
If you were born into a super rich family, would you give a single shit about anyone worse off than you? Deep down inside, you know who you are. If you are exactly who you are now, but grew up loaded, would you REALLY care about poor people?

I'm poor as shit and I don't give a flying fuck about other poor people.

You're avoiding the question. Why should you care about anyone else?

fucking this.

I was born into a very rich family. Both of my parents are part of the "1%".
Personally, I wouldn't say I don't care about poor people, but I don't have any sympathy for them (admittedly, I find it hard to empathize).
In the Western world, I don't think there is anyone inherently unlucky. We're all capable of climbing the social ladder, and for the most part--sorry 'underachievers'--we all tend to fall into place where we belong.

doubt it

>parents both 1%ers
>"we can all climb up"
Sure, kid.

>I'm poor as shit and I don't give a flying fuck about other poor people.

pretty much. i sympathize on a mental level with the strains of being poor but everyone who isn't one of my family members can fuck off with their sob stories

>I was born into a very rich family.
>We're all capable of climbing the social ladder

How would you know since you never had to do it?

I care about my Country and everyone who contributes to the wellbeing of my Country.

Maybe not you, but if your kids will be ripped apart and fucked in the ass by s mob.

>born into power
>implying that's not the only reason to be alive
Wew, it would be boring but why care

>How would you know since you never had to do it?

What exists that would prevent someone from becoming wealthy? Capitalism plays well with people that have marketable skills, talents, or ideas.
I don't think anything exists that would prevent someone with the right set of traits from becoming rich.

>Parents both 1%ers
>Climbing up is easy

You have the benefits of nepotism, enough money to afford a good productive childhood, and enough money to be able to do anything you want really.

Way I judge it is that I don't put much stock on where somebody is in absolute terms, I put more stock in where they started and where they ended up. Think that's more fair. Mind you, the children of the poor and rich tend to regress to the mean in terms of wealth over time, so you have to account for that as well.

If your parents are rich, and you ended up in a slightly worse job than them, I'm not impressed at all, I'm thoroughly unimpressed. If you managed to equal or surpass your parents I'm a little more impressed. If you start out poor, but end up in the middle class, I think that's a very respectable accomplishment. If you stay poor you're shit.

I think what I said stands.
There's definitely some prestige in climbing the ladder at any level, but I think, again, there's nothing that would prevent someone from becoming "rich".

ayy tell me are the 1% kinda sorta afraid of a new October revolution?

This is the same sentiment you'll find from virtually any impoverished person. Rich people treat the poor like puppies. The poor are cute and helpless and by pretending to care about them the rich can show everyone how compassionate they are. But the second the poor "shits on the rug" so to speak, they are thrown back to the streets.

There's a reason modern "socialists" are overwhelmingly middle to upper class, and why the lower class tends to reject these ideas.

i think when they get older they give less of a fuck for poor people, but when they're kids they care a bit.

How would that happen?

I grew up in a super rich family

even if I suddenly became a failure in life and fell into poverty. I will never truly be a poor person at heart and could never give a shit about the poor. being rich is more than just having lots of money

Empathy was bullied out of me in school

Okay, I've gotta hear this, what's more to being rich than money?

I remember in psych class in high school the teacher gave us drawing materials and told is to draw a poster of some psych concept. My half of the class got markers, colored pencils, pens, rulers, ton of stuff. Did my bit. Then we compared drawings, and the other half of the class was black and white, overall shitty.

Turns out they only got pencils. I didn't notice, but apparently they kept looking over at us, very aware we got the good stuff. Shit was pretty neato

>poor people

Are you referring to people on welfare that have no interest in working? No, I don't care and I'm not even close to being rich.

Actually, the richer I get, the more attention I seem to pay to normal people and the nicer I've become. Probably because I'm not as stressed or preoccupied with trying to get off the ground. Also, owning companies requires dealing with a lot of different people, in a way that ideally leaves them feeling satisfied with the interaction and willing to work in a way conducive to getting more things done.

But if someone were just handed a large amount of money and didn't have to do anything for it, and didn't bother doing anything useful in business with it, then yes that person might not care much about other people. Sounds rather isolating and decadent to me.

I'm a young person with an unearned net worth of $7 million and I'm studying to be an urban planner because, yes, I want to improve things.

I'm all for the idea people can work their way up to become rich. I am working on that right now, but is sure as fuck is not easy. The thing is, you need to have money to make money. If I had just 100k cash at the beginning a few years ago to just throw down on my business, I would be rolling in dough by now.

