Jesus was a Jew

If Christianity is the primary religion of Sup Forums (besides worship of Kek), Jesus was a Jew, and Sup Forums hates Jews, then does Sup Forums hate Jesus?

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we dont hate jews we just make fun of their nose

This autistic shit again. The jews killed Jesus. He didn't let them pull all their merchantry shit in the temples and overturned tables and preached against the synagogue, which angered the jews so they crucified Him. He called the jewish establishment a "synagogue of Satan". Fucking newfags.

I got nothing against Jews but Christians follow Jewish tradition and recognize Jesus as the Messiah. Jewish believe the Messiah is yet to come. Through Jewish denial of Christ, it's possible to hate Jews and not hate Christ. In b4 Christkillers

jews of the bible != jews of today

Revelation 2:9 (KJV)

"And I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan."

>1st century Judean
>21st century rabbinical talmudist

fuck off back to plebbit
>The jews killed Jesus
he was jewish himself. and had a disagreement with other jews.
>muh overused quote that proves nothing

all that does is shame the fellow jews who refused to see jesus as the messiah.

there are lunar cults(notice uzbekistan flag, turkey, etc etc) and there are solar cults(like christianity, buddhism, etc).
the moon rules the night, and it's associated with the extremely solipsistic dream realm. when you are dreaming you don't have a sense of self and you are inseparable from your experience of reality.
on the other hand, solar cults are trying to preserve the objective reality where we can tell right from wrong and protect our souls from sinning. ((they)) are pushing moral relativism because it's a concept of death, from the dream realm, from darkness. same thing with communism, feminism, in literally all fronts of cultural-marxism. God must be dead, in order for morality to be given to the humans, in other words subjective. democracy as symptom of this same illness, moral subjectivity.
moon is mind(female/subjectivity/mother nature/you need a jewish mom to be a jew and males are mutilated as part of a spiritual ritual); sun is spirit(male/objectivity/priests are called fathers)

tl;dr the bible is an alchemical tale and jesus is the sun/12 apostles are the 12 zodiac signs(also the 12 tones between a music note and its octave)/adam and eve = yin yang

Jesus was a prophet and the Jewish community is Rome hated him. Jews killed the Christian prophet and real Christians hate jews for doing this.

>Redpilled jew who knew more about Judaism than the Jews
>Son of God
>chased merchant jews with a whip
>let jews kill him to teach them a lesson
>came back from the dead like it was nothing, yet ppl still hate the jews for killing him

definitely our guy

I love that part because what it says is that jesus was an unrepentant jew and loves only the jews. Checkmate christcucks. Turn the other cheek.

'The Jews and Their Lies' by Dr. Martin Luther

Written in 1543

Jesus pretty much told the Pharisees to fuck off with all their laws that were supposed to be the mandate of God and started to bring Gentiles (goyim) into the Jewish mythos through his teachings. Most modern day Jews ignore his teachings.

Jesus was a kike who hated goyim that didnt submit to Jews as masters

>These twelve Jesus sent out, instructing them, “Go nowhere among the Gentiles and enter no town of the Samaritans, 6 but go rather to the lost sheep of the house of Israel. (Matthew 10:5-6)

>[A] woman whose daughter had an unclean spirit heard about [Jesus], and came and fell down at his feet. The woman was a Greek, by race a Phoenician from Syria. And she started asking him to drive the demon out of her daughter. He responded to her like this: "Let the children first be fed, since it isn't good to take bread out of children's mouths and throw it to the dogs! [kynaria]" But as a rejoinder she says to him: "Sir, even the dogs under the table get to eat scraps dropped by children!" Then he said to her: "For that retort, be on your way, the demon has come out of your daughter." She returned home and found the child lying on the bed and the demon gone (Mk. 7:25-30).

From the Jewish holy book, the Talmud...

Hilkkoth Akum X1: "Show no mercy to the Goyim."

Schabouth Hag. 6d: "Jews may swear falsely by use of subterfuge wording."

Baba Necia 114, 6: "The Jews are human beings, but the nations of the world are not human beings but beasts."

Aboda Sarah 37a: "A Gentile girl who is three years old can be violated."

