Bannon vs Pence foreign policy showdown

>there are two clear axes developing within the Trump administration: a Pence/Mattis/Haley foreign policy and a Trump/Bannon/Miller foreign policy.
>Today, confirming that there is indeed a schism when it comes to the administration's diplomatic objectives, Reuters writes that in the week before VP Mike Pence visited Brussels and pledged America's "steadfast and enduring" commitment to the European Union, Trump's chief strategist Steve Bannon met with the German ambassador and delivered a different message. Bannon, according to Reuters' sources, signaled to Germany's ambassador to Washington that he viewed the EU as a flawed construct and favoured conducting relations with Europe on a bilateral basis.
>In other words, Bannon voiced the same conerns made by others about the sustainability of the European experiment, if not in polite company, and was preparing how to address Europe's "failure" through bilateral trade treaties, the same as the recently "free" UK is doing currently with all of its former trading partners.
>The Bannon encounter reportedly unsettled people in the German government, in part because some officials had been holding out hope that Bannon might temper his views once in government and offer a more nuanced message on Europe in private
>Anxiety over the White House stance led French Foreign Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault and Wolfgang Ischinger, chairman of the Munich Security Conference, to issue unusual calls last week for Pence to affirm during his visit to Europe that the U.S. was not aiming to break up the EU.
>However, despite the message of reassurance by Pence and Mattis, Europeans remain unconvinced as the real question - as suggested previously - remains unanswered: which axis is dominant: that of Trump/Bannon/Miller or Pence/Mattis/Haley. Indeed, as Reuters adds, the Pnence tour did not end the concerns in European capitals.

Tl,dr - Pence and Matthis are god goy cunts and they need to be dealt with.

Bumpity bump bump

This is not good.

Everyone must get on the same page, and in this instance, it has to be the President's page.

If the others won't join the President, he or she must be dismissed or frozen out, depending on position.

you can't dump Bannon, he's the mastermind, a crazed alcoholic whoremongering pirate arms dealer

you can never defeat him because nobody exists who is able to measure his true power level

but he could very likely drink too much and end up driving off the road or shooting wildly at an indoor event while waving a cane and shouting liberty

Yes, General Mattis is a cuck, cuck, cuck, and a globalist cuck who doesn't know a fucking thing about the world

Shove it up your ass you fucking pussy bitch. I think General Mattis knows more about the world that you'll ever know, you fucking stupid motherfucker.

zerohedge is a pro-Kremlin fake news outlet, as is Breitbart.

I for one am very happy VP Pence supports his allies, although he's a manlet compared to our president.

>republicucks don't understand that with Trump they might actually win over the hearts of the people in Europe and drive Putin out of his monopoly on global conservatism

Fuck it. Why can't Pence just say that Europe should man up and more christians and cure the gays with electroshocks. The NATO shills in our countries are liberal cucks, doesn't he get that.

The wind is blowing from Washington D.C.
If Washington is conservative, so will so will we. It just takes a while to adjust.

The anti-Soviet revolutions of the 1980's were right wing, conservative and christian, in one line with Reagan.

Reagan was a proto-neocohen and neo-liberal, who deregulated wall street and kicked off financial capitalism like never before. His conservatism was as genuine as Obama's hope and change. He was an actor after all.

The last REAL president of the USA was JFK - maybe. And we know how that turned out... After that it was basically just the deep state. One of the few exceptions who could wrestle some power back to him was actually Nixon - if you were wondering why everyone and his grandmother is shilling against him.

>Reagan was a proto-neocohen and neo-liberal
Can you stop using those useless buzzwords. Not an argument.

JFK was a leftist fag.

Not an argument back to you.

Reagan went about with some radical conservative policies in particular targeting the fed and corporate cronyism in his first 2 years. Then he conveniently nearly got assassinated and then backed off. He then was a tool of the neocons (should also be noted he hated Bush Snr who was head of the CIA at the time).

The CIA were going to have Reagan killed if he didn't play ball

Reagan was just a faggot for giving amnesty to 6 gorrilion cali spics

that's pretty much it, he reduced unemployment more than any other president in history from his economic plan

Bannon is fucking ugly holy shit. Couldn't Trump have picked someone better looking, Nordic like Richard Spencer? This guy is an embarrasment to the alt-right movement. When they look at him, they think of us (alt-righters) as fat ugly people which we're totally not. I want Richard Spencer. MAGA

Go home Mike, nobody wants to read your comics

I see you're very educated on the subject, blaming the CIA and neocones, as usual. Did you read that on Sup Forums?

The attempt on his life was done not 2 years but 2 months after he came in to office...

fuck off Tyrone. This is a civic nationalist board

OR the administration is playing good cop/bad cop.

>one eye on the country
>other eye on the globalists


Meme magic was highly efficient during elections and primaries as the context involved the general public at large. But now that it is an in-office battle, how can we channel kek's will into making sure Banon's side takes over?

>"steadfast and enduring" commitment to the European Union
I find this a bit unnerving. Sure it's diplomatic language, but do the yanks really support the EU?
>the recently "free" UK is doing currently with all of its former trading partners.
On point with this. Our country's ties with the Anglosphere are much stronger than our ties with the EU.Both cultural and economic.
I have a sister and family in New Zealand, a brother in Canada. New Zealand suffered badly when UK joined the EEC. They lost their biggest export market and they still resent it.
>unsettled people in the German government
Good. The EU IS Germany. They have control. That's why we're leaving. Look at this 'open borders' shit. Instigated by Merkel. Also the financial destruction of Greece - caused by Germany. Fuck Germany. And fuck the EU. My country will trigger Article 50 soon and it will take up to two years to entangle ourselves from this mess. But hopefully there will be a domino effect.

Who fucking cares?
He's intelligent and understands the problems facing our world.
He is actually /ourguy/

>people disagree and this is a MAJOR INTERNATIONAL CRISIS


>fucking pussy bitch

>which axis is dominant
this timeline is the best