Women about politics: Why females are leaning to the left ?

Many of them advocate for all leftie policies like accepting more refugees, support LMTBQASXZW lunacies, abortion, disarmament etc. They are always shouting for discrimination or rasicsm with no evidence. As I have seen they are taking part in much larger number than males in things like veganism enviromental protection human rights activism ( espacially in their extreme types). In political debates facts matter less than emotions for them. But can it all be answered with only that they are driven more by emotions rather than logic and common sense? Why virtue-signaling is so important for them? I tried to ask a few SJW girl about above but all I got back was inarticulate outrage or accusation of beeing sensless racists and the other usual labels...

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the over feminisation of our societies have done this, that and women being more emotion based.

These two shouldn't mix.

>But can it all be answered with only that they are driven more by emotions rather than logic and common sense?
Why do you think they were prohibited from voting in the past?

Left is about feelings and doing stuff with the guts, right is more logic and brain using, that's all. I don't think they're stupid, just emotive

>They are always shouting for discrimination or rasicsm with no evidence

When your president is heard on tape talking about how how money let him dominate a woman and how his money and power allows him to get away with sexual advances on women, you call it "no evidence". You're too stupid to know you're wrong bro.

You're basically asking why women act like women. Even they couldn't fucking tell you

cuz they love the big fat black cock in their little bleached white asses

>the right wing wants to control their options for sexual health, their appearance and lifestyle
>being surprised they support the left in spite of this

Doesn't take rocket science, user

I think women are naturally degenerate.
The only time a man is not clear headed is when they are horny, however this can be almost instantly relieved whereas in women this same relief cannot be achieved. Therefore, they are never clear headed.
My opinion is that this constant, sustained focus on sex--the act itself or making oneself look more attractive (too much focus on one's appearance in the eyes of others)--will naturally lead one to more degenerative sexual attitudes.
This does occur in men, hence homosexuals. Keep in mind that homosexual men are far more promiscuous than heterosexual men by any measure. This would follow with what I've mentioned thus far--that sustained sexual thought (there's probably a better way of phrasing that) will naturally make one more degenerate.
I define degenerate as being any sort of deviation from what is biologically normal. In this case, male-female relations vs male-male or female-female.

So you're saying there's evidence women are easily swayed my money and power? Well, you're not wrong but that doesn't exactly proove your point, kinda the opposite. Which raises the quedtion, do you listen to your own words when you talk or just open your mouth and hope for the best?

You're thinking about this way too hard dude.

Girls are all about feelings. Liberals only argue to satisfy feelings. "If you don't agree with this policy you don't care." We argue back with facts which is the wrong way to go, because "This policy is ineffective" vs "If you don't advocate for this policy you're a bad person" is a pretty clear victory for the liberals.

why do women let themselves be dominated by men with money?

Women are sheep, they follow the crowd. A man will say what he wants and not care what people think or say about him. A woman is generally not capable of overcoming that obstacle, the social/peer pressure is too great for them.

>So you're saying there's evidence women are easily swayed my money and power?

I didn't even answer the question and you're already continuing as if the question was answered. Are you retarded?.

>that sustained sexual thought (there's probably a better way of phrasing that) will naturally make one more degenerate.

This is probably equally relevant with most of you: anime, cartoon porn, incest porn, interracial porn, etc is all degenerate.
It is a deviation from what is normal.
Any sort of pornography that you would not otherwise define as being "vanilla" is degenerate.
You were not always like this, but because you view pornography regularly--more than what "normal" would be--you've become bored with vanilla porn.

>you've become bored with vanilla porn.

The same way a gay man has become bored with women.

>the right wing wants to control their options for sexual health, their appearance and lifestyle

no, this is what Islam wants to do. therefore, women should be against immigration. what the fuck is "sexual health"? abortion? most women are against that anyway. feminists love to control women's appearances. the entire ideology is antithetical to itself.

>why do women let themselves be dominated by men with money?

The same reason (some)men do it. Some people take the easy way through life. Some would give up their morals and ethics for the gain of money or power or anything else. There's a trade off.

My president was never heard on tape talking such things

why bother answering my rhetorical question?

(answer this one)

It's super simple. Men pay majority of the taxes. Women take advantage of government service at a much higher rate than men do. Also women by nature are not interested in upholding and protecting the interst of the tribe. The low birthrates also create a void in the maternal care giving that women are evolved to need to provide. So when they don't have children, they use political subjects, such as rapefugees, to carry out their maternal instincts.

In conclusion: women's sufferage was a mistake.

women have been leaning to the left since day 1 when unga bopped the first woman on the head and she got triggered


Because most women lack reason & logic.
Feels over reals.