Simeon Haddarsen, fol. 56-D: "When the Messiah comes every Jew will have 2800 slaves."

Nidrasch Talpioth, p. 225-L: "Jehovah created the non-Jew in human form so that the Jew would not have to be served by beasts. The non-Jew is consequently an animal in human form, and condemned to serve the Jew day and night."

Also Watch...

Ill break it down for you baby. Jews were Gods chosen people and a blessing on this earth. Chosen to be the people that the Christ saves the world through. Most however rejected and mocked Christ and had him brutalised and cruxified. The jews from then on became a cursed race and called 'the Synagogue of Satan' exceptions of course are jews that accepted christ, (the disciples st Peter, St paul, st john ect.)

Jesus was a Jew. He also told the fucking slimy bastards running the Jewish faith that they were devil worshipping thieves who took advantage of anyone they could to make a shekel. Then He told them that because of their evil and infidelity that they had lost the favor of God and the rest of humanity would now gain what they had lost. Then He told them that because of their filthy kikery that they'd lose their temple and be scattered to the wind and a couple of decades later the Romans knocked down their shitty temple and threw them the fuck out of their land. Jesus was a Jew. He was the only based Jew ever to live. God became incarnate as a Jew to show them how shitty they were and how far of real goodness they fell short.

The Jewish Talmud tells Jews in Gittin 57a that Jesus is boiling in hell in hot excrement and semen, which is his curse for questioning Jewish authority,

jews didnt kill jesus
dont forget the bible is just a compilation of scriptures found, there are many missing pieces that the jews have hidden to protect themselves against the goyim

So....are you saying that Jews would somehow benefit from the knowledge that they did not kill Jesus?

Christians are technically the Jews and Jews are the Hebrews

how ignorant can you be? the Bible is the combination of the written Old Testament with the oral tradition of the New Testament which was eventually put in writing.

NOT "scriptures found"... I mean found where? In a hollow rock in the backwoods? By whom?

4th century fraud of Constantine.

When Emperor Constantine(325AD) wanted to Unite Rome, he simply Fused paganism with christianity to appease both pagan/christian communities.

"The Vatican Itself was Constructed upon the ruins of an Ancient pagan sanctuary, christianity has its roots in Paganism"

"This recent religion(christianity) is neither New nor strange, as it is merely a pale reflection of Earlier pagan beliefs" - Celsus(360AD)

The "Resurrection" of Jesus was a common pagan Myth of the Early Ages. Over 18 pagan "sons of gods"were said to have "Resurrected"before him.

The "Five Books of Moses" also known as the "Pentateuch" was actually stolen from the Egyptian "Tarot" adored in Ancient Egypt(3000BC).

Pope Urban II ordered the deaths of over 10million people during his reign and is Listed on TIME Magazine's "Most Evil Men in History"(1976).

Emperor Constantine(325AD) changed the christian "Holy day" to Sunday to tally with that of the Roman pagan sun god Sol Invictus.

Biblical Jesus Descended from a Generation of 12, had 12 Disciples and Dined with them at a "Last Supper"..So did Krishna(4000BC).

During the Inquisition, an Entire carthan Village of Women and children numbering 120,000 were completely Murdered by Catholic Knights.

In order to Encourage Slave Trade, Pope Nicholas V Lied that God told him in a Dream it was alright for christians to"Buy and Sell heathens".

The Word "Amen" uttered after every christian prayer has its roots in Egyptian Masonry(3000BC) as "Amon-ra" which means "The Hidden one".

Well that depends. Was Jesus a money grubbing bastard, making niggers "famous" for normies and profiting off of it and hindering our progress as an economy and as a species with his dirty greed?



Christianity is jewish subversion.

If cucktianity didn't exist, Julianus would have exterminated jews back in roman times, yet because of this subversion they live by being protected by Christians.

Christianity is also demon worship. The God of the bible behaves exactly how you'd expect a demon to, and the catholic church is a pedophilia obsessed saturnic death cult.

>he was jewish himself. and had a disagreement with other jews.
He declared the jews were no longer in his favor, and they themselves brought a curse upon them.

