Sup Forums BTFO

Sup Forums BTFO

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>implying we give a fuck

Wew the kikes are fast with disinfo

good thing we're not the alt-right, so this strawman doesn't apply to us, amirite

wow!! it's almost as if it's actually not just one person with one exact set of opinions!!

>mocking the alt-right, a movement that they themselves invented.

They sure showed them

You know, for a group that always talks about how "no means no," they don't seem to be very good at grasping the concept of consent.

Fuck off retard

>Alt right gay Jews.


>That should be legal!

man leftists really think every white person who doesn't want infinity immigration forever is a nazi huh

I guess we're past arguments

kek this explains the desperate attempt at getting us to advocate pedophilia last night.
Fucking pathetic.

This. The alt right is a convenient tag for anyone who is against both leftist bullshit, and establishment republicucks. Just like fake news is a convenient tag for anything that doesn't fit precisely the MSM narrative. In short OP is a flaming faggot who literally cannot stop taking dicks in every imaginable orifice.

What world does the left live in where any of the alt-right can grow more than a neckbeard.

So alt-right is a meaningless term invented as a campaign smear.

Wow, how shocking, never would have guessed.

Imagine having your kid grow up to be an amateur political cartoon artist. Can you imagine the disappointment as a parent?

Bors is pretty funny bro, and he gets Saudi bux from FP magazine

alright i dont like milo, but thats really stretching it

Milo said he was molested as a child - are the left really going to victim blame him? For shame, lefties, for shame. #listen&believe

>pol is one person fags

Kys kyself

Two things

1: we are not the alt-right.

2: milo has nothing to do with us

>pedos aren't real goy
>make sure to support this man who was raped by pedos, goy
It really activates my almonds.

> Milo criticizes lefties who justify spouting bullshit by victimizing themselves, proceeds to justify bullshit by victimizing himself

I urge you to recall when the media was saying Trump called for the assassination of Hillary Clinton because he said gun owners wouldnt let her take their guns.

>believing in Boogeymen

Oh fuck guys we got btfo, better deport trump now

Well, it should be legal if theyre at least 14 like in germany and other countries more advanced than the us


>when the label they applied is incoherent by their own admission

wew got us here

Milo was never alt right though

a. yes

b. no

I imagine being diddled as a kid is a bit worse than being triggered by someone's opinion.

This is why the whole Milo-is-a-pedo thing was such bad 4D chess. It only opens up Pizzagate to more scrutiny. And once you actually dig a bit for yourself there isn't enough eye bleach in the world.

They dun goofed.

>victimizing himself

if you say so


Milo is bluepilled on a lot of things

>mfw the liberal media is literally victim blaming a guy who was molested as a kid

reminder that what applies to milo applies to all homosexuals
they all think that way about young boys having those kind of experiences with older men

>tumblrinas who claim to be victimized by muh soggy knees
>guy literally raped
gr8 false equivalence there

The left is really into shaming gay guys for talking about hoe their own molestation affected them.

Pretty harsh man.

>alt right

Maybe the left thinks "hey this guy wants to see his own party collapse just like us, he must be their fucking leader"

Why do I have trouble believing a guy who says he was molested, and who also spent the last 5 years saying women on college campuses make up stories about being molested.

If you believe women make evidence-free assertions about their sexual history to score pity points, and you believe that a saint like Milo would never, ever do it, that sounds to me like mendacious hypocrisy.

HAHAHAHAHHAH this is fucking great.

Sure, everyone is the alt right.

You btfo youself by your idiocy

/leftypol/ BTFO

We have been past the phase where argumentation could be effective for a long time now user

would literally prefer a faggot who catches aids at 13

Alright, let's do this then. Let's keep things completely fair and consistent.

From now on we're gonna stop believing every rape claim made by everyone.

your story is much more believable if you don't make it a point to tell everyone about it every five minutes

>Implying anyone gives a fuck about your duplicity and fake news
Outed. -$0.05

>being so ill informed about your enemy you think they're all the same

huh...its almost like this is how they've lost the election

I thought homosexuality was normal, leftists.

>Sup Forums

>and you believe that a saint like Milo would never, ever do it, that sounds to me like mendacious hypocrisy.
I dont say he wouldnt ever do it, but given that he isnt actually pressing any charges against Fr. Michael, nor does he seeks any personal gain from it and (wrongly) sees it as a positive experience, it is pretty likely the abuse happened.

Fine by me m8, I'm a cynic, not an SJW. Only caveat is that in your world, you would have to be OK with lots of vigilante justice against rapists.

>media and vampiric elites think we care about leaders and figures

Lord kek only demands chaos. Burn it all.

No, I think they're just stupid. Last year I had an argument at school about it. I explained to people far less informed than I on the subject that Milo's only affiliation with the alt right was that he wrote an article describing them to non-members that was not terribly critical. In the body of that article, he explicitly claimed he was not alt right.

The other people insisted he was anyway.

So I asked who gets to choose if someone is alt right or not?

They said if he acts like the alt right, then he is the alt right, and claiming that he's not is just what someone in the alt right *would* say.

So I asked them if they were alt right. Of course they said that was different.

Both mischaracterizations. Almost no one believes that pizza parlor is a pedophile front, not even Alex Jones.



Nope, go away, we don't agree with what Milo said.

JIDF, CTR, ANTIFA, or just some faggot from Sup Forums, i don't care, just plz go

People on Sup Forums actually didn't realise Milo is controlled opposition

It's like nothing happened to him after he said those things.

>we support kikelo, and we always supported subversive faggot kikelo
They're so far up their own asses with their made up, forced meme pleb-tier narrative.

>Sup Forums
Nigger we're not alt-right and we never liked Milo.

Fucking stupid cartoonist.

the time for talk has been long over


>inb4 100 motherfuckers jump in saying MILO IS OUR GUY

fuck that. how did fags like Milo and Spencer become "our leaders"?

they're both controlled opposition, easy pins for TPTB to set up and knock down hoping we will fall with them

not so fast

They make Milo look so fashionable and I'm kind of jealous. I wish some asian or fag taught me how to dress, then maybe girls my age (23) would notice me.

My tribe is always right, even when it contradicts itself. Your tribe is always wrong, no matter what.


Not if he became Ben "The Authority on Slaying Minorities" Garrison


>that pic

Hey Libtard! not all of us like Milo, stop grouping us with him.

wow, so much bigotry
what an asshole homophobic the author is

Edited. Forgot to change the "alt-right" labels.

lol. op BTFO again.

the only crime Milo committed was to be molested as a child. STOP BLAMING THE VICTIM!