Leftist appeal to emotion speaks to females more than males as a general rule.

Also republicans advocate personal responsibility for feminine healthcare and services, and asking a woman to take responsibility is basically lunacy.


Indoctrination by the (((education))) system

Because they're lost and have no real values so they'd rather side with whatever is trendy which is usually lefty politics

MSM + their predetermination to follow

Why are you guys setting up Sup Forums as a mysogynist website?

Woman shouts let the refugee come in.

>Refugees are all abled bodied MEN

>it's woman's fault.

You guys are just leftist pretending to be stormfags.

GTFO Hillary bots

You're right, I misspoke. The point was evidence exists. You obviously don't take it into consideration though.

>why bother answering my rhetorical question?

>(answer this one)

>this one

This what?. Question? where's the question?. This thread has more crackheads than any other I've seen today.

Easiest and most significant answer: pathos

it's in their nature and can't really be changed

all you can do is decide how much you want to involve them in important national decisions

The beautiful ones

democratic propaganda forces every person to think about politics even those who shouldn't and as a matter of fact woman don't give a shit about politics and just 'support' the first best party they can find. i don't know why but when i started getting into politcs i just went 'wtf im soc dem now' because 'omg lets help each other' or some shit like that. i think the left has the best PR thats probably all.

Females lean to the left because that's what gives them the most power in society.

Right winged politics want women to assume a role and be more conservative and in line. They want to be free to whore around and dress like sluts. They like the idea of holding a man's job title, but 90% will never amount to anything like that.

women are always net consumers of tax revenue, from medical care, welfare, food stamps you name it. They know this and instead of finding a provider they just fuck random badboys and expect the goodboys to pick up the cheque.

>implying almost every powerful man ever didnt have a way with women

rumor has it that JFK would have Marilyn Monroe snuck into the white house through secret tunnels, and lets not forget good ol bill clinton the blowjob king disgracing the highest office in the land - but trump made a joke about pussy behind closed doors! o no hes literally hitler!

They were prohibited cause they did not contribute to the society as those males who did not pay taxes and did not have a certain
education degree.
They are abviously not stupid but yet most of the are not willing to think comprehensively and god for bid think what would be the righteous for the nation in the long term.

what's already been mentioned + the snarky attitude that is associated with the left. Women (and people in general) will stick with anyone that seems confident and knows what they're talking about, even if they might not. Not like they'd know any better though

Shouldn't you be praying to your 8 goddesses?

Because entry level politics for them are Women's issues. Men have no equivalent. When we are introduced to politics it is usually because we are genuinely interested the function of government and all the moving pieces.

>Woman: "That car is really cute!"
>Men: "What type of engine does it have, how is the gas mileage, can I afford it."

We make better decisions and don't get caught up in retarded circlejerks.

There is a common human tendency to mistake assertiveness for intelligence

Women are slaves to their emotions
The politics of the left are almost entirely dictated on emotional response to issues

To a convince a woman of anything all you need to do is tell an ad hominem story about a victimized person and boom you now have a supporter of whatever agenda you are pushing.

Because left wants to put them under sharia law rule so once again they can live under protection of strong, alpha males, not having to work, not having to even leave the house etc.

Very simple and you already answered your own question. Men are rational, women are emotional. I am not a meninist faggot but I believe that everyone has their place and women's place is certainly not in politics.

Dr. Peterson talks about this in passing in some of his lectures.
From what I remember, women are high in "openness" and "in group preference" so they become leftists. Also the whole defending hurt children (what they see as marginalized groups) with a motherly instinct thing
>roughly speaking

>To a convince a woman of anything all you need to do is tell an ad hominem story about a victimized person
This is completley true.

Because they don't want to go back to the bad old days before women's sufferage.

Load of Nazi virgins being MiniHitlers because of sexual frustration. I got laid more when I was 8 than when you were 18.

kek. you win points

>implying almost every powerful man ever didnt have a way with women

Plenty of men (even non rich and powerful) ones have their way with women because WOMEN ARE DRAWN to them. They have a combination of style, charisma, and youth that women want. JFK had this before he got his brains blown out. Some men lose this ability to draw women in but can still get sexual favors from women by use of what their power and money allows them to get away with it. Sometimes it's against the law.

When you become an ugly old piece of shit women no longer want you like they used to.

If women still fuck you because they're scared you'll fire them or you intimidate them and have enough power to scare them into doing shit, it doesn't mean they want to do it and had sex with you because they wanted you. It means you have now become a lowlife piece of shit and possibly even broke the law.

>your president
>that flag
user, I have news...