Judaism in AD brings death. Literally just Islam-lite.


>Catholic Church


>murrican judging religion founded by Jesus himself
>acknowledges Scientolgy and other cults as real religions

How does some italian faggot decide what Jesus's message is, I'll go to the Bible if I want that.

Taking these one at a time:

Christianity, when spreading to a new area would look for common truths with the native religion to see if any of it could be Christianized to help the natives more easily adapt to Christianity. No one denies this. This is why the Cappadocians wrote so heavily on Plato and Aristotle, accepting the parts of their philosophy that fit with Christianity and critiquing the parts that didn't. Christians believe that what is true is true nomatter who says it.

You have a large pagan city with a huge religious center. You change religions but it's strange that you keep the religious center in the same place?

Celsus's quote makes sense given what I said about Christians accepting what they deemed correct from Pagan Philosophy and rejecting the rest. hence "pale reflection." Not everything in paganism is going to be wrong.

Resurrection is a common theme in the vast majority of human religions because humans fear death. Doesn't mean they're stealing from one another.

Jewish mythology borrows from Egyptian mythology? This is not shocking given cultural intermingling.

Only Catholics give a shit about what Pope Urban did and most of them don't care either. Having a shitty Pope doesn't retroactively destroy your religion.

Christians gathered on Sunday in the first century, as is recorded in the New Testament because that was the day of the Resurrection. Non-Jewish Christians were never required to observe the sabbath (See Acts).

The number 12 is all over Jewish history. The fact that it's a significant number elsewhere doesn't mean they copied the Indians.

People got murdered by Knights. Everyone has gotten murdered by various religions over the years.

Only Catholics give a shit about what some Pope did.

If Amen shares a common root word with an Egyptian word because the Hebrews were in Egypt, then that seems reasonable. Nevertheless, it means "So be it." Words have no innate meaning. Only the meaning we ascribe to them.



There is a paper trail of church fathers and apostolic tradition that contradicts what you say

That doesn't even make sense since Christianity is more or less the belief that Jesus died for our sins. The Jews needed to betray Jesus for this shit to happen anyway.

Stop watching the zeitgeist

Are you able to interpret the bible correctly?

Jesus stayed dead all day Sunday, as he spent three days and three nights in the grave. It would have been Tuesday morning that he arose.

Much of what Christianity has today that cones from Catholicism is straight up paganism with a history that can be traced all the way back to Babylon.

I'm going to post this again, no more images right now but one will be necessary

The truth about paganism, I was never a pagan but I always believed in the Lord. This is what I know about the false faith and I wish to share this with you today. Please enjoy this historical tour of degeneracy.

Here is my story about paganism and the heart of the matter. Unlike the shills in this thread I want people to understand it from the perspective of what the white pagan greeks and romans and nords and celts felt about paganism. I'm going to tell you a lot that most people don't know.

This is what the occult call secret knowledge. That is what occult means after all. I am telling you all this because I love you and I want you to be informed to make wise decisions not to assert myself above others, being puffed up by what is regarded by fools to be wisdom.
Paganism got a lot worse later on but it was bad to begin with. There were seeds of corruption from the very beginning.

The bible says first day of the week. Nothing about Friday

There is no orthodoxy in paganism. It doesn't matter what you feel. What matters is you do the ritual and the prayer the correct way. Nothing inside your heart matters to the god that you worship in paganism. You see this altar, it is made out of ashes of cows burnt at the altar. The gods do not love you, they give you good things because you paid for it, not with good deeds but with a reckoned favor. It is debt and it is what you owe to them, who do not care for you and what they owe to you, and it's business, nothing personal.
For this reason the Greeks and Romans especially of all of them felt the most empty, the Romans most of all.

In Greek and Roman paganism, the myths exist for the sole reason of explaining why a certain ritual is performed. The ritual is a reenactment of the myth or legend itself. While sometimes they would use symbols and mock ups this was the exception and not the norm, you usually closely followed the myth and this should make you uncomfortable with certain stories, and with this do not be quick to give them the benefit of the doubt.

Lets go with some examples.

