/ptg/ President Trump General - Eternal General Edition

Trump Playlist

>Pres Trump @ Black History Museum 2/21/17
>Gen McMaster picked for NSA 2/20/17
>VP Pence @Nato 2/20/17
>Pres Trump Rally Melbourne FL 2/18/17
>VP Pence @ Munich Conf 2/18/17
>Maddog speaks at Munich 2/17/17
>Pres Trump Weekly Address #4 2/17/17
>SCJ Alito swears in EPA admin Pruitt 2/17/17

>Marty McFly lands on our timeline
>Alex Jones gets high with Joe Rogan, redpilling ensues
>God Emperor Trump Was Born To Rule
>Donald Trump Emperor of America
>TrumpBot vs Mexico

>Hold Back The Night
>Inauguration of Fire
>American Hero
>Trump Triumphant
>We Are The Silent Majority
>American Comeback Story

OP pastebin: pastebin.com/nygxu29R
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Other urls found in this thread:


>Longest Thread in /ptg/ History



/Spermdrinker General/

is it over? are we back?

drumpf btfo



>my posts about jerking off during melanias lords prayer will be forever immortalized


H-hey there...c-cutie.


>3 trump generals

I'd be calling you freaking useless cunts, if it weren't for the current situation, and that's it's now a good thing that we now have three threads to jump to.

I was trying to post this thread for hours, nigger, give me a break

t.op of the longest ptg in history

Finally, I was getting worried that the shills shut us down

Gook better be on the case, it's been god knows how many hours now

biggest shitposter of thread?

Reminder that this happened


Imagine that, a world without joeposting


Are we back

Watch out for happenings right now, we might be getting censored, or it might just be the gook shitting himself, whatever the case, it's getting beyond shareblue now. The big guys are coming out into the open, these people are psychopaths and they just don't care anymore, they will do anything to shut it all down

don't say things like that user

p-please work

What's going on /ptg/? Is there a TrumpNightlyNews in the building? I've just been going through yesterday mornings reactions from various radio shows to get caught up to speed. Any of you listen to dr. David Duke show yesterday? The nigga was on FIRE.

anyways, how ya'll doing?

We are!

You responded to my pic about her and Trump's relationship being healthy right?


Think so

disavow david duke breakroom user

is he, dare i say it, /ourguy/?

Can I post now?

>yfw she reads those one day

Are... Are we back?

Let's see if is still in it's JUST state

I've been away since the milo video leaked, it looks like had a happening, what is it?


Is it safe now?

oh shit did anyone see this?

>tfw no Laura mommy

are we back now wtf

I am enjoying these two minute shit posting windows followed by ten minutes of errors


and now its forever stuck in the eternal Trump gen for me to be eternally shamed with

It was the most ebin of threads. What a truly miraculous timeline.

Hiro is a retard and can't manage some servers. Outside of this place and in the real world fuckall has happened

Somehow this has to end.

I can't wait for Trump to shit on them.

awoo if you up

Oy, I remeber you posting your shopping list.
You got all of your autism now?
How is J-list? Thinking about buying one of the overpiced nip figurines

If I wanted to watch 2 cucks with thick rimmed glasses drinking coffee I would walk past a starcucks

Don't let his act fool you, he's a well known scammer who pretends to not know english

With that said, at least this was temporary

Damn, watching last night's Tucker.

That manlet pro-immigration guy couldn't admit that someone undercutting your desired wage would force you to take less money to compete.

Tucker should have brought some better arguments, though.

That crazed drumpf is hitler protester doesn't feel too unsafe to protest or show her face.

Tucker was his usual funny self, and queen Ann will be on soon.

>Stephen's ratings just took a huge hit!

are we being censored? holy shit with all the online censoring going on this can't just be coincidence

>mfw I saved the thread just to keep my (You)s

Circling the Wagons, I see.

not him but here you go
>Poll: 80% of Americans oppose sanctuary cities
>Trump visits African American Museum
>DHS releases memo
>Says illegals will be deported for ANY crime
>Orders immediate design and construction of the wall
>Ends Catch and Release
>Marie Le Pen refuses to wear headscarf in Lebanon
>Spicer rally
>Not very spicy
>Says Trump has a “healthy respect” for the press
>Schumer: GOP will break with Trump within months
>Trump tweets: The so-called angry crowds in home districts of some Republicans are actually, in numerous cases, planned out by liberal activists. Sad!
>Corey on Hannity

> yfw any mention of the names of the first family is flagged for review
> yfw Trump has already read them

Joe is invading other shows

Soon all will bow before Joe or be permanently disavowed

Infowars has just had their funding cut off for supporting trump, so prepare for much more caveman bone broth and tangy tangerine

Also, Alex Jones AMA on Plebbit tonight, if you have an account, you can ask him the tough questions

>have been practically isolated all night because I couldn't even get the threads to load and I don't post anywhere else

did joe play the disavow song last night on the late show with colbert?

whatever happened to the show?

wow, pretty neat collection

But don't you think you should add a copy of Skyrim remastered? It is the official game of MAGA after all


>beware the (((thalmor)))


Look...if you had one shot, one oppurtunity... to make America great again, in one moment, would you take it? Or let it slip? Yo!

His palms are sweaty, knees weak toupee is heavy, he's putting up a wall already, Mom's spaghetti.

He's nervous, but on the surface he looks calm and ready
To drop bombs, but he keeps on forgetting
What he brought down, the whole crowd goes so loud
He opens his mouth, but the lies won't come out
He's choking, how? Everybody's joking now
The clock's run out, election's over—blaow!

