonial politics be

>When China surpasses America

Not gonna happen Li


That sentence is awkward as fuck and makes me believe you have downs.

>a literal shithole

pakistan is basically a poor islamic version of india.
no seriously. let that sink in goyim, the average indian who has to shit in the street is still wealthier and has access to better civic infrastructure than the average paki

China will never surpass the USA.

China's economic bubble is only growing bigger, its instability rising, and its political stance is the same as pre-WW1 Germany. The best China can do is keep tossing its own working class into their furnaces and shitting on themselves while trying to prevent a revolution.

Pic related. The place is pretty much fucking silent hill

>china and russia
>working together

how to spot an idiot

>when china surpasses america

we'll be fine because we're pals with India

>population set to surpass china by 2050
>huge potential for economic growth
>military will be larger due to exterior threats and population growth

also what this guy said

What do you mean exactly?

China acts as a (growing) imperialist power, and if it ever surpasses America than it will do even more imperialist shit. It's not like it's hard to understand what they are doing right now with this perspective in the Pacific, or in South America.

What is your point?

>We are pals with India
Said the American as he approved another annual billion dollar "aid" funded by tax payers to Pakistan

Those are just banterbucks.

>implying we would choose a bunch of sandniggers over a potential superpower


China has got a massive problem with an ageing, rural population and is about sixty years away from becoming what you think it is now.

>china/russia alliance
>pakistan even mentioned

is this satire

China's population won't be an issue. They've already lifted the one child policy for all couples. If demographics ever become an issue, they will lift the ban altogether.

>China surpasses the nation it feeds off

That's not how it works.

AKA bribe.


>China and Pakistan
Fuck those allies tbqh, they are worse than Anglo's even.

Is this the new ylyl thread?

>being so fixated on attacking white people that you celebrate the rise of an authoritarian ethnonationalist state but it's OK because they're Asian

Really makes you think.

Bigger issue is all those critical rural jobs the elderly are doing. Most kids plan on moving to the city and trying for an office job, not working in a rice patty

Liberals want to see their culture, race, and nations die so fucking bad it's mind boggling watching the hypocrisy it breeds.