Human sacrifice wasn't something some countries did. Like almost everyone did it. The Romans of all peoples though were the most resistant. God bless them, they weren't like many others. We will get to the Romans later on.

Aztecs and Mayans would after taking out the heart of a living victim would skin them, yes. And the next victim would have to wear the skin until it totally rotted off them to prepare them for death.
Celts on the mainland did the burning man festival
Celts on the British isles lynched you and tossed you in a bog
Germans set you on fire will lynching you
Scandinavians loved human sacrifice and it was very vital to their religion, I will not tell what they did because the viking wannabees would actually do it if he knew the details of how it needs to be done
The ancient peruvians, long before Spain worshipped their spider god with human sacrifices, no need to go into the details there, there's no need
Canaan set their babies on fire
So did the Phoenicians
The poo in the loos had their own human sacrifice cults, the Brits mostly cleaned them out
Not sure about China and Japan. No idea what goes on over there
But I know Korea is still fucked up.

In one popular ritual you just break the neck of a sheep and toss it in a hole full of corpses. This is what Greeks did. You did not look back, if you did you would be killed by the spirit that came for the dead sheep. It was supposed to eat it. You do not look back, you don't ask questions, you do not sit down and pray. You get the hell out of there, you gave favor now they will return the favor. A favor for a favor.

I'm sorry but this is sad reality. Afterlife sucked. We all know that realize it that only jesus gives you a happy ending nothing else works. Your dad died and your poured wine down a hole in the ground and you prayed to the gods while he cried in that dark dusty place. Egyptians were different of course but you never came back, there's no going back.

Then you have the absorption of your moral stain. Greeks used things like medicine and charm bracelets. But they also had other rituals that had to be observed.
You had the stories about Polyxena and Iphigenia, these were human sacrifices.
You also have the one about Chronus who would seek to devour his babes in sacrifice.

Now many people will say yes but those were just stories, and the Greeks were very uncomfortable about them, because they still did it. I'm sorry but plenty of Greeks would regularly sacrifice man to their idols, early on and later on.

On Mount Lykaion Zeus (as a wolf) asked for young teens to be killed and he would as they believed come down and eat the kids with the worshipers.

Artemis is most famous for her regular demands of human sacrifice. Her temples in the wilderness and countryside young girls around the age of 10,11,12 would be dressed up in bear skins and killed. The parents would make the offering. This was to re enact the sacrifice of Iphigenia daughter of King Agamemnon. This was done at Brauron.

In Sparta there was a festival called Karnea where young boys would dress up in wool and be chased down in the name of Apollo (who raped women in the myths). Then they would be killed but later on they shifted to mock sacrifice.

In Athens, you had human sacrifice. Yes in Athens. It was called Thargelia. Ill tell more about this one later on.

Then you have the Roman cults. Now the Romans did have cults that did wicked things, but there is one key difference, the Romans had systematic purges. Now lots of pagans today complain about Christians doing purges, this is a Roman thing as well, not just a Christian thing and the Roman pagans did it for the same reasons and to the same people that the Christians did it, so if you condemn these men you condemn these pagans too. I will highlight two extremely extremely popular cults that were met with harsh violence for evidence. This besides the rampant “sacred” prostitution in temples, which was almost always adultery btw.

You first had the cuck cults. This involved a man worshiping a goddess of some sort, and you would either yourself or other women, maybe even you wife come and chop off you balls during a ceremony. Then you would be a male prostitute for the rest of you life and a sex slave. It was very very popular and some Christian fathers would complain about how they would throw their recently cutoff ballsack into their faces in the middle of prayer. Roma always struggled with this.

Another is Bacchanalia. The women in this cult fondly steal possessions from the patriarch of the house and many would proceed to murder him.

1 timothy 2:11-12
Let a woman in quietness learn in all subjection,
12and a woman I do not suffer to teach, nor to rule/dominate a husband, but to be in quietness

Galtians 5:12
Envyings, murders, drunkenness, revellings, and such like: of the which I tell you before, as I have also toldyouin time past, that they which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God.
There are other instances of this degeneracy outside these cults in particular but these were super popular, and always during Roman crisis’s. That is no coincidence.


