Question time, Sup Forums

Question time, Sup Forums.

Judge a person by his personal accomplishments and personality?
Judge a person by his race?

Don't judge a person.

First by race, then personal shit.

both. Race for potential and accomplishments for meeting that potential. anything less should not be allowed to breed

Takes balls to spout something like that, anonymously or not.

So you'd rather hang out with a trailer park hick than an asian/black veteran/lawyer?

poor choices


Judge an individual by his personal accomplishments and personality. But when you make decisions concerning big masses of people, you can't really investigate each single one of them separately and learn their story. in this case, a person's ethnicity and the statistics tied to it are the only thing we have. And it's much better to trust those statistics than feelings. Think about it.

Race first, because that's the first thing you see. The more information you get the more you can assimilate into your view of that person.

This isn't even a question, just do what your instincts tell you to do because they've been developed over the course of time to protect you and the things you care about.

Doing the opposite of what common sense says is a pretty good way to get shot by a hoodrat.

you are a beautiful person and i love ya

take cautions because his race
judge him as an individual

anything else is fucking insanity

Well, if a nigger manages to outshine the rest of his shitty race by accomplishing about as much as the average white person, he's probably alright.

Has to be this. When you first see someone you make several assumptions to help you interact. Having not met the person yet they have to be based on things such as race, sex, age, ect.

I put Asians over whites, but yes.

Nvm you didn't say this is a first meeting.

Judge based on accomplishment and personality, exterminate based on race.

only God can do that

i am completely unprejudiced towards all races, nationalities but i think islam is the enemy of western civilization and needs to be eradicated from planet earth. not muslims, islam.

Who > What

I judge by someone's actions and lifestyle, for example if someone neglects their kids, abuses their pets, they are shit in my book regardless of race.

character first, then accomplishments

you know there's more to judgement than just race?

general appearance could be more accurate since it hits 90% of the time

>regardless of race, if you see someone wearing a NASCAR hat or a snapback, you'd assume he's a scumbag

>regardless of race, if you see someone with a 5000$ watch and a suit, you'd assume he's successful

I judge individuals individually

but collectives collectively

eg, if I meet a black man for the first time for all I know he's the smartest person I'll ever meet

but if someone asks my opinion on issues involving mass amounts of people like immigration or welfare I'll say you have to factor in race because in general certain races are a lot stupider than us


Judge a person by his hairstyle

Stereotypes exist for good reasons.

This is the correct answer, treat individuals like individuals and collectives like collectives. Stop these bullshit false dichotomies.

It takes time and effort and knowledge to judge by accomplishment and character.

You start with the weak heuristic, and then supplant that with better knowlege as you go or as available.

Race always.

Pigskins, sandpeople, gookchimps, slavanimals and niggers (argentinians) = shit

Mestizo and native american = master race

That would make whites god-tier then ?


i included pigskins on my shitlist

On an individual basis there are exceptions, but most people arent qualified to make such an assessment.

give us back Salma Hayek you filthy tattoonigger

>Judge a person by his personal accomplishments and personality?

Problem with that point is, you don't know their environment when growing up - or henceforth. As someone who had a pretty shitty childhood due to his parents, I was a problem child all the way to my first job. Not to go into details, but until then, my behaviour was the lowest of the low, and because I recieved the same back, it didn't get any better.
With a conservative, "good" environment at work though, I caught up what the lacking upbringing of my parents missed - and now am a ~pretty normal dude. It is a complicated topic for me, though I do try to be understanding - and trying to get "ignorant / egoistic" people on their own trail. (Not that it worked much so far, but well~)

They have NASCAR in tunisia?

the former. if you meed a few people of the same race that lead you to the same conclusion, start considering the latter
if you are too stupid to do that just do and all similars

a society isn't defined by its exceptions

I see that im not a stupid spic but I dont see "God-tier = whites" on the list.. so what gives, why exclude us ? Too superior for you desu? :^D

get aired all the time

Judge a person on the way he looks.
Here is what i mean by that : If his hairstyle is good, If he brushes his teeth, If he smells good, If he wears nice and fresh clothes, If he cuts his nails and if he acts decent.
Anything else is just pure autism.

That depends if the person is male or female. Men should be judged by their accomplishments, but for women being cute is enough for me.

Wow. Enjoy your cultural enrichment.

Both actually.

An accomplished nigger (extremely rare) will be judged of higher value then an accomplished white man on the same level.
Precisely because they are extremely rare.

Judge by race of course, and gain your expectation, then go to personal stuff. Then decide if said person is absolutely autistic, average, or pretty good.