Snap back to reality, oh, there goes gravity, oh
There goes the traffic, its choked, he's so mad, but he won't
Give up that easy, no, he won't have it, he knows
His whole back's to these ropes, it don't matter, he's dope
He knows that, road is broke, economy stagnant, he knows
When he goes back to his golden home, that's when it's
Back to the lab again, yo! This whole rhapsody
Better go capture this moment and hope it don't pass him

You better lose yourself in the Pepe
The moment, you own it, you better never let it go
You only get one shot, do not miss your chance to meme
This opportunity comes once in a lifetime, yo
You better…

Most likely something really serious happened on one of the boards, probably leak of something extreme

awigger please


>tfw when click link and chrome lags for a minute



I remembered today that Trump and Schumer are actually friends and Trump in the past donated to his campaigns for the senate.

It really makes me feel better about things to know these people aren't actually trying to destroy each other.

s-shes far too busy to read it...i-im sure...


why are we not unleashing autist crawlers to lurk out said leak right now?


Yes, we were hardened by the great image famine of '17

They're alright. Not my go to store for weebshit but they sometimes have shit nobody else does. Check the buyfag thread on Sup Forums. They have a wiki with a ton of different stores with pros and cons listed.

I was going to sit in on that AMA. Does anyone want me to ask any question?


Didn't he do some 13 hour emergency AMA or something?

We will find out about it regardless, what that moron brock doesn't know is that we will ALWAYS find out regardless, you just can't hide that kind of information anymore. Once it's on the internet, you can never remove it, no matter how much soros bucks and basement dwelling virgins you have

I think this was just a server error, but I just don't know, everything happened WAY too close together


I understand nu/pol/ is anti-white. No wonder why I get zero responses when 8 make threads when his show comes on every day at 11:07am.

I saw Trump and a woke Carson at the museum today. What a busy rest of the day!!!

His soul's escaping through this hole that is gaping
This world is mine for the taking, make me king
As we move toward the Old World Order
A normal life is boring; but superstardom's
Close to post-mortem, it only grows harder
Homie grows hotter, he blows, it's all over
These hoes is all on him, coast-to-coast shows
He's known as the Globalist throttler, lonely roads
God only knows, he's grown farther from home, he's a father
Goes home and bigly fixes America's bother
But hold your nose, ‘cause here goes the cold water
These hoes don't want him no mo', he's gone too far,
They moved on to the next Spencer who HEILS
He nose-dove and sold nada, and so the soap opera
Is told, it unfolds, I suppose it's old, partner
But the beat goes on: da-da-dum, da-dum, dah-dah, dah-dah

You better lose yourself in the Pepe
The moment, you own it, you better never let it go
You only get one shot, do not miss your chance to meme
This opportunity comes once in a lifetime, yo
You better…

I need to know where to buy these.. Please?

>Chuck Schumer: ‘Hope of America’ Is Republicans Break With Trump

Schumer said, “Let me put it like this when you talk to Republicans quietly, you know, in the cloak room in the gym, they are having real problems with him. Now, very few, John McCain to his credit, but very few have had the courage to oppose him even though they know he’s doing a lot of things that are against what America is all about.”

He added, “My prediction is, if he keeps on this path, which is likely, I don’t think he will change, within three, four months, you’ll see a whole lot of Republicans breaking with him. That’s the salvage of America. That’s the hope of America.”


We did it boys .

> Let's gather round the GOP and sing the disavow song
> It's the D-I-S-A-V-O-W Disavowing song
> And if you don't think the party of Lincoln will die you're wrong
> but it would help if you just sing along

Yeah, ask him how likely it is for Soros and other big shots to be imprisoned by Trump at this rate, with the public being this woke. Nothing is stopping Trump from bagging and dragging his ass to gitmo or under putin's doorstep

How long went the new thread?

Was it archived before a new one was posted?

jesus christ

everyone there looks like they want to die

>everything happened WAY too close together

This. Concernfagging aside, it seems very suspicious

Get confirms. I will post a screencap to the PTG tomorrow during the thread.

No more games, I'ma change what you call rage
Tear this motherfuckin' roof off like two dogs caged
I was playing in the beginning, the mood all changed
I've been chewed up and spit out but cheered on stage
But I kept memein' and stepped right in the next cypher
Best believe somebody's paying the Pied Piper
All the pain inside amplified by the
Fact that I can't get by with my nine-to-
Five, and I can't provide the right type of
Life for my nation ‘cause, man, these goddamn
Blacks don't buy diapers, and there's no movie
There's no corporate whore, this is my life
And these times are so hard, and it's getting even harder
Tryna feed and water my seed; plus, teeter-totter
Caught up between being a father and a prima donna
Model mama drama, screaming on her
Too much for me to wanna stay in one spot
Another day of monotony's gotten me to the point
I'm like a snail, I've got to formulate a plot
Or end up in jail or shot
Success is my only motherfuckin' option—failure's not
Mom, I love you, but this system's got to go
I cannot grow old in Moloch's Lot
So here I go, it's my shot, feet: fail me not

This may be the only opportunity that I got
You better lose yourself in the Pepe
The moment, you own it, you better never let it go
You only get one shot, do not miss your chance to meme
This opportunity comes once in a lifetime...


> Republicans oppose him!

> Republicans such as...

> *checks lots of articles*

> John McCain, Lindsay Graham, McCain, Graham, McMuffin, Graham, McCain, McCain, Glenn Beck, McCain McCain and Graham.

>fidel castro is dead!

that will never stop being hillarious

Any body here looking to become an ICE employee? (or is one already)

Looks tempting..

That's what happens when you don't get your GED

I just can't imagine that kind of life, but then again, they could be jobless. We need more jobs and better education in this country, and we need to do it now, the globalists are trying to rewrite history right now, pic related