Jesus was a cool guy. HE wasn't the messiah though.


sorry it was another picture

It's been a long day

Were there good people in paganism? Yes not everyone got into these cults. But they were always around, and with Greeks it was prevalent, especially early on in the days where history becomes myth and legend. There are tales of goodness and nobility, but it was far far from perfect. There were good people who rejected these things and rightly so and as Jesus said of them, “They are my sheep but in another sheep pen and they will come to me.”

So yes there were good people in paganism so lets discuss them. And what I loved about what the Greeks did believe. For them wealth turns into greed, and with greed there is arrogance, the vanity, or hubris saying “I am god who shall bring me down to the ground?” They despised this sort, Lucifer. And with this vanity that they called hubris there came self destruction. As it is written “Pride goeth before the fall.”

The joos of today aren't Jews they're Canaanites claiming to be Semites. Slippery fuckers....

You see the good men who were pagan (by ignorance alone) would truly hate the pagans that around today, who shill on Sup Forums. They are prideful and full of uncleanliness, or as they called, miasma. For this reason the ancient Greeks some of them would take the most prideful, most ugly man in the whole city and they would sacrifice HIM to the gods, because it serves him right that fucker, who's body was considered to be so unclean that their bones would be charred and ground into dust then cast into the river or in burnt forsaken places, not even the graveyards could bear those ashes because they were so polluted. This was the ritual called Thargelia. Because you pagans are also satanists all of you, you are vain vain people. You are greedy, you are full of it. And you despise your neighbors and offer no goodwill to him.

>This is the reality of the world we live in one without any real friends.

That's what the pagans said. Then the Apostles came to teach them the Good News. And it was, that God was their friend. You don't owe him anything, he loves you paid your debts for you, now be kind and good like he is. And be strong.

These “good” pagans were not you friends. They hated you before they knew you and when they heard about Jesus they believed in him. Behold the first generation of the Roman Catholic Church. Who you despise.


that's catholic invention you smog. men aren't supposed to have long hair.

For it is written, I will destroy the wisdom of the wise, and will bring to nothing the understanding of the prudent.


yes they did

The vast majority of the Bible removed was by Jews in their war against Christianity

The Shabbat starts sundown on Friday. It's why they were in a hurry for him to die, so they could get him buried while they could still do work.

You fucking intellectuals
You are just everywhere these days I can't stand you people.
And fuck you we need our Catholics they are the only ones who put up a fucking fight


You demanded evidence for years and the Lord gave you 5000 manuscripts

Even the gnostics ADMITTED that their gnostic "scriptures" were written hundreds of years later and were not accepted cannon by anyone not even other heretical groups besides your intellecutal pagans


Christianity is the opposite of Sup Forums
>love your enemies
>forgive sins without retaliation
>help scum and poor people
>be a sheep
>don't get the credits of your works

The name easter came later
The date and what is celebrated during easter is literally passover

My apologies for getting a Master's in Theology. Mea culpa.

I have no problem with Catholics, but rather with using the actions of various Popes to condemn Christianity as a whole.

You're forgetting the other good jews. Like the prophets

Active Mormon here

Masters means nothing

You learna nd learn and learn and they will teach you nothing

You are a fool

The more educated you the more likely that you will be fooled.

nobody gives a flying fuck about your credentials on Sup Forums. NOBODY

It means nothing and the onlything that matters is the quality of your shitpost

And nothing else

YOU are an enemy of Roman Catholicism

Popes did nothing wrong


Sure a kike here and there but those fuckers had it coming and if you read my post and understood it you would have already noted that a since it discuses it

Since I discuss it

Additionally, only English and German speakers call the day any variant of "Easter." In most languages the word used is "Pascha" or some variant thereof, which means "Passover." In Latin and Greek, it's literally "Pascha."

So somehow we are meant to believe that the Roman Church secretly created a holiday to worship Ishtar. And we know this because Easter sounds like Ishtar....even though the Latins never actually called it that and still do not to this day.

Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.

all scriptures were apparently the same as the dead sea scrolls. But first you have to fight a boss to get them

I didn't mention my credentials until you said you hated smart people. I let my argument stand on its own and you may feel free to argue against it or just keep the autistic screeching going.

Being smart about things is not the same as being an intellectual

Being smart is when you are driving down that parking lot and theres a group of spics just eyeing you and something stirs in you saying it's not right.

That's being smart

Being educated is knowing facts and figures.
Book stuff

Being wise is being able to discern right from wrong from spiritual from carnal

Intellecutals are from reddit

You sure did refute me back there didn't you

With you Masters degree

I'd say a good portion of being wise is also the ability to identify a bullshit argument grounded in false historical notions that have clearly been made up as a polemic.

You know whats a lie?



Muh education

You don't understand people outside of your educated bubble.

Can you understand and respect the decisions that the knights that gave up their lives for you made?


Wisdom is something purely spiritual and if you had any respect for King Solomon then you would have seen that.

You education will get you nowhere without proper discipline. So many educated intelllectuals end up living lives that end with little prosperity and achieving little in their lives.
No satisfaction

That's true the holocaust never happened

By Jewish faith, none should of been purer then Jesus.
The Jewish faith is not wrong, it's followers are just dime a dozen Jesus'.

YOU say that my argument has false historical notions and yet I have proof and you just disregard it because I'm not one of your own


It is more important to you that you just totally disregard and shit all over my evidence against paganism for those who are in need of what Paul called "milk" And yet it is more important to you that you defend your own intellect over the souls of innocent men who could be led astray.
Most people understand paganism is bullshit but I wrote that for the few who are in need of plenty.

So youshit all over it because of you are vain

For it is written, I will destroy the wisdom of the wise, and will bring to nothing the understanding of the prudent.

story of Sup Forums that's why i keep quoting it

Rev17 describes the Catholic Church perfectly as mystery Babylon, not "the Jews". According to Roman Catholic teachings, they have replaced Israel and the Jewish people (this is a lie debunked in Romans chapter 11 which states that the generation of Jews that rejected Jesus are cast out, but the ones to come can be saved). The Catholics conscider themself "spiritual Jews". So yes the Catholics claim to be Jews and are not.

The whole purpose of this time period that people falsely call "the great tribulation" (which never appears as a title, just a description) is actually known as the TIME OF JACOBS(Israel) TROUBLE. That's the proper title. This time period is to purify the Jews (the covenant God made with aberhs seed was ETERNAL). Why do the Jews need to be purified? Reasons are clear. The Bible says that the Jews require a sign multiple times. This is the reason Moses the law and Elijah the prophet will return (2 witnesses in rev) to confirm the NT to the Jews. Jews didn't listen to Jesus but they will listen to Moses, he's very important to the Jews.

If your wondering who the anti-Christ will be... a pope. A pre-Vatican 2 pope. Why do you think they are letting migrants into western countries? What's a better way to usher in a new age "savior" than mass chaos and fear that your own race will go extinct? The cruscades are being purposely set up.... the future is radical Roman Catholicism. You can't stop it. It's prophesied and everyone is falling for it.

>does Sup Forums hate Jesus?


Christ is our true king and we are flawed sinners.

>does Sup Forums hate Jesus?
yes, i do

The Catholic hierarchy hasn't even been legitimate since Vatican II

It's mecca.
It's on seven hills and its near the sea. It also murdered the innocent ten times ten times ten times the amount Rome ever ever did

fucking jews.


Meccas colors are not purple and scarlet.
The vaticans colors are purple and scarlet

Mecca doesn't rule over the kings of the earth.
Every political leader that meets with the pope kisses his ring/bows/calls him "holy father" which is Gods title.
Mecca isn't likened to a woman.
The Vatican calls itself "the mother church"

Why the fuck does Sup Forums still has bible thumpers? I thought we got rid of you fags a long time ago, or do you guys simply breed like flies?

Christianity is pretty fucking dumb man

This old question again, figured people would get it by now.

He wasn't a Jew but okay

I don't hate jews
I hate (((jews)))

>Is Christian
>Agrees with everything on Sup Forums

I'm fucking conflicted right now, man.