>half Sup Forums is now just full of autistic screeching and bait threads.
What a shame, the American election has destroyed what was left of this board and to be fair it was on life support. The one consolation is that old Sup Forums was right about immigration destroying the very culture that they want to live in.
Thank God that faggot's gone. The board would have been axed in the middle of the election. Moot was shit.
Gavin Howard
Moot's not here anymore, mang.
Angel Young
You are the problem.
Carter Watson
Except Sup Forums didn't exist in 2010, and /new/ only became Sup Forums because people wanted a far-right board.
William Bell
Sup Forums is not /stormfront/ and hasn't been in a long time, we've been flooded by retards in 2012.
Adam Foster
That was 7 years ago. Sup Forums is still here. Sup Forums was right.
Asher Harris
Moot was a totalitarian, free speech hating, commie that enjoyed dressing up as Hillary Clinton.
Hibachi moot is much better
Leo Gray
Go drown yourself.
Christian Gray
There are always posts on every board about how the board-culture has degraded, and muh newfags, but this board really did get fucked up. It used to be a great source of discussion about current events and politics, even if it did have that nazi-spin to it. Now its just memeing and shitposting, as OP said
Adam Sullivan
Moot really was cancer. I had the misfortune of chatting with him when I was going through the janitor process many years ago, and he was basically just a spoiled, angry kid. Kicked me out when I asked in the IRC channel why the process was taking so long, after having heard nothing for over a month. Even the mods took my side.
Really should dig out those old logs if I still have them.
Adam Cook
Forgot to take your Xanax today, you angsty fuck?
Jose Harris
We need another Sup Forumsharbor.
Kayden Reed
Agree. Gook-moot has done alright by Sup Forums.
Ryan Wood
>discussing the pic while ignoring the content of the post. Kill your self preferably by drowning you are everything wrong with Sup Forums
Daniel Rivera
agreed. used to talk to him on AIM when he gave out his MOOTCHAT name. too bad i was too stupid then to realize.
Aaron Campbell
The picture is related to the topic, you autistic cunt.
>kys kys kys Kids like you are what's wrong with Sup Forums.
Levi Cox
Dont be a fucking retard pol was about 60 Obama 40 Romney during the 2012 elecction
Pol turned into stormfront after and became severely anti-PC and has been since 2013-2014 until recently with the Trump run
Christian Morgan
who the fuck is moot
Brandon Hughes
We need to purge the Lolbertarians and bring back our comfy NatSoc hugbox. We don't have moot trying to stop us now so we can go all the way.
Brandon Hill
You are really pathetic mate i could probably back hand the shit out of you and you would swear it was a boot to your head.
Isaac Fisher
Make Sup Forums Great Again
Seriously though when are we getting some actual fucking mods? if I see one more fucking leaf shitpost I'm going to shoot myself.
Nicholas Allen
Threats over the internet? Spelling like a nigger? You really are a kid.
Liam Reyes
You can't grasp any form of context can you. Please remove yourself from the gene pool.
Gabriel Murphy
>kys kys kiss kiss Faggot.
Joshua Wilson
Pol is pretty much the opposite spectrum of the SJW.
Literally the same thing just change every word from white to black and rich white man to rich jewish man.
Seriously both groups are spending their lifes posting memes,posting about race and religion.
Both groups live with parents and have no job.
Jonathan Martinez
Bullshit. Here's a thread from 2012 talking about Sup Forums, and how it's become a breeding ground for far-right extremism.
Hey it's not all ausyistic shreeching and bait threads. There are e-celeb threads and Twitter threads the 29 threads at the same time about Milo was fun yesterday as well.
Alexander Sullivan
Not gonna lie, former white person here. This is fucking hilarious watching the white race crash and burn. But in all seriousness, we can't let them increase their population!
Daniel Anderson
The difference is that we have science and statistics on our side. Sure, there are plenty of morons who will buy into every single far-right conspiracy theory imaginable, but overall, we're far more rational than the SJWs.
Michael Lee
Some newfag.
Pls no ban.
Ryder Russell
>what are raids
Nicholas Johnson
You know telling others to kill themselves is illegal in Kiwiland, right? :^)
Mason Lewis
disregard this,he sucked cocks
Jason Murphy
Sup Forums here, how can we stop Sup Forums board culture from spreading throughout Sup Forums?
Xavier Phillips
How about them Gottkanzler Shulz and /leftypol/ threads? Pure cancer. They don't debate anything, they just wave their dicks at us.
