Is this book pol approved?

Some friends told me this book is very interesting to understand how various civilities evolved through the centuries.
What do you think about it?

Other urls found in this thread:

>implies the only reason niggas arent us is cause we had farmland
>Doesn't acknowledge genetic superiority of the white race.
It's pretty shit.

It's fucking shit.

Should be on the fantasy lit shelf

>doesnt see that zebras have been domesiticated exactly as horses have

instantly disregarded.


>says that New Guineans are more intelligent than Westerners because of technology
>reality says the average IQ of New Guinea is ~85

Yeah nah its history for white guilt retards

Sup Forums can't into the difference between taming and domestication so no, it is not Sup Forums approved. In after zebras.

Yes I agree, wolves can only be tamed, they will never be domesticated. I love dogs btw

Absolute rubbish. He's not an anthropologist, and his theories have huge holes.

Africa is not one big deadly swamp, it is lush, and full of animals and perfect for argriculture in the vast majority of the continent.

Niggers didn't get a raw deal on their environment, they simply didn't develop.

load of shit

Also: (((DIAMOND)))

I don't understand your point. Wolves have a hierarchical pack structure which enables them to be domesticated whereas hyenas do not and can at most be tamed? That sounds like agreeing with the book.

it raises some solid points, but Diamond seems to put ALL the eggs into his single proposed basket of geography and available resources being the main aspect in shaping a civilization.
Read it.
But realize it's one of many aspects of how civilizations differ from one another. Not the only aspect.

But guys! He won the (((PULITZER)))


This. There's a lot of throwing the baby out with the bathwater with this book. It contains some interesting perspectives that won't instantly turn you in to a Jew if you believe half of them.

Racial egalitarianism is a flat earth tier ignorance. You can use it as a toilet paper

the only valid point he brings up is transfer of information. Isolated peoples had less of an advantage because they didn't get any new ideas or ways of doing things

Domesticated wolves are called dogs.


He knows, he was trying to make the other guy look like a retard.

>Read it.
Absolutely not.

My bad I misread the post. Sorry ausbro.

Do cats have hierarchical pack structures? Does every animal domesticated by man have these structures?
The taming of hyenas falls into the same category as the zebra, they weren't domesticated so we don't know if they can be domesticated.

>Real History versus Guns Germs and Steel by Jared Diamond

I suggest you give this a read.

Northmen were isolated. BA-BOOM. Ocean NASA of their time - the most efficient sea vehicles to be seen.

No. I refuse to read anything related to this.

The very concept of "A brief history of mankind - by some jew" would be laughable if it weren't so evil.

Is this webm pol approved?

nigger apologist

read pic related and get redpilled



I gotta get me some brown sugar...


Hell yea


beastiality, nope



I've not read it, but to my understanding it's just another attempt at trying to give a politically correct explanation as to why niggers fail at civilization. He is correct with that geography has had a major impact on humans. But I'm fairly certain he does not admit that our racial differences are largely because of differences in enviroments. Just imagine yourself in a survival setting with stone-age tools; where would you want to be to maximize your chances of survival? Probably in a warm, green paradise, where all you need to survive is pick fruits and endurance running for hunting. You could even survive by yourself for a long time, so getting abandoned by your tribe wouldn't be a guaranteed death. No long term planning to survive winter needed.

Compare that to ice-age Europe. The geographic area where Europeans developed is compareable to modern climate of Fennoscandia. Having muscles, a big dick, running stamina and dancing skills, did not make you the most important member of the tribe. Knowledge and teamwork was absolutely essential to just survive, and when the ice-age refugias pushed the tribes to a compact area, only made the strongest tribes survive. Traits like empathy got selected in Europeans and not in Africans, because empathy was more needed for survival in Europe.

Finland is a good example how you don't need early civilizations to succeed in the 21th century. Finns suffered more from slavery than Africans, we didn't have natural resources except lumber, yet one could say we got it pretty well off in a short time. Simply superior genetics, superior genetics in the environment of civilization at least. Africans were naturally selected for Africa, Europeans selected for Europe.

>I've not read it, but to my understanding it's just another attempt at trying to give a politically correct explanation as to why niggers fail at civilization.

I had the same impression!

well its a load of crap because in his fabled temperate zone he has Tasmania and our aborigines were even more retarded than most.

The contrast with her brown skin and the pink in her pussy is a lil off putting but shit that ass is phat nigga

Well except that Europeans can survive in Africa and make more of it than Africans themselves can. And Africans couldn't survive in Europe without the industrialized economy that the Europeans are maintaining.

In the preface he literally states that his motivation to write his book was to combat "racism".

He had a pre-decided conclusion, which was that all races are innately equal, and constructed a theory of geographic determinism to fit his conclusion.

This is so disgusting, have some fucking pride or at least keep your monkey fetish to yourself.

>Is this book pol approved?
Bait but I'll larp.



You shouldn't have posted a Roman solider as a reaction to racial mixing for sure.
literal pioneers of all modern troubles. Romans willingly intermixed out of existence. Rome allowed scum from Asia Minor, Judea and North Africa to freely travel and settle. You know the drill. The Mediterraneans are dead. It's anthropoligal fact. Meds were glorious with exception for Rome. I mean, Romans got B L A C K E D in brothels and watched gory spectacles in the Colosseum. The "barbarians" being savage were a victor's meme. Just like the "muh ebul" Nazis today.

>Ritualistic and very spiritual occasional post-battle cannibalism/head decor innawoods.
>Blood for sport and animal cruelty followed up by some nigger dick in the brothel.

Pic related - more of Roman """""""art"""""""

Quite literally the ancestors of modern Italians

S.P.Q.R.? More like C.U.C.K.