>sex at 8
that's fucked up in multiple ways you sick fuck

>Dr. Peterson talks about this in passing in some of his lectures.
>From what I remember, women are high in "openness" and "in group preference" so they become leftists. Also the whole defending hurt children (what they see as marginalized groups) with a motherly instinct thing
no its not openess, its agreeableness.

Think about it
Women never had any political responsability throughout history and pre history. Men always protected the tribe

Universal sufrage is literally the end of effective national preservation.

Actually that does make sense to me and never heard this argument before.
>asking a woman to take responsibility is basically lunacy
If I would be asked who is the most
responsible provider person who gives a fuck about others opinion I have ever known well that would be my mother.
This leads to the other question: How do they change after getting married and becoming a mother?

I should clarify, its not "in group preference" as much as caring much more about what the group thinks to determine their social status.

A man judges other men by their accomplishments
A woman judges other women by the group network they've built around them (husband, friends, connections, etc)

Herd-think. They surround themselves with an echo chamber, and adapt those ideals because they sense it's the majority.

This is a core instinct in women for survival itself. They don't even know they're doing it.

Even Trump women do this. It's because the most respectable people they know are republicans. They sense strength and power in them. So they gravitate to that side.

Just women being women. Nothing new.

The openness one always confuses me, leftists seem to be some of the most closed minded people I have ever encountered. They literally don't believe anything unless the group does so the group preference thing i definitely understand.

ahh you're right I fucked up big time thank you dr peterson

According to him though liberals are high in openness in general, which doesn't seem accurate at all in today's culture of the left.

>why would a historically marginalized demographic have progressive politics bros I don't get it

Are you retarded OP?

I want to cum all over her thighs

Shouldn't You? Seeing as how you're assimilated now.

Women reason with emotion over logic

sorry but thats just wrong. what women find "attractive" is simply different from what men find attractive. they arent as concerned with "ugly" like men are. from the women ive known in my life it seems they want safety and protection and to be taken care of - whatever that means for them: emotionally, financially, support-wise. people around these parts probably wont agree with me, but women are actually pretty amazing if you stop treating like men and treat them as women

This. Women can't handle the emotional strain of someone they know having a different opinion.

social conventions. If you are ever around left leaning women are a slightly more into politics than your average person you will hear them openly berate 'conservative women'.

Women see women attacking these women regularly, and it sets the understanding of appearing conservative = receive wrath. They want to be liked, so they don't display that behavior.

If we beat a gay man every time he talked with a lisp, there would be no gay men talking with a lisp. Behavior is shaped, and corrected by the cultures they belong to.

More and more women are going to college, majoring in more social majors, college is heavily liberal, so they are in a liberal oven, surrounded by liberal women, and liberal educators. What the fuck are they gonna do?

because it's easy

Haven't I seen you in an episode of "to catch a predator"?.

Because they're told to believe those.
Women naturally have a lot less mental checks than men before they accept something as truth because it was necessary for their survival and the survival of their children. Men were the ones to defend the tribe and they developed a more skeptical brain as a result (This places seems safe but is it really safe, are there safer places to be, is this the best place we can possibly be to gather the resources we need, is that animal or plant potentially harmful, etc.) whereas women were to simply follow the lead of the men because it was necessary for their survival.

In the modern world whilst men are still necessary for survival (military, police, farmers, etc) their roles are slightly more abstract and removed from the average woman who has also been lead to believe that they are both powerful, free and immune to the consequences of their actions.


People have been beating Gay Men to death for the majority of history and they're still around

I mean it doesn't really compare since some people are born gay and being liberal is a choice but I just wanted to point out how literally retarded your argument is.

Conservative women dont try to shill you so you dont notice them


Not only this but nu-males who are basically women

Because women want all the benefits of a family structure without having any responsibilities.

That means they want to be able to have everything they want paid for by the government while they do nothing productive. They also want to be able to divorce their husband and take all of his shit.

Lefties love these types of policies.

Yeah and only in the last 30-50 years did the western world outright flip from disavowing gay culture to being all for it, hell or high water. Do we have more or less gay culture now?

You are the retarded one.

the lisp isnt a born thing, it is a learned behavior from the community and culture they belong to. The point of the argument was about learned responses. Most places that women are exposed to conservatism, it is because they are being openly insulted and attacked.

I do not see any large scale succesfull progressive political movement led by women in the Islamic world.
>Does that mean they are not a historicallly marginialized demographic group in their culture?

>sex at 8
tits or gtfo Arab grill

because progressive women in the Islamic world are stoned to death.

They wanted to be liked. This is female group think.