Grayson Smith
Grayson Ramirez
Fuckin newfag
Levi Adams
You can't. Sup Forums has become Sup Forums.
Joseph Thompson
What was Sup Forums like before all the newfags infestation? I bet it was comfy.
Sebastian Hill
>become Hi newfriend.
Mason Sanders
You literally can't, but Hiromoot can always hire more faggot autist shitlib mods to do that for you.
Charles Torres
Jason Scott
This. It's all sliding and unadulterated shitposting these days. This board has been in disarray and under constant siege since the election.
Josiah Morris
Lurk Moar newfag
Easton Bennett
Been here since /n/. Occasionally browsed /new/, became regular with Sup Forums.
You are a fool.
William Smith
That was the beginning of the end for Sup Forums. When they attacked Hal, they attacked one of their own. Most raids before that were against mainstream targets. Attacking someone already hated by the mainstream made no sense. It resulted in a massive influx of liberal crusaders, and within a a year, Chanology put the final nail in the coffin for Sup Forums.
Liam Peterson
it was /new/ not Sup Forums
Lincoln Roberts
You can't, embrace it faggot.
Cameron Turner
Eh alright I came here last summer. Almost bored now.
Kayden Lee
>What was Sup Forums like before all the newfags infestation? Sup Forums was made 4 years after the newfags had killed Sup Forums. If anything, Sup Forums has resurrected some of the oldschool spirit of Sup Forums, in a more politicized form.
Dominic Evans
the mistake you make is thinking it's Sup Forums culture and that Sup Forums is not merely a reflection of the ongoing cultural shift at work all over Eurasia and the Americas;
Cameron Thompson
It's a combination of victory shock as the world swings right, and an influx of shilling as a result of the victory.
Aiden Perry
>the American election has destroyed what was left of this board Yeah, but what a way to go out, huh faggot?
Andrew Hall
It's gonna happen to Sup Forums next when Sup Forums becomes what current Sup Forums is. Slowly this will happen to all the boards.Enjoy while it lasts.
Xavier Stewart
pretty much, but desu you can't really kill a stillbirth
Landon Smith
Do you think moot still lurks on Sup Forums?
Mason Watson
Moot was a faggot and his only redeeming quality is that he //kind of// used to get Sup Forums board culture, unlike the gook it seems.
Mason Lee
>I don't know what Sup Forums is Hi southleaf.
Camden Sanders
Victory shock being paralysis from victory. The "what next?" feeling. The reduction in urgency.
Anthony Roberts
all i want is snacks to become the mod of Sup Forums
Caleb Cox
>he doesn't know about /n/ and /new/ the original stromfront Ron Paul machines of doom
Levi Lopez
He really showed his colors during the quinn incident, rest in piss
Hudson James
>implying he gets time to do anything between his coffee fetching job at Jewgle
Aaron Russell
Sup Forums was created in 2012, it had other names before than Sup Forums in 2012 was far less nationalistic and far more libertarian, there were no flags (though ideological flags or jidf flags were added) so people attacked what you said rather than your flag, it had less Sup Forums type unrelated threads and was more focused on politics and to an extent news. People debated much better back then.
I know this because majority of my screencaps are either from 2012 or 2013, from post 2014 /nupol/ I almost have nothing, those I have are from octochan
Brody Price
Really if you just had a couple of dedicated mods deleting the cancerous threads before they could pick up this board would improve ten fold
James Price
most of the statistic is taken out of context or without any contexts.
But lets even ignore this now. Half of the board is now run by kids who have a laugh at being edgy and unhappy that they are virgins.
Look at hte topics that get posted >Why are Trump supportes so hot looking >Praise Kek >Lets meme _____ into media >Why are black people dumb >look at this video I found about niggers being stupid
There are no actual political discussions going its all about dumb nigger memes and shitting on other nations or races.
Daniel Nelson
2013 Sup Forums was super comfy mate. It was like an offshoot of /x/ with more conspiracy theories and less schizophrenics.
Thomas Bailey
Carter Moore
Whatever the fuck /pol is it is free speech.
I am not a stormfags, nor do I like Trump, nor am I a conservative with a big or small 'c'.
Yet I find a place where my worldviews are challenged.
Being challenged is vital for the growth of human knowledge and spirit, something that this 'safe space' bullshit can't tolerate.
Also OP is, and always will be; a fag.
