Post conspiracy theories you genuinely believe in

Post conspiracy theories you genuinely believe in.

I do not believe that the Soviet Union actually existed.

Other urls found in this thread:

That's stupid

I came here to post exactly what this user has already stated.

That's stupid.

The holocaust was a hoax because nazi germany itself did not exist.

Oh you.

6 million jews conspired to kill hitler

>I genuinely believe Sandy Hook was a false flag

9/11 didn't happen because New York isn't real

I have a cousin who attended Sandy Hook Elementary School and I can assure you it really happened.

post a dead body of a child then
you should have access to funeral pictures

Dude that's pretty retarded given that there's video and photo proof of the Soviet Union and survivors to give that credibility. I was born with the USSR was still kicking.

>I believe pedowood is real and there is a massive child trafficking/pedophilia ring within the political and social elite of Western Nations that's being entirely covered up.

The MSM said that Trump was legitimately elected President, so I don't believe Trump was legitimately elected President


A group of rich bankers and elites secretly control most world governments through indirect means.

>giving blood is a scam
>the demand for blood is highly exaggerated
>giving blood shortens your life span

I don't know why they keep on collecting it.

Gotta get that blood for those Satanic rituals the elites participate in. Even Satanists state that young blood slows down ageing allegedly.

I kind of think the moon landing was faked. My friend was super smart and made convincing arguments about the Van Allen radiation belts.

We are at least the second, most likely third or even fourth iteration of 'advanced' human civilization. Humans have existed for at least 170,000 years, our current civilization can just barely be traced back to about 9,000bce. We were not hunter/gatherers the entire rest of the time.

Fucking Rockefeller

I can believe this.


I'm pretty sure its not a conspiracy theory at this point.

I rather have the hypothesis we are what is left from a inter-planetary confederation

I believe that cellphone screens cause eye problems.

And the increase in eye problems it's being cover up, because of the popularity of smart phones.


Trump is a KGB agent

I believe the Cuban Missile Crisis was partially a cover to deploy US forces to defend India from the Chinese.

Karl Marx knew that in 1870

The US/Nato are trying to empty out the Middle East to build military bases surround Russia.

You didn't finish the job like you used to, no atomic bombs at the end.

Do you have any proof?

We have the means to research space colonization but we spend too much money on niggers

Fucking retarded. If the US/NATO was doing that what would stop them from building them way closer to russia.

Crusades were a genocides comitted on peaceful arabic world.

I don't believe the internet exists

That would be bad ass

It still exists. Putin is a commie.

the eternal anglo

The moon does not exist. It is just a reflection of earth

Donald trump is an actor, not really in charge of anything and every single thing you see on TV about the federal government is a scripted event feed to the fat slow witted masses.

You have to start somewhere. Provide space for more folks to move as you advance.

What do you think is happening to Ukraine newfriend?

I know, we have to start exploring and xonquering new land

Thats not a conspiracy.
Theres evidence, hard evidence of this everywhere. The Koch brothers are a perfectly open and transparent example of this.

Drugs have become the fuel for modern society.

The reason full blown wars do not happen anymore IS because of trade but not the half truth peddled by media, the fact is arms dealers and the IMC have stocked up to the teeth most world governments or authoritive entities with WMD's. Most countries have secret stockpiles of chemical, biological and rudimentary nuclear weapons.

Right. What we SHOULD have done is transferred nuke weapons technology to Israel. Oh, wait, that was fucking FRANCE.


Ah the risk plays I had with him. What happened to him?

That's not a conspiracy. For the crime of us being born white we must forever pay the white man's burden and feed the negro beast.

Then who are you talking to right now?

Adolf Hitler fled his bunker at the end of the Second World War and retreated to a certain country which I will not name.
>it's not Argentina or Antarctica like (((they))) would have you believe.
>My father met Adolf Hitler while he was traveling in that country 50 years ago

All of them.


Fuck off FBI

No h8 m8, De Gaulle did a fine job at keeping Americans calm, and also saw how vietnamese farmers kicked the ass of USA's military.

Stone itself cannot be carbon-dated, so the dating of megaliths depends on context clues and the judgement of the professionals working on site. Look into the state of the former Inca Empire, then check out some of the larger more remote stone sites that modern archaeology attributes to them.
>civilization builds big shit
>dies out
>later cultures build in shadow of structures, attempts to copy style but does poor job in comparison
This happened at multiple times and places, including Egypt. Examine the Sphinx, notably the scale of the head in relation to the rest of the site, and note the water erosion along the sides.

look how fat she is, she could survive 3 months without food

false. the planet is only 6000 years old


Um, excuse me. I prefer that I'm called Xir, Xim, or Xhey.