>Liked = Left
>Assertive = right

Women are cowards. The idea to become a social outcast terrifies them, hence why they will always seek to agree with the official consensus of their environment. They are only willing to act if their safety is guarantee by others.

Once they feel safe they will immediately try to increase their market value by virtue signaling, hoping to attract a mate that increases their social status for them. Since they do not have to generate resources for a society, they have no natural inhibitors when it comes to spending them, as all resources where traditionally provided for them by men. Hence why they will throw away resources and security to help whoever cries the loudest without restraint, as it makes them feel good about themselves and they simply do not feel like they will be held accountable once the situation goes bad (being accountable is men's job).

Now we have a society where a creature that is biologically motivated to spend excess resources on the weaker part of their own tribe is suddenly in charge of resource management and security for a globalised society. Suffice to say, whenever you tell a primitive tribal society about being ruled by women they will think you are batshit crazy, as that would mean death for them.

Your nigger tier thinking is disturbing faggot.

Are you seriously to stupid to realize that our cultures were not only created specifically by our ancestors with, you guessed it, our ancestors logic (the brains they evolved). But then proceeded to mold us over thousands of years of prison and laws (almost like nature but imposed by men). So not only were these cultures created by individuals belonging to a racial group, they were then further divided from other cultures by the pressures put on them by said society.

TLDR since you are borderline retarded, our cultures and thoughts are not only evolutions in themselves by who they were created by, but they also caused those that followed them to evolve further overtime. Just take a look at our livestock if you are curious how much better we are at selective breeding then nature.

The majority of women in the western world fight for values that westerners see as oppression. I don't mean that they just tolerate it, I mean that they go out of their way to practice it, teach it to their daughters, and sometimes even impress it upon others (people outside of the culture).

There are no great female movements in the Islamic world because they don't have a reason to speak out against their culture.

majority of women in the Islamic* world

>get stoned to death for having any opinion that differs from the mainstream
>no reason to speak out

You are sincerely disturbed.

Women are more rational than you give them credit for. However, it's based on short-term wants that they confuse for needs.
Did you see this in the last few days? susanjfowler.com/blog/2017/2/19/reflecting-on-one-very-strange-year-at-uber . It's full of vague claims of evidence without any being presented, lots of emotions, and it got a response from Uber very quickly! If you look at her webpage, she wants to be an editor, and run her book club, and write little books, and go to conferences.
Women don't like working. I think we can agree on that. Not the real work that has 35 year old men looking like they're 50. They like to talk and meander and construct narratives about how they "worked really hard on this". The left offers them jobs doing just that. I just left teacher's college, we now have an education system based on passive aggression. There's like 20 female doctors of education for every male, wallowing in insanity, but that's a tangent.
The left simply offers a woman things she can't get from the classic American dream, namely success and internalised "heroism" for no effort or achievement. They're being played as useful idiots, they don't realise how expendable they will be shortly, but for now we simply have nothing to offer them that's better than what they're getting. Right women look to right men for their strength. That's all we've got. Be the best Sup Forumsllack you can be and hope God's watching.

>women don't like working

this whole board is 90% 20 something white dudes who don't contribute to society and live of their parents either being completely unemployed or having dead end jobs at best

Islam only has 1 God and that is Allah and his messenger is Muhammad (pbuh)

Nah sorry, I love my girlfriend but she's not a goddess.
Not entirely true; they look at the random badboys as their providers (sex, family, money, fun) until they realise they're being used as fucktoys.Then they completely switch around and look for the opposite kind of men and expect the exact same thing. They got this perfect ideal of men that they can't shake off.
They tell themselves they "deserve" a perfect man because they actually believe they're special snowflakes... Except when they stand infront of a mirror. If you don't have bank a middle-aged women will not even look at you, even if you're a "bad-boy".

I'm down with this opinion.

Second this.

Not all women are like this, you didn't know your mother before you were born. Good chance she was already a responsible, fine, person before she gave birth to you and the responsibility made her good points come out even beter.

>muh feelings
women are emotional puppets. The Left tugs on their heart-strings, and that's all she wrote.

tits or gtfo

He was talking in the superlative retard. I don't agree with him but don't play retard to avoid the question.
>implying we care about women

It's the side that lets them kill their children, which somehow means that side wins.

>When your president is heard on tape talking about how how money let him dominate a woman and how his money and power allows him to get away with sexual advances on women, you call it "no evidence".

You call it a truthful statement.

>implying we care about women

birth control damages their brains. it fucks with their ability to make rational decisions.


>Implying Fetus Worship and other authoritarian evangelical bullshit isn't emotional.