Are 24-hour businesses degenerate?

Are 24-hour businesses degenerate?

Do they lead to a rise in crime?

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They are a result of capitalism, and serve the needs of second and third shift workers.

It disrupts the flow of a place. No more quiet nights.

Were you that desperate to start a thread you had to make it on such a stupid subject?

Late at night you have drunks, druggies, crackheads, methheads, prostitutes, trannies, etc. Coming in and starting shit. This could all be avoided if these businesses were closed after 10.

It is the sickest form of capitalism there is.

Business should be conducted from sunrise to sundown but not on the Sabbath.

thats why its 24 hour drive thru

I don't mind it too much. It creates more jobs and has a nice convenience factor to it.

You've obviously never been to Texas.

We should shud down our 24 hour hospitals, police depts, and fire services.

Might as well shut down the electric and water plants too, just to be fair.

>Are 24-hour businesses degenerate?
>Do they lead to a rise in crime?

crime, probably not.

the problem with working at night is that it is unhealthy. you young people think you can handle it, but find anyone who worked nights for a decade or more and they look way older than their years.

i used to work in a factory that went on a full time schedule, so they added a 4th shift that rotated: 2 days on 1st, 2 days on second, then 3 days on third, with some irregularity to balance it out.

needless to say everyone on the 4th shift was young and hated it. i can't imagine doing that for 20 years and not being a total wreck.

I didn't mean public services, or factories, I meant businesses that serve the general public like restaurants, casinos, supermarkets, etc.

without 24-hour fast food i am pretty sure the altright would starve to death

>Niggers rob people outside of 24 hour stores and food chains
>niggers rob 24 hour stores and food chains
>niggers start fights in line at 24 hour stores and food chains

>Guys are 24 hour food businesses to blame for crime??

You got pretty close to the truth considering how retarded you are.

McDonald's food is fucking trash yes I agree cabitalism is better than others but it isn't the greatest. I actually agree with liberals on some things like organic food and shit.

Niggers lead to a rise in crime.

Any place that has a lot of gang bangers is a dangerous area no matter what the time.

I remember when my nephew had a fever and my sister called me to go to Walgreens to pick up a few things for him at 11pm.

I drove to the nearest Walgreens and saw 4 niggers hanging out right by the entrance. I kept on driving and went way out of my way to find a place that didn't have the nigger krew outside.

A world without niggers would be heaven on earth.

no they are a lifesaver
what do you do when youre out on the piss and youre smashed out ya bean ?


>2 whites picking a fight in public place
>2 niggers acting decent by breaking it down and calming them

sounds like you're poor and scared of different people.

More Tuvok memes please.

You missed an opportunity to be enriched?

Straight white male (see: Racist) bigoted mysogenist

night time is the comfy hour

just move to a white community and you will have no problems at night
there are barely any cars on the road you can chill listen to music while getting food and coffee

They prevent crime. If a pervert runs breathless into a 7