I was born blue collar and have a pretty solid hatred for the truly lazy poor who have no interest in climbing the ladder, as well as hatred for affluent retards like yourself who have no idea what climbing up actually means.

Climbing up is extremely easy. Statistically there are very few people who remain poor all their life. Most people shift up and down the ladder according to their bad or good choices.

People only care about people of their own race. It's biologically wired into our subconscious as we will only sacrifice to help our own kind survive. This is why socialism is only possible in an ethnically homogeneous, high functioning country. When you lose all sense of nationalism and ethnic cohesion, you become less giving to the public and horde within your immediate family.

>tfw you become class conscious but hate poor people

everything I hate about non-whites I stop and think wait, some whites do that too, then I stop and think again and think it's only poor blacks and poor whites who act that way, and everything I hate about women I stop and go wait, some men do that too, and then I stop and think again it's only poor men and poor women who act that way, ect ect, gas the poor NOW

No one likes to be patronized.

>as well as hatred for affluent retards like yourself

I don't think I've said anything that's false.

Anyone with the right marketable skills, talents, or ideas is capable of climbing the social ladder. We all tend to fall where we belong.

I sympathize with people because I was raised that way, but as I've grown older I do not let it affect my actions as much. They won't be getting money from me, but they will get my pity.

Those are Jews. Kid on the right is wearing a Jew cap.

Fuck you Barron

I was born into a poor family and i don give a shit about poor people. if I can support myself then you should be able to as well.

>How would you know since you never had to do it?

logical fallacy, i guess you ignore everything your doctor says because he hasnt had every illness/disease

I disagree. Being rich makes life so much easier you wouldn't believe it. Of course everybody can go to school and get a good job, but that's not the same as starting with $300k or being a chef at Wendy's with a 9" cock making $150k.

When you control for other traits, the wealth of your parents absolutely does strongly predict your own wealth. If two people are the same, but one is wealthier, the one with money will be more successful.

Wealth also helps FORM good traits. Wealth means better health, education, childcare, nutrition, stuff like that. Excessive stress in childhood leads to mental and physical health consequences in the future. You're more likely to form friendships with other poor people who are far more likely to be degenerate, and who you surround yourself with is who you become. If you start out life poor, you're fucked, you'll only ever make connections with low value people, who are more likely to have problems, while being taken care of worse yourself, and inflicting permanent damage upon yourself.

Which is why I don't really go "well, why can't rich people become millionaires?" First, realise the idea that everybody can become rich is inherantly fucking absurd. If everybody is rich, nobody is rich. Everybody on this site is "rich" by the standards of most of human history and most of the world, we care about wealth relative to our peers, not in absolute terms.

Trying to go "Well, why can't poor people, who start with a ton of disadvantages, fight their way through the social ladder of the entire world, and end up at the very top?" Well first, because if it was actually easy to do that, so many people would do it that it would get hard. Second, because you're fighting against the entire world when you started the race from behind and injured from the circumstances of your childhood. It happens, but its rare for a reason.

You can measure how easy it is to move up/down the ladder and we're at the highest levels of inequality and lowest levels of social mobility on record, especially in UK/US. I really think mid to high IQ is a requirement for social mobility now because you're straight fucked if you're IQ 85 even if you work hard.

I'm poor, but someday I will be richer than you. That said I agree with you.

rich is earned many time

not all is crony

you commy skum


>comparing a set of decisions and opportunities through one's life to getting a medical doctor to accurately use science to describe an illness

90% of the "socialist" leftist types I meet are upper middle class white kids

Boy, i am poor as fuck and i don't give a shit even about rich people.

Rich people mostly pretend to care about others so they don't get branded as arrogant or whatever... because, you know... if sjws get wind of it, they're gonna try to communism you.

If i was rich, though, i would care even less for other people... actually, i'd even make their lifes more hellish as it is, just for shits and giggles.

Yeah but it's insanely delusional to pretend that coming from an affluent family doesn't give you an insane advantage, and I've found people from those families don't know what it's like for people from poorer families.

As a teenager I had to work a minimum wage job (7.75 at the time) to save up to buy a shitty 1000 dollar car that could get me around my town. Once I had that car, I had to make sure to keep some money lying around for repairs if something went wrong. If the car broke down and I couldn't repair it, it's not that my parents wouldn't replace it, they COULDN'T replace it. Some of my wealthier friends' parents would replace their cars if they totaled them, even if they were at fault. Some whose parents weren't complete shitheads would allow them to work it off, but by working at the parents' business for 12 bucks an hour.

