Protestant reformation

That's the source of the current problems of Europe.

Luther fell for a woman and broke the promise to give his body to Christ.

Protestants are not standing on a rock that Christ promised.

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i remember that my history professor used to talk a lot about just how fucking ugly luther's wife was and that her uglyness was the reason why he decided to spark the protestant reformation, he just wanted an excuse to stay away from her

Celibacy was a requirement in Luther times. His first marriage took place after the revolution.

it was a joke, i had a weird teacher, he was always 100% accurate when teaching but often pulled stories out of his ass for shits and giggles

Lame bait but I'll bite. NO.
A clue on where to start looking:


Luther had argued against resisting the Turks in his 1518 Explanation of the Ninety-five Theses, provoking accusations of defeatism.

Can't find anything.

The Papal Echelon is antichrist, modern Protestant-derived churches are apostate and don't even resemble their original ethic, they've been infiltrated by Jesuits saboteurs, this is well documented.

You'll figure this out one day.

Protestants created the most prosperous nations on Earth.

Yes, some of these nations no longer have Protestant pluralities because of (((secularism))) - the point is that Protestants BUILT, and DOMINATED these countries up until the last 50 years or so (and they still have left the largest impact on the culture).

Is where the Reformation started (Martin Luther)
Was two-thirds Protestant, before (((communism))) and (((secularism)))
Had more Protestants than Catholics as late as 1970
The ruling classes were Protestants
Is the second homeland of the Reformation (John Calvin)
Historically, it was created/dominated by Protestants
Protestants outnumbered Catholics in the 1951 Census
The Protestant Brits have always been the dominant group - the Catholic Quebecois have always been smaller

Catholic-built nations like France, Spain, Italy, Mexico, don't feature on this list. Sorry Cathocucks. Stop diddling kids and taking 2 hours for lunch. Get a better work ethic.

Right, protestants have more comfortable lives on this world. So what?

This applies to the current liberal thinking 100%:

He consistently rejected the idea of a Holy War, "as though our people were an army of Christians against the Turks, who were enemies of Christ. This is absolutely contrary to Christ's doctrine and name"

Catholics are STILL super ASS-BLASTED by this

>implying catholics were better at the time
Buy your way to heaven for some small coin, eh?

I'm sick of this meme that Christians have to cuck for their enemies. I have friends who talk like this. It makes me angry. They just want to sit down and die and let Islam rule the earth because they believe being Christian means being a total cuck.


example: it were the puritans in north america who condemned race mixing and ruthlessly conquered and ethincally colonized north america.

meanwhile, the conquistadores let their genes and inheritance die out because they couldn't keep their pants on.

britain, a protestant nation conquered the greatest empire ever seen, the Pinnacle of western supremacy.

not condemning catholics but this sort of retarded butthurt arguments against protestantism are easily dismissed as not based in any reality

You vastly underestimate the number of Catholics in Germany and the Netherlands. Your excuse on that chart for Ireland is just bad

cringeworthy autism

ayo so u be sayin
*sacks constantinople*

So after a long history of fag popes
Popes who slept around, Warlord popes and kiddie fuckers

Also made up shit like purgetory which would mean that the payment of Christ on the cross wasn't enough to absolve all sin, indulgences and sheett

He blames luther lol

All christians are compromised in the current year. There's no point in discussing it further.

The Puritans never "condemned" race mixing. Look at the average racial mixture of American blacks and "indians" on the east coast. The English settlers did alot of fucking but never had the mixed race categories of Spanish colonies. In Virginia a mulatto and full black were both "black" in Brazil they would be two seperate racial groups

That's because the Ottomans were intent on taking out Rome and Venice. Losing Italy but also freeing humanity from the yoke of The Papacy is like sacrificing a pawn.

Very true, theologically and practically. Most of the problems of degeneracy of "modernity" can be traced to the Reformation.