That would actually be pretty cool

Where am I right now

Not sure about those numbers but this is essentially correct.

If that was true, why are all the marxists against him?

>antisemite, hate jews like you hate niggers
>go to a place full of them
you are detective, sir

OK d'accord

So before I get banned for replying to an /x/ thread, is there no evidence because the confederation was so ancient or were we just seeded here and left to develop? Something else?

That's not really proof m8. You just have a predetermined outlook and find clues to support your view.

I swear to god if you say "b-but muh golden ratio" I'll slap your shit.

Not even close.
>make an attempt or be genuinely funny please


Stranger things have happened.

existence does not exist
nothing is everything

UFOs, as commonly experienced, are explainable 90% of the time. The other 10% leaves evidence to the existence of a vastly bizarre group of entities which has existed on this planet since Recorded history.

Don't believe this but I have a strong hunch it could be true. Pagan gods were actually real but were not divine. Rather, they were either aliens (the most believable), the last of some sort of super-human species, or maybe fallen angels.

things that never happened, the post

This is correct. Cue the user with the space elevator copypasta.

I said HYPOTHESIS, i can't prove nor disprove, all imaginantion. Something that could be nice.
Yeah, can confirm. Seen your mother yesterday.

Funeral pictures? What kind of a morbid creep takes pictures at a funeral?

>crusades were genocide campaigns to stop savages ("peaceful arabic people") from committing genocide

Sweden has seen an increase in rape cases because of mass immigration.

I genuinely believe that through out the whole cold war and even currently. The US and Russia (its actually still the USsr y'all fags just don't know) where/are allies. They did all this proxy war to lower the population of shit countries and let us good countries take over with little resistance. The USSR decided to be the fall man so we all have a common enemy. But it's still. (Secretly) the world power

Sacre bleu France, I know you haven't done anything like that since Napoleon but it's not THAT foreign a concept.

lol in case you fags who haven't browsed much this is a copypasta. I literally see this exact sentence in every thread that brings up Sandy Hook

Exurb1a. Is that you?

that's not a conspiracy

Hrmmmmm. French shitposting is strong itt.

Who did the Vietnamese beat the shit out of? Was that le France? I think it was.

I've been to New York several times but I never saw the twin towers there so I think this is truth.

What was your father doing in Israel?

I believe president Trump is selling favors to Russia for money.

Xoinks! C'mon Scoob!, we gotta find out who's behind all these genders!

Mold injected tornadoes.

I'm listening.

>mold injected tornadoes

Tell me more.

>You just have a predetermined outlook and find clues to support your view
You can decide not to look into any of if you want, that's your choice. Nothing I suggest requires any leaps of logic or faith though. Funnily enough that predetermined outlook you suggest is exactly the thing keeping the fairly obvious idea of civilization in extreme antiquity from being considered.

The U.S. Government shot down the plane over Philadelphia.

I don't blame them for covering it up because it wouldn't get to everybody in a way they could understand.


Post actual proofs and I will look into it.

USA, Italy, maybe some Asian country. Pls elaborate user also, 50 years ago hitler would've been pretty damn old, reaching 70

I fucked ur mum in the analhole.

Sorry, a keyboard bug.
They kicked our arses, then the American ones.

9/11 was an inside job.

Chemtrails are real, but they have varied purposes. I think rather than being used to poison people they are most likely part of a weather modification scheme.

Also I genuinely believe Nazis developed UFO technology, and some went to the US but most went to Antarctica or off world. If you follow David Wilcock (best of all new age people) and Corey Goode (sphere being alliance master race) the ancient aliens who are our progenitors are very upset with the race mixing polluting up the bloodlines that they started. The theory is that racial purity is directly correlated with spiritual advancement and higher abilities. Think about it...why are new age conferences filled with only white people, usually blonde white women and an overabundance of blonde men? Obviously this isn't always true in the case of people like Nassim Haramein (potential jew) or others but the new age pill has to be looked at.

Anyway so apparently a lot of these "alien" races live under ground inside the hollow earth/cavern system and they do not like what's going on up top. They don't like the wars, but they also do not like the degeneracy especially in regards to bloodlines. ?

That's fucking retarded user. I believe the theory of the JSOC vs the CIA. I'll dump it if anyone doesn't know what i'm talking about because its a good read.