This sort of thing scales up. When your parents are set up and have money, they can get you all sorts of opportunities that poor parents can't. It doesn't make it so someone like me can't climb up and can't achieve, but the headstart that a more affluent person has is unimaginable, and unless that affluent person has spent a lot of time around poor people I don't think they are capable of understanding.

>you were born into a super rich family, would you give a single
I do care. But what the fuck do you expect me to do about it?

I am already born rich and care about other people. I think most people don't care about others tho because it requires intelligence to care and the majority of people have a low IQ as the founding fathers of USA said.

This. Only these ivory tower retards could think that socialism would even work.

It requires empathy (a part of emotional intelligence).
You can be really smart in some ways but still not give a shit.

>It happens, but its rare for a reason.

and rightly so, a million from the bottom is more praised then a born millionaire

>upper middle class

You're not rich if you have the word "middle" in your class

>writing prompt
>presumption of telepathy

>be me
>go to uni
>work 16 hours a week
>get mediocre grades

>girl i know
>dad's a surgeon
>lives in a castle
>dad pays for everything
>brand new textbooks
>all expenses
>buys her car
>comes to school
>she gets slightly above average grades

Bitch what's the point of having all this if you're not even going to put the effort? I have to work my ass off and do everything by myself and still do well in school.

Also like I said I understand people don't tend to stay poor, they tend to regress to the mean. If you're poor now you'll probably get richer than you are now in 10 years if you're posting here on Sup Forums.

Things are getting harder though, and I have many many friends living with their parents not being they're nu-males so much as because people can't afford housing and the high cost of living on current wages. The cost of living relative to wages is going down and people are really struggling to stay in the middle class and are being knocked down to being lower class renters. Last property tax bill we had was the highest ever by a huge margin, following up a bunch of other record property tax bills.

If the poor weren't having problems like this, Trump wouldn't have won the election. It's not that we don't believe in a vision where the poor work hard and climb up the ladder, but it actually IS getting harder by objective metrics.

Pic related cuts off the gini index spiking around the 20s.

> First, realise the idea that everybody can become rich is inherantly fucking absurd. If everybody is rich, nobody is rich.

the only thing i've even bothered to type thus far has been that those (everyone) with the RIGHT (this is the subtraction part. meaning im eliminating a lot of people) marketable skills, talents, or ideas will become rich. word for word.

>"rich" has a rigid, quantified definition

>i was born with everything
>yeah everyone can be as rich as me and if you aren't it's your fault lol

And the rich wonder why they are so hated

You act as though being born rich does not give you a massive advantage.

To go from poor to rich takes a ton of hard work, determination, and a little bit of luck.

To be born rich and stay rich is as easy as getting a good broker. The advantages of being born rich are innumerable.

For all we know without mommy and daddy's money you would be a Walmart associate with a pill problem.

>will become rich

change that to "can become rich"

Most "upper middle class" people are just fucking rich but they don't want to admit it

>you're straight fucked if you're IQ 85 even if you work hard.

true but i found out they were more happy than me since they doesn forsee the future nor even care about it

Re read what you just said, Then realize how retarded that sounded. You're either intelligent or not. There is no >different kinds of intelligence
HAHA you were prolly one of the kids who really believed he had the best sportsmanship when you received a trophy for getting last place

I don't care about poor people at all.

t. Grew up rich and white. Am now rich and successful. Still white.

Nope. I'm on stage 9 of how red pilled nigger thing, where you cherish inequality.

wouldnt cry blood for poor people, but wouldnt play ping pong with iphones either...

this guy is right though, about everything.

im poor asian immigrant but genetically pretty smart and not too autistic and in making it.

white doesn have anything to do with it .....

gtfo you racist cunt

>There is no >different kinds of intelligence
Are trying to deny that there a smart people who have little to zero empathy for low IQ cucks like yourself?


I hope you're trolling, because this is really just stupid dude. There are obviously extremely kind and caring dumb people, and cold and sociopathic intelligent people. However, there are also cold and sociopathic stupid people like yourself.

>We all tend to fall where we belong.

Actually using the Social Darwinism meme unironically.

honestly tell me how 100k would make things easy for you.

im always befuddled when people say this. im a dude with cash but nothing better to invest in than stocks

Yep, I made this point earlier in the thread. Some rich people don't realize that just the fact that their dad knows a guy who knows a guy gives them a huge leg-up.

intelligence + need for achievement = !!!!