You see, Liberalism,which is currently destroying Europe, is just a radical form of Protestantism which has been adopted as the institutional religion of the majority of Western countries. Liberalism is essentially the religious
dogma of Americanism (equality, freedom, secularism); it's "churches" are universities and the media, with the Ivy League (Harvard and Yale in particular) at the top. America was
founded based on the philosophies of the "enlightenment" especially Locke, whose "tabula rasa" ( the idea that all people are born without any inherent traits, and development is
entirely environmental) is the basis of the modern obsession with egalitarianism. Today, with knowledge of genetics, we know this is bullshit, but people still blindly follow its
implications. "Tabula Rasa," in turn, was based on British Calvinism (today Presbyterianism) and its doctrine of predestination, which makes sense because if you lack Free Will,
then you necessarily can't have been born with an inherent personality.

The followers of this toxic religious mixture were known as Puritans and, as we all know, sailed to America to found Massachusetts colony as well as Harvard
(and by extension the entire modern University system). Their theology is the basis of the end goals of the American Empire and it's missionaries have been extremely successful in
spreading it throughout the world; however Catholic countries are naturally more existent because of the implicit heresy in Liberalism. In any case, without the Reformation and
therefore Calvinism, "Liberals" (Catholic or otherwise) would not exist because that religion would not have been created.

That's what you had to do in 40 A.D. Many Christians died so that we can have safe places to live. And defend them. Or... cuck for the enemies, if you are unable to live in that places or if it's your path to heaven.

Having a more cushy country means nothing if the nation is collectively losing their salvation. You might as well be an atheist if you think this is a good argument.

>look at all this technology that has come with secularism! protestants btfo!

Let's wait a bit.

Luther was based, I'm agnostic by the way

We are the creators of the modern world.

America was created by Protestants. It's the most prosperous nation on Earth.

The television, the telephone, the computer - all created by Protestants. The Enlightenment was a movement that chiefly occurred in the Protestant countries of Germany and Britain - yes, it was strong in France too, but they were rejecting the dogmas of the Catholic church. Protestantism laid the very foundations for being able to question the Catholic church in the first place.

The Industrial Revolution came from Britain - a Protestant nation.

The vast majority of the elements were discovered by Protestant countries (pic related).

Basically my point is that Protestantism laid the foundations for modern science. It was the first time that Catholic dogmas were questioned. It paved the way for scientists and inventors to question the dogmas of religion more openly. I think this is why there is such a strong correlation between Protestantism and prosperity.

That's largely true (not sure about the pic e.g. Polonium was discovered by Maria Skłodowska-Curie)

However, what's the meaning of the science in the grand scheme of things? What if in 100 years all that things will be destroyed, ISIS will be the world ruler and reading science stuff will be punished by death?

Good post, Belgium.

Oh look, you're too stupid to read. How quaint.

Here's what I said:
>Yes, some of these nations no longer have Protestant pluralities because of (((secularism))) - the point is that Protestants BUILT, and DOMINATED these countries up until the last 50 years or so (and they still have left the largest impact on the culture).

Picture related, you fucking idiot.

I guess you have a point. Maybe religion really is useless now then, and secularism really is the best path.

The fact of the matter is that countries with the greatest technology are the ones that win wars. They have the most powerful militaries. And their technology grants them much greater efficiency, allowing them to become much more productive. So they become the superpowers of the world.

Do you want to be a poor third world Catholic shithole like Mexico, or do you want to be a prosperous superpower?

>Maria Skłodowska-Curie
Lol, Marie Curie was French mate.

>However, what's the meaning of the science in the grand scheme of things? What if in 100 years all that things will be destroyed, ISIS will be the world ruler and reading science stuff will be punished by death?
The meaning is that nations with the most advanced technology ALWAYS win wars, and they become the world superpowers.

For that reason it is incredibly unlikely that ISIS will ever kill as all. Let's say they take control of Pakistan, giving them access to nukes. Well we'll just nuke Pakistan. Easy. Our nukes are far superior. The best. Everybody knows it. Believe me. YUGE nukes.

moldbug pls go

>The meaning is that nations with the most advanced technology ALWAYS win wars, and they become the world superpowers.

Not this time. So Germany has nukes and ISIS doesn't. Who wins? It'll take more time but the win can be total.

My guess is the next Democratic presidential candidate will be muslim.

Holland & Germany are definitely Protestant countries. Yes you will find catholics everywhere in Europe but most northern countries kicked them out during the reformation.