How long until Sup Forums becomes an sjw board?
We seem to be taking the invasion lying down
How long until Sup Forums becomes an sjw board?
We seem to be taking the invasion lying down
Other urls found in this thread:
lying down most of pol as filters on so it dont matter how much they try they will fail cause we do it for free
The liberal media has already won a long time ago
This board won't go sjw because Sup Forums is next on the hit list after Alex Jones is taken down.
Fuck off.
There needs to be a BBBRRRAAAAAAPPP for tits.
They'll get scared and fuck off soon
So long as people can post anonymously, pol will never be taken over by SJW. Their power comes from coordinated reputation attack. As anons we are legion.
The truth about immigration, by the numbers:
Cultural Marxist Jews Admit Organizing White Genocide
The plan to eliminate the white race:
Cultural Marxism in action… Political Correctness, the tip of the blade:
Cultural Marxism & Social Justice Explained:
Why are we in Decline - Cultural Marxism:
also see
The facts about slavery in North America:
Cultural Marxist Jews fund media propaganda against whites on an enormous scale:
Does this sound familiar at all? (starting at 6:52)
The Holocaust:
there needs to be a ban for brapp
How do you mean? Gas thuh kikes rayce wur nao
Sup Forums is originally a free speech board. That means your views are tolerated as much as the SJW (that is to say, you don't have to like it, but you can fuck off if you want to prevent people from expressing it). The marketplace of ideas is the only true way for civilization to achieve enlightenment, whatever that means.
once it becomes SJW we go back to Sup Forums its the migratition cycle of life
Based on the outrage over Milo, I would say we are already there.
I can't post on this board without a pass (range ban), and I literally just renewed within the past 2 weeks. Kind of regretting it, to be honest.
Milo is a filthy homosexual faggot who, like more than 55% of homosexuals, love children.
Homosexuality is a mental disorder.
Sup Forums is politically INCORRECT
being an sjw is politically incorrect now, so the transformation is inevitable
what the fuck is with all these range bans, and how long do they last? do they give ANY real justification? I realize at this point that it's almost exclusively about selling passes, but I like posting so I played the bitch role this time.
Never received any justification. I have lived in this town for 4 years come March, and it has always been this way.
I highly doubt it will ever go SJW. I think a Common Filth esque backstabbing of white nationalism is a more likely turn for chan contrarianism.
And entirely justified tbqh.
>How long until Sup Forums becomes an sjw board?
We already are one.
Because if you sperg out you will never get the support needed to fix the problem.
this pic real? insanely hot....
Nah. As we all know the fucking share-blue people showed up and its just going to take some time for us to red-pill them all.
Fight what? I got banned for arguing with someone last week.
They said something incorrect, I posted reference proving my point, and I told them to Google things they didn't know shit about instead of lying.
> you can't post trolls outside of Sup Forums
You can't even disagree with people, on politically incorrect. This place is garbage, I just check in out of habit.
It used to be better. I remember getting into all sorts of cool debates. Shit like LEDs with subsidy vs CFLs without subsidy. Sounds boring, but you would hit the bump limit, and there'd be all sorts of cool information.
These days it's just, "Trump is God and everyone can rot."
I don't even dislike Trump. I think he's doing a good job. But this board has become like the Breitbart comment section. There is a complete lack of nuance and skepticism that used to be here in force.
I really miss it.
Me too. I used to come here to learn things. Now it's just.
Ten threads about the story of the day.
What happens here?
Trump trolls
Concern trolls
Facebook posts
How do we fix x?
I post less and less each day and only come out of habit.
What the fuck is the matter with americans?
>inb4 Sup Forums is always le contrarian meme
SJWs are just too retarded and regressive for Sup Forums to even ironically be on their side. Everything about Sup Forums is the antithesis of political correctness and (((social justice)))
What the fuck is the matter with americans?
>lefts winning
>generation z
I had a 14 year old coworker who is 6 foot 1with a gf, austrian and german ancestry with a smoking hot mother and sister and he fucking hates lefts and women in general
you have no idea just how btfo the media will be in 20yearstime
Sup Forums is already a right wing SJW board.
>calling defeat before there's even a battle
Go the fuck back to leftypol pinko.
If you think that OP, this board was invaded and conquered before you newfags even heard of it
What's wrong with Beauty and the Beast and Tarzan?
Liberal media did win long ago, but they're starting to lose their grip. The left hasn't adapted to the Internet well, and they got too comfortable in power so they're not edgy or transgressive anymore and haven't been since Bush first went to Iraq. Younger generation doesn't give a shit about TV and newspapers, so they get most of their news from Sup Forums facebook reddit youtube etc. and the right utilizes these methods far better, plus the right is now the edgy side. There's nothing cool about marxism and feminism when the teachers are telling you how great it is, so naturally kids will rebel.