I'm sure there are some psychology papers/studies dealing with the two. I wouldn't be surprised if some measurable "need for achievement" variable is a better predictor of success in life than intelligence.
But intelligence is a requirement depending on the field you're in.

caring about the poor is virtue signaling of the highest order, you may be doing it on purpose or maybe its been indoctrinated into you, but you dont really care

If you needed help and I knew you IRL id help you out.. Agreeing with statements that I believe to be false does not measure intelligence nor empathy.
Empathy is a meme.
All succesful people became successful by helping others ergo helping build their own success.
You sir have no argument.

>chinese person gives monetary advice
The maxim isn't EVERYONE can get rich, its ANYONE can get rich.

The Autists are really coming out tonight huh?

literally none of that was an argument

I was born into a family struggling to pay bills on time and all that. It was difficult growing up because we had to be frugal with our spending. I took what I learned from this and am now an intern at a hedge-fund, and am (hopefully) going to have a six-figure income out of college because of my networking skills.

I don't go to a gigantic private school that cost $40k+ a year to attend, because that would make no sense, and the set backs would outweigh the experience I would have.

Instead I just went a school in my state to pay the lowest possible tuition (below $3,500 a semester) and have just been working to the best of my ability and using everything within my reach to achieve success.

Some poor people are in their situations because they are mentally ill, or just got a poor draw of the card at birth because their parents made mistakes, but don't be an idiot like these people graduating NYU for example with $250,000 in debt with a degree in Art History. Be realistic.

This isn't the era where you need a library near you to get information. If you are on Sup Forums, then you have access to Google, Wikipedia, Investopedia, and every single business news outlet on earth. You have access to free financial data services where you can look up almost anything you want (like Yahoo! Finance for example).

You don't need crazy over the top shit to succeed. You just need the will-power to do so.

It's like losing weight; energy in, energy out.

I guess, but so far it's just you

I don't see why someone who has the means to do something should be obligated to do it just because some other dicks think it's the right thing to do. If I was that rich I'd mind my own business.

Don't care. Still rich and the hatred just makes me laugh even more. It's not like I hang around with poor fags.

you triggered a lot of plebs
apologize whitey

No. It's stupid to care about people you've never met. I have enough problems of my own to give two shits about strangers problems.

The only people you should take care of are your family, and loved ones (girlfriend, wife, and her family/friends)


My boss at the hedgefund also grew up having to bust his ass, now he is a multi-millionaire.

Anyone can do it.

What he saidEmpathy is a psychological trait along with others in EQ (which doesnt measure intelligence exactly, we have IQ for that). Some people get where they are by ruthless manipulation and zero empathy, others through cooperation. Most a bit of both.

Poor brown and nigs.

protip: even the dumbest of you fucks can become a mortgage underwriter within 2 years and make 100k within 4 years.

people in this field complain all the time about underwriter shortages. in a hot season (which just ended after 3 straight years) they make 150k easy.

im sure theres many things like this you just need to know and stick with it a litle bit

This. My grand parents came to this country with nothing but now my family is part of the so called 1%. Some people are just born fucking losers who can't figure out how to game the system to their advantage. I built my firm on my own with zero financial assistance from my family.

Yet you responded to me? Who's more retarded the person who thinks he's normal but talks to autists with his free time, or you? Rhetorical question they are both you.

rofl what a shitty comeback dude. My god

>Capitalism plays well with people that have marketable skills, talents, or ideas.
>I don't think (((((((((((((anything)))))))))))))) exists that would prevent someone with the right set of traits from becoming rich.

>If you are exactly who you are now, but grew up loaded

does not compute retard

You are definitely autistic.



That's certainly part of it.

I think another reason is that when you've been in a situation where you have very little you look at wealth differently. When a person is raised in a comfortable financial situation money is something that can be thrown around if you want, and if the government says you have to give some of it to someone else it's no big deal. But to a person who is or has been poor, the concept of "wealth redistribution" (ie the government taking some of your money and giving it to others) is abhorrent. Because money isn't something that you just "have," it's something that you fight for.

I've also noticed that while the relatively rich tend to see everything in classes, the poor tend to focus solely on the individual. Excluding your stereotypical "welfare queens," in my experience I've rarely seen even the abjectly poor exhibit hatred of the rich. They tend to view the world almost as a meritocracy, and respect the extremely wealthy because they were able to achieve something. In the same vein, poor people who don't abuse welfare tend to despise those who do more than any other group I've ever seen.