Holy shit, can the libs get any more blown the fuck out...

Holy shit, can the libs get any more blown the fuck out? When Trump made the comment they were all up in arms trying to say Sweden didn;t have these problems, and now the media is FORCED to admit he was 100% right, and they ere FORCED to say that it was predominantly immigrant.


Other urls found in this thread:



never a fucking link

Swedishness is fanatical far-left ideology

Just because you're a lard ass doesn't mean you get to be lazy on the internet too you fucking burger. There are many outlets reporting this exact story. Take some initiative for once in your life.

Clearly Trump CAUSED this to happen :^)

I am so sick of these threads. NOTHING is going on in Sweden. We are the beacon of hope in a bigoted world and your drumpfkins just can't accept someone who isn't your own skin color. Most of our women prefer migrants to whites in this country because they are sick of the same stale rhetoric pushed by white men. My family took in a migrant and he is the best father figure I could possibly have, even though he is younger than me, he has actual life experience. Maybe one day you will all wake up. I get to live in a country where I can be openly homosexual without feeling oppressed like I would if I lived in the west. Hell, even visiting family here in London, I still see the bigotry that the USA propogates. It leaks through the borders. I am truly free in my home country, and it makes me sad seeing all of your drumpfkins clamor over REAL fake news.

Fucking checked.

>media is FORCED to admit
They are no longer forced to do anything. They just go full retard and start lying more.

The title of God Emperor was not given without a reason....

Holy shit, Swedes are getting gassed!

I am so sick of these threads. NOTHING is going on in Sweden. We are the beacon of hope in a bigoted world and your drumpfkins just can't accept someone who isn't your own skin color. Most of our women prefer migrants to whites in this country because they are sick of the same stale rhetoric pushed by white men. My family took in a migrant and he is the best father figure I could possibly have, even though he is younger than me, he has actual life experience. Maybe one day you will all wake up. I get to live in a country where I can be openly homosexual without feeling oppressed like I would if I lived in the west. Hell, even visiting family here in London, I still see the bigotry that the USA propogates. It leaks through the borders. I am truly free in my home country, and it makes me sad seeing all of your drumpfkins clamor over REAL fake news.

Trump cited an attack that never happened. Even if some shit went down a few days later, he was still wrong. B yourself TFO.


How can anyone not read that as "riots broke out cause of what trump said" they're already trying to spin it that way. These people could get raped to death by an Islamic radical fucking chanting Islam is the only way and they'd still blame trump

He never cited an attack.



You forgot your proxy

I am so sick of these threads. NOTHING is going on in Sweden. We are the beacon of hope in a bigoted world and your drumpfkins just can't accept someone who isn't your own skin color. Most of our women prefer migrants to whites in this country because they are sick of the same stale rhetoric pushed by white men. My family took in a migrant and he is the best father figure I could possibly have, even though he is younger than me, he has actual life experience. Maybe one day you will all wake up. I get to live in a country where I can be openly homosexual without feeling oppressed like I would if I lived in the west. Hell, even visiting family here in Madrid, I still see the bigotry that the USA propogates. It leaks through the borders. I am truly free in my home country, and it makes me sad seeing all of your drumpfkins clamor over REAL fake news.

>Trump cited an attack

>checking your own post

he should just use the military to clean house with these traitorous press faggots.

That's a surefire way to confirm the left's literally Hitler allegations.

>last night
t. Trump (days ago)

3 days later something happens

t. Sup Forums

Never change.

>Trump says Sweden took in large amounts of refugees and how they are having problems, "Last night" referring to the story that ran on Tucker's show talking about how the Swedes are actively covering up migrant crimes.

>Libs kick and scream yet again, "SWEDEN IS FINE!" they say. "MIGRANTS AREN'T DANGEROUS!"

>Migrants proceed to riot even harder and destroy Sweden

Stop presenting your points in the most bare-bones, black and white ways possible.