If you don't know already hiro broke Sup Forums a bit ago and no new threads can be made anywhere.
our one's who don't live in cities go crazy from being redneck trash with nothing to do
Probably a few years into Trump's presidency. This site has always just been contrarian. If you were around back then, you'd remember how people were celebrating Obama's victory back in 08.
We're barely being invaded. It just looks that way
>sjw makes a post
>entire board starts freaking out at them
>this therefore bumps the thread
>slides 'friendly' OP's
the pressure has always been on Sup Forums, ever since its inception. this is literally just another common storm... which never ends.
This looks exactly like my ex except her tits are too big.
>Hi im new and what is Sup Forums
Beauty and the Beast is a touching story of a white woman helping a white man get out of a nigger phase.
Bannon is the real POTUS. He is crazy, he want to world to be nuke, to start over, I will be dead and all your family will be dead.
Look up Bannon's comments on the "church militant." He's very seriously gearing up for WWIII / Crusades II against the Muslims, and at home he's trying to blow up the government into pure chaos, essentially. And this view of him is based on a cursory view of public comments. The deeper you go the weirder it gets, dude is some kind of mystically racist, manipulative, apocalyptic nut bag, and him and Creepy Steve 2 are writing executive orders that Trump signs without reading.
Not now, Canada
I guess it has to do with race mixing
Too bad we're winning. Nice try shills.
The beast is a white guy under a curse and Tarzan is English.
That's just plain wrong. Look at the Alexa statitistics.
Lebbit faggots are flooding this site.
The_donald fags already have the biggest safe space on reddit. Cant even trolls trolls without triggering a faggot and getting banned.
Bannon reads Evola, Moldbug, Nick Land. His end goal is to destroy degeneracy and the modern world. He is truly ourguy.
>you'd remember how people were celebrating Obama's victory back in 08
yeah, I remember. There were massive faggots on Sup Forums then and there are massive faggots on Sup Forums now (such as yourself)
eh, let em go nuts. theyll tire soon. people are polarized now, anyone on either side is going to stay on that side. there arent many neutrals left
Peaked at 58 simultaneous milo threads from what I saw yesterday. This board is officially in the shitter.
If any of you legit Sup Forums users started a milo thread, you should be ashamed of yourselves.
So much this.
Post Ben fishbien and get b& for two weeks. Post fifty Milo threads, an hour, and no reaction.
Mods are purposefully killing this board.
The real Sup Forums remains untouched, and will continue to operate unhindered.
checked and truth
Underrated post.
Filters are your friends.
>Assuming you can reason with these niggers
I dont get it? Am i supposed to be mad at Disney?
Year, year and a half. I welcome it, i rather talk with SJWs than racist and fascists.
dating a girl who looks just like this but with slightly larger tits
hope she has a nazi tat as well DESU SENPAI
Once Soros stops writing checks, the board return to its normal state. Their main goal this weak is to discredit the most famous "alt-right" figures and censor their mediums.
>going to an autistic anime shitposting forum to learn
those are implants
Why tho
CTR will run out of money LONG before we run out of memes and shitposts.
Dis realz?
Don't worry, in the trenches we're blowing the shills straight the fuck out. They've hit us with a larger human wave attack than I've seen in quite some time, but once again they're going to get their shit wrecked in their overconfidence.
But after seeing that picture, you bet your ass I need to go lay down.
trump lowered the average IQ for americans on this imageboard by 2 standard deviations
give me back gary johnson and ron paul
It's how meme Magic stays strong man
You left out the entire millenia where Christian Europeans conquered the planet
why does she tape her nipples?
she is not a degenerate
then ya know, why not wear a shirt? or a bra?
Can someone please link or shop a version without the tape
Yes, you kangaroo fucker. If I want to find out about refugees, Syria, the slaughter in Brazil, there are actual people on this board that will tell more than MSM.
You could learn here too, if you weren't such a long suffering cunt.
Only newfags don't filter shills
the jew temple was destroyed AFTER the new testament was written, and christ was killed
not truth, ignorant to history. Christ predicted the jew temple would be destroyed when he was rejected as savoir.
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this is how it works, shills, plebbit, sjws, anarchists, leftists ect come hear to Sup Forums thinking they are going to fight some nazis. Some of then absorb and assimilate into the "hive" mind" that is Sup Forums, this hive mind is anti PC to its heart. Sup Forums is also anti Jewish and anti degeneracy even tho we almost all succumb to it.
We truly are a board of peace we want the mess that is the world to be peacefully sorted out using memes.
However if the enemy hoards over run the world, we will resort to being a board of chaos.
look up the definition of political correctness, you brain dead shilling nigger.
Tarzan is Finnish.
non whites
dont forget america is like 21% white by now
Gumball immigration. Best vid.
Oh man I just read about this. Ask Zosimus. I love you for meming it.