Love you user
Adam Baker
look at that pedo behind him
Connor Watson
>Sup Forums was created in 2012, it had other names before than
no, that's /pol2.0/, Sup Forums was deleted along with /r9k/ in 2011 I think and all the boards were flooded by stormfront and feel threads.
2012 was the year when everything went to shit because of all the redditors brought to then reborn Sup Forums by the zimmerman thing.
Hunter King
The only thing that has changed with Sup Forums is the amount of bait threads where people pretend to have political views that they don't. Shit like the "Not Gonna Lie general" or "MEGA general" constantly being spammed didn't exist a few years ago
Cooper Cook
I miss my pirate flag
Mason King
>People debated much better back then. lmao >attacked what you said rather than your flag while technically true saying "A Fucking LEAF" is not much worse than "An hero retard"
Xavier Lee
sup dude wanna join my tech startup?
Chase Ortiz
m00t was, and probably still is, a gigantic faggot.
Hunter Morris
relax man, snacks moved to india and legally purchased a child bride, didn't you hear?
Carter Rogers
Fuck off back to Sup Forums, weeb.
Evan Scott
I wonder if moot regrets bringing back Sup Forums. This decision would cause a ripple that would alter the course of history forever.
Jonathan Turner
just ban all phone posters
Camden Edwards
I hate that fucking turncuck more than hate itself.
Hunter Smith
>most of the statistic is taken out of context or without any contexts. Not really no. Besides, most people have already read all of the relevant statistics, and there's on point in making dedicated threads where we circlejerk to black crime statistics or their low average IQ. It's brought up in threads when it's relevant.
>There are no actual political discussions going its all about dumb nigger memes and shitting on other nations or races. Sup Forums has always been like that. If you think it was any different in 2012, you're delusional. It's a huge pile of shit with a handful of good threads. Sup Forums is at its best during a happening or when there's something to work towards. There's none of that at the moment, aside from redpilling Twitter about Sweden. Of course, the fact that we're constantly being raided and that mods don't ban notorious shitposters, doesn't exactly make things better.
>Half of the board is now run by kids who have a laugh at being edgy and unhappy that they are virgins. So, are you an SJW, or have you simply bought into SJW propaganda?
Brandon Davis
Sup Forums was becoming Sup Forums anyway
Jose Diaz
This is a lot of edge, sheep shagger. You should follow your own advice.
Nolan Myers
>It was like an offshoot of /x/ with more conspiracy theories Sounds like absolute shit.
Andrew Hall
Threads currently on Sup Forums >Photo of Trump with piss >If you do not have BLUE EYES you don't BELONG TO THIS BOARD >Autistic screeching >How do you deal with loneliness /pol? >Is Israel truly our greatest ally? >So, were romans sand-niggers Sup Forums? >First battlefield 1 expansion adds even more 'diversity' European >Are Serbians just Russians crossed with Turks? >Hitler was a vegetarian. He loved animals. >Redpill me on the Military >AKE THE REDPILL: DO IT NOW >Disgusting Youtube Children's Channels: >ITT: We drop the deepest, darkest redpill
and this is not even half of what I checked now.
Look at this pile of shit and tell me with a honest face you think this is interesting or mentally challenges you to have a discussion.
Hudson Williams
Billions of dollars have been spent to disrupt us
This post isn't for you, since you're a fucking loser, but for lurkers who are much better than you because they don't open their fucking mouths.
Samuel Perry
haha, did you take him to the bar?
Colton Cox
No I am not a SJW but you must be blind of you dont see the connection of Sup Forums and /r9k/
Easton Ramirez
Moot created Sup Forums, and left it because it was ruined, ruined only in the sense that what he had wanted when he created a Andean Gnu milking forum was impossible. He never really fit in with the rest of the userbase, and is a fag. He was also cucked once, which made him leave, he was teased so much about it.
Jack Moore
yes you are cuck
back to the snowshed
Lucas Diaz
Where did it all go so wrong?
Brayden Taylor
Common sense and being autistic don't really overlap, no.
Colton Gutierrez
>Billions of dollars have been spent to disrupt us
>This post isn't for you I agree on that this threads are for kids who just want to shitpost and not have a actual political discussion.
i came here to be challenged and have a discussion not to post cartoon frogs and shitpost without any meaning.
Grayson Clark
you came to the wrong fucking neighborhood, faggot
Christopher Carter
reddit and /r9k/ virgins coming to pol and thinking they are in good company
Nathaniel Gomez
moot always was a whiny passive aggressive bitch. Sup Forums changed and he didn't.