> look at what's happening last night in Sweden
t. Trump
(That is precisely what he said - go check)

>just pretend what was said wasn't said and twist it into something it clearly was not
t. someleaf

Gotcha. Clearly I have trouble reading what was actually said.


He got too excited

Its so much of a meme that you just gotta keep doing it.

It's like pottery.

God dammit Sweden we're saving you too and I KNOW you're not paying for it. You're gonna owe us big.

This proves Trump is a time traveler. Has he said anything about the stock market yet? Imma bout to get rich!

B-but if you call out the terrorists then that makes them exist! Duh!

As a matter of fact...

Bless you, user!

I didn't sneeze

I saw this pasta in another thread.

(I meant it as a thank you.)

Wait what the fuck


why does Putin keep forcing these false flags, does he really hate the EU that much?

I know :)

Kek has great things planned for you user!

Different flag every time

>Let's all winningly take in thousands and thousands of refugees because we are so good!
>The refugees are destroying our country?

This ride never ends.

I feel so blessed!

Haven't seen you in a while Serb-user, where have you been?

Kek you forgot your proxy shill faggot

Sticky Pasta

I am so sick of these threads. NOTHING is going on in Sweden. We are the beacon of hope in a bigoted world and your drumpfkins just can't accept someone who isn't your own skin color. Most of our women prefer migrants to whites in this country because they are sick of the same stale rhetoric pushed by white men. My family took in a migrant and he is the best father figure I could possibly have, even though he is younger than me, he has actual life experience. Maybe one day you will all wake up. I get to live in a country where I can be openly homosexual without feeling oppressed like I would if I lived in the west. Hell, even visiting family here in Buenos Aires, I still see the bigotry that the USA propogates. It leaks through the borders. I am truly free in my home country, and it makes me sad seeing all of your drumpfkins clamor over REAL fake news.

you surely are a black gay porteño

>if I make stuff up, it's true.

(You). Try harder.

Ban assault matches

Ban assault tires


I am so sick of these threads. NOTHING is going on in Sweden. We are the beacon of hope in a bigoted world and your drumpfkins just can't accept someone who isn't your own skin color. Most of our women prefer migrants to whites in this country because they are sick of the same stale rhetoric pushed by white men. My family took in a migrant and he is the best father figure I could possibly have, even though he is younger than me, he has actual life experience. Maybe one day you will all wake up. I get to live in a country where I can be openly homosexual without feeling oppressed like I would if I lived in the west. Hell, even visiting family here in Buenos Aires, I still see the bigotry that the USA propogates. It leaks through the borders. I am truly free in my home country, and it makes me sad seeing all of your drumpfkins clamor over REAL fake news.


What is this, shareblue trying to harvest meme magic? I mean, I really wish this was true and nothing was happening in Sweden, don't get me wrong, but you can't just go using meme magic like that. Sweden is fucked until it can get fixed through proper measures.

Or until we use meme magic to fix it, of course.

Don't invest, an attempt at impeachment of Donald Trump will crash the market.

whatever, have you even seen his most recent tweet?

Sweden's government commented to the media that there are no problems in Sweden and the last terrorist attack was a white nationalist. Additionally, crime rates have reduced since they took an influx of refugees.

Everything is fine.

Llllolllll...the DIGITS don't lie.

I am so sick of these threads. NOTHING is going on in Sweden. We are the beacon of hope in a bigoted world and your drumpfkins just can't accept someone who isn't your own skin color. Most of our women prefer migrants to whites in this country because they are sick of the same stale rhetoric pushed by white men. My family took in a migrant and he is the best father figure I could possibly have, even though he is younger than me, he has actual life experience. Maybe one day you will all wake up. I get to live in a country where I can be openly homosexual without feeling oppressed like I would if I lived in the west. Hell, even visiting family here in Rio, I still see the bigotry that the USA propogates. It leaks through the borders. I am truly free in my home country, and it makes me sad seeing all of your drumpfkins clamor over REAL fake news.



What is happening, Kek?

>One in three swedes will be nonwhite by 2020

Hold on, where are all those immigrants gonna go?








