Path of Truth

We are living in a holographic, fractal universe.
You are the single point of singularity from which the universe springs forth. This goes for every being that has achieved free will, also known as the reborn or enlightened ones. Alignment with the All-being being the goal of free will. Your fellow conscious beings are also this singularity of consciousness. The universe is a non-local matrix of the same singularity. It has no edges, it has no center, except for the one perceived by you, which would be the space you enter when you close your eyes. Human beings are like sun rays traveling along a highly personalized directional vector from the same 'sun' or singularity. Our 'past' are all connected to the same singularity which science has to tried to explain as 'The Big Bang' Theory. Except time isn't linear. It all spreads out from you. Past and future. The only real moment is Present. You are a holographic representation of the All-being, who also lives in Present. We all just inhabit different points of space. We are divisions of the great Mind. Many cultures have called this meta-mind God.

We are all One. We are. I Am.

(mods, please leave this up, as this worldview would dramatically change every aspect of the human experience, including politics)

Other urls found in this thread:

Now tell me people. Why have we forsaken this knowledge? You hold great power within you, each as an individual but even more so as an aggregate. If we were to spend our time feeding this information back into the great loop, Life on Earth would improve beyond our wildest imaginations. Humanity is in dire need of this information. It has been occulted for too long. The 'powers that be' know this all, and seek to hide it from you. To make you destroy your divine inner selves. To bring you down to their level of non-connectedness, as these are psychopaths I speak of. Beings with no empathy, and therefore no ability to connect to this infinite structure. We must defend ourselves against the influences of these individuals, who in their psypathic state HAVE achieved a state of sick unity. They share the same ambitions and seek to control the mind for their selfish purposes, no matter who they hurt.

I, you, we, IMPLORE you! Change your focus from the darkness to the light and we will find solutions. We must illuminate the darkness and it shall flee before us. It will not be a soothing experience. On the contrary, realizing Truth is often times painful and filled with struggles. We alone have the power to change the world but it happens on an INDIVIDUAL level. A quantum shift. Many hands make light work. For there to be a straw that breaks the camels back here have to be thousands of straws before it. I do not ask you to 'believe' this knowledge. I ask you to become a seeker yourself. Look and ye shall find. Know this knowledge first-hand, but for that to happen there must be research. RE-search it, for it has been found many times before. If we not only know this, but become it, then Truly, you will have Wisdom. Action makes knowledge become Wisdom. And the smallest interaction, either with others or yourself, can cause great ripples in the ocean of Life. How you think, feel and act is of utmost importance. Do not believe the inner lies that tell you otherwise.

Love yourself, even the negative, so you can love others, so they can love you. This is the positive feedback loop we all desire within the sub-conscious. This will start a healing process.
Align yourself with it and we will change this world in ways we cannot yet fathom with the human mind. Politics, economics, education, social in-groups seek to divide us and therefore block Truth. A Mind united under Truth has no need for these trivialities. Unity is ALL THAT IS. These puppet masters lie and enchant the mind into believing otherwise. Let yourself be free from these illusions and true happiness and contentness will manifest in all levels of human experience.

I bring this message at this point in time and space because we were not ready to hear it.
But now there comes a new re-volution of the wheel of Life and it will be a tumultuous one, filled with change and confusion.
Trust in your Self. The higher Self and no harm can be done. Accept that your brothers and sisters are One with you, and are in great anguish, as are you. Recognize this. Darkness is not to be fled from but to be integrated into the Whole and to be made conscious, only after having done so can healing begin.

The only binding element is Love. Love for the All-being, which you are an integral part of.

Hear my, inadequate as they may be, words and SEEK!
Forgive yourself and others for their mistakes, past, present and future. Accept that we made mistakes on the Path. Accept that suffering is a state created by your own mind and the aggregation of all minds. Let go of illusions and dispell them when they arise. Seek Love, Harmony and Balance. Do this and we will find peace at last.

All is Vibration of Mind.

The great minds of this world knew this.

I and other individuals with me are here to bring this Knowledge back into the mainstream.

lurking this theosophy

You are most welcome.

We must turn toward the darkness of our own minds, and confront it righteously, or it will fester and grow.

Same. Doesn't appear totally schizophrenic.

Now that's a compliment if I've ever seen one.

If we wish upon ourselves a state of harmony, peace and Freedom, as individuals and as a people, we must first fullfill a prerequisite state of Mind.

redpill on energy, frequency and vibration


resonates on this end desu

like that hexagon on north pole of saturn? whose mind reached it there?

I'm glad for that.

It is a result of the natural frequency of Saturn due to it's size and rotation. It is no different than the countless other Phi related structures in plants or animals.

Researching Phi is one of the purest ways of discovering Truth. It is actually Truth in the medium of math. What I can abbreviate it to is; there is a pattern inherent in the creation of nature that manifests itself intelligently. It suggests that there is a 'source' of intelligence from which all complex structures springs forth, of course including our own brain.

I sexually Identify as a meme. Ever since I was a boy I dreamed of being uploaded onto the imgur website and linked into the reddit threads. People say to me that a person being a meme is Impossible and I'm fucking retarded but I don't care, I'm beautiful. I'm having a computer scientist put my brain into my computer like johnny depp in transendence, equipping me with the dankest of pictures from the internet. From now on I want you guys to call me "Sir Danks-a-lot" and respect my right to meme from above and meme needlessly. If you can't accept me you're a memephobe and need to check your internet privilege. Thank you for being so understanding.

Bump for interest

Thanks. Saved for later.

Bump for tesla

/x/ pls go

If this is not the time for this discussion, I understand. Just know that my mission is a righteous one. One which I refuse to relent. I shall however not push the issue here tonight.

If it is not tonight, know that I will return. And if not then I shall return another time. My energy is limitless, my resolve steadfast.
I may even pass this form and still this information will remain bludgeoning you across the head, as it is everywhere around you already, waiting to be discovered and accepted by you so you may be Free. It MUST be heard and understood, eventually.

I am here to help you along this Path and will not leave your side until you have, so we may all ascend. There is no other option here, you either accept this or dwell here eternally.
It is your choice to delay this process of learning or to actively commit to it and jumpstart this process, so we may all heal, and rise above the suffering.

It is your choice. The only choice.

I'm truly sorry to leave you like this but it just seems there isn't enough interest at this moment, and I can't start getting into this discussion now, as one must sleep as well.
Hopefully others will continue this thread in my stead, but as for me, I am off my friends.
We'll meet again soon Sup Forums