It's basically Blue pill, The book. He says that climate/ecology is more of a predictor of successful civilisation than average IQ, yet ignores the fact that various Central American Indians were able to create civilisations like the Mayans and Aztec despite having similar issues to Subsaharan African when it came to domesticating animals/harsh climate/tropical diseases.

>at least keep your monkey fetish to yourself.
I have, I've kept it to an anonymous image board

>Excuses For Niggers by A Jew

Yeah it's amazing

Yeah, reinforce the point.
Sailed a whole lot, got more information off other peoples, grew and expanded.

Just coz they were fearless sailers doesnt mean that contact with other cultures wasn't adventagous

Also, despite the fact that South American Indian tribes were far away from the places that had become centres of technological innovation for
Millenia(Middle East, China, Europe), they were still able to build better civilisations than Africans despite the fact that Africa had a lot contact with the Middle East via East African slave trade.

Yeah, and the Romans were all niggers too, right. Point is, the glory of Rome ascended the civilization fostered by the Greeks to incredible new heights, and inspired the 'barbarians' to form their own kingdoms, in emulation of Rome (Holy Roman Empire, Third Rome, Charlemagne). Your garbage accusations are completely unfounded.

Europeans are certainly more fit to survive in civilization-Africa, civilization is a European tool to survive in any area. It's mindblowing we are even thinking about making Mars a habitable space.

Indeed the European man might be ultimately even stronger than the African in Africa with even stone-age tools. I do not know. It's impossible to test, because the European's would soon start building civilization to make their living more bearable. Just like they did in Australia. The harsher living conditions have made Europeans extremely adaptive, and forced to select traits that could be very beneficial even in Africa.

Really? Sad. It's a shame so many smart minds cloud their thinking with the pre-decided truths. Understanding reality is impossible for those who do not want to face the potential of a darker truth.

Doesn't look too happy.

>completely unfounded
Killed their genetic legacy
Early and early mid stages of Rome were glorious, but then they went full cuck mode and killed whatever racially minded Greeks crafted. Included the racial legacy of Hellenes

Alaric literally didn't do anything wrong. Imagine if pre-1975 Sweden with racial eugenics and fourth best European military invaded modern US and exterminated its mongrels and Jewish elites. Same shit

>Doesn't look too happy.
No, it looks tame and docile and able to work. That's the whole point. These animals that are so-called "impossible to use as a basis for primitive agricultural society", are in fact, useful for such tasks. It just took Europeans arriving for that to happen. They aren't ideal, but they could be through animal husbandry. You just have to have an IQ above 70 to accomplish this.

So, if I've got this right, you're putting the genetic impurity of the Mediterranean down to a couple of Roman citizens that had a shitty fetish, instead of the recent influx of millions of Africans due to the refugee crisis.

It's the natives who got studied and it wasn't just fetish. Shit ton of North African, Judean and Asia Minor subjects were ALLOWED FREE MOVEMENT. You understand what that means? From desertish Arabia straight to rich soil of Italy

I have to read this garbage book for my history class, the one doing the seminars is a jew who takes stabs at trump too.
Don't even get me started on how political correct the classes itself are

>Free Movement
Yeah, I'll agree that the Edict of Caracalla was a mistake, but in the end, they paid dearly for it, just like the union is right now. Even then, back in 200 AD, not all Africans were black, and not all who lived in the Levant were Jewish (in fact, both were the minority in these regions). Free movement made sense when the entire empire is held together by its own products and business, and the demographics were completely different.

((((Jared Diamond))))
Go to and mention this book, they'll laugh their ass off.

>Probably in a warm, green paradise, where all you need to survive is pick fruits and endurance running for hunting.

I can never find a source that africa was a negro paradise back in the day, do you have one?

Their environment is actually too good, they never had much selective pressure to develop it. White farmers in Africa had the highest production per acre in the world, and produced in enormous excess -- now those same countries rely on foreign aid to avoid starvation.

>free movement makes sense
Literally doesnt. You force colonials from the Metropoly and they obey.
>not all were negro
But almost every Arab is 7-20% negro, so.

>Killed their genetic legacy
To their deffence they didn't even know what genetics is back in the day

it's a nice summary of the official explanations for a lot of shit, so it has some value. but i don't think those explanations are very thorough and convincing

Somehow Greeks knew what purity of bloodlines is and advocated it. Thing is that racemixers are literally mentally ill. They go against the prime natural instinct and inborn homophilia

Still, it's good to have read it and argue your way out of having revealed your powerlevel by accident.

Happened to me a few times.

yes, that was kind of my meaning. it's useful to have a thorough overview of what you are opposing

It's interesting and to be honest if you find it ideologically opposed to you you should have even more reason to read it. As with most things it's a shade of grey. And with all things historical, from an epistemological point of view, we have absolutely no way whatsoever of knowing if the suppositions are correct or not.

Read it and make up your own mind cuckboi, stop getting Sup Forums to do your thinking for you.

That was leftist garbage. Not defending Diamond, but "wah white people aren't blamed enough for colonialism" is fucking idiotic.

>Read it and make up your own mind cuckboi, stop getting Sup Forums to do your thinking for you.

10 points to the wise aussie

Hint: they had to be amazing at building and sailing ships in order to meet anyone in the first place, dumbass.

sudanese Croatian crossbreed doesn't know about that

And this is where AIDS comes form kids.

Northmen weren't isolated at all, wtf are you talking about. They're close to Germans and British, they found fucking Thracian gold in Sweden. Finland on the other hand is pretty isolated, they didn't invent shit all here except the sauna.
t. non-Finn

Hurri please.