How come so many non-heterosexual people are abuse victims?

How come so many non-heterosexual people are abuse victims?

Both Milo and Takei were raped as young boys.

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Being abused changes how you think about sex. Being in a normal stable household with two normal parents with no abuse and some structure most often makes you straight.

Because all sexual fetishes are formed as children, experimented with as adolescents, and reconciled with as adults. Seriously think about this;

People aren't born gay, they have sexual experiences as children with members of the same sex regardless of age. Every gay person I have ever met has had gay experiences as children.

Bumping cuz i wanna explain more

sadly Takei's faggotry hasn't ceased even though he's an old fuck

Homosexuality is called by child abuse. It is why homosexuals should not be tolerated, they just create more of themselves.

It's almost like sexual deviancy is a mental illness likely developed from a shitty life and/or emotional trauma.

People are born gay. Read a fucking book.

Children who are victims of traumatic sexual experiences tend to fetishize the experience and jerk off to similar experiences in their teens.

But that's only if they view the gay experience as traumatic.

Personally, I was molested by two childhood friends who turned out to be gay. Prior to abusing me, these two friends were molested by adult males. I was never molested by an adult and I found the whole experience extremely unpleasant and reconciled that I am not gay.

t. rural and suburban retard

Homosexuality is a mental illness caused by various abuses of people in childhood, not necessarily always sexual in nature. This is what science tells us.

Hello rural and suburban retards. Still retarded as ever I see.

Oh I'd looooove seeing that """science"""

More like rural and suburban science

That explains why Sweden is mega gay

Milo never grew up Catholic therefore he could never have been raped by a Priest as he claims. He's lying.

Are you implying that Sweden is filled with child abusers?

Found the faggot, sorry your uncle diddled you loser.

>Both Milo and Takei were raped

You can't rape the willing

It's how they recruit more of their kind.

Gay culture in general is just really sleazy and sometimes very sad.

t. Low Energy Autistic Faggot

banana man was also molested as a kid

>13 year old boys

in b4 retards start using the hot teacher argument.

Are you telling me if some smoking hot teacher came onto you that you would refuse her? Give me a break.

Homosexuality hasn't been counted as a mental illness in decades, old man.

The classical (read as: correct) view is that homosexuality is based on hypersexuality (i.e., they're pervs). Homosexuals crave deviant sex; normal sex isn't enough of a thrill for them.

>>Says leaf things

Go away, leaf. We don't filter science through a 'feelings' sieve.

Wow, one before. Good work, sir.

Interesting. I would suggest that your the exception, and not the rule. You seem to be well versed in this. Thoughts on percentages?

men dont like feeling like victims so it becomes "just sex" to them.

Seriously Milo is like a textbook abuse victim.

it's a good thing us city people are here to tell these rubes what's what!

I was never traumatized by the experiences and thus, never fetishized them.

Percentages would work out like this in a few categories based on patterns of behavior as children

1) 80% of all children who are victims of same-sex abuse by an elder are traumatized by it. Of those, 70% fetishize it while the other 10% reconcile they are not gay. 50% of that 70% sexually abuse other children in the same manner they were abused (playing doctor, ect.)

2) 50% of the children molested by other children of the same sex who were molested by adults are traumatized by it. The other 50% try it and decide its not for them. The children traumatized by it repeat this pattern of abuse on children or just turn gay and repeat it on age appropriate people.

I suspect the myth that gay people are pedophiles stems from the fetishization of trauma sustained from child-child sexual abuse and molestation.

Because the truth is that a very small portion of homos are actually born with it.

Most homos are abused mentally ill masochistic pieces of shit, who should've applied for mental health service help.

Traps are gender dysphoric mentally ill, who are encouraged to act on their illness en masse.

This is how I see it.

This begs the question, why would society encourage mental illness?

Pederasty and homos are connected directly IMO.

However Western liberals dislike the sole assumption of such a thought, lots of homos spawn from pederastic rapes.

Eliminate or sufficiently decrease the pederasty issue and you'd have a SUDDEN decrease in the number homosexuals.

There are natural homos, but they are truly rare species.

Mentally ill should be recommended treatment/rehabilitated, not encouraged in their illness.

Homos without history of abuse and non-traumatized, real homos should be allowed to do whatever they want, but not to make their personal preference a subject of propaganda.

Homosexuality shouldn't be the norm, but a rare exception.

Most faggots arer abused in their childhood. They turn gay in a way to preserve their psyche. That's the way homos reproduce themselves, and why Milo said
>I talk about 13-25, 13-28, very current in the gay community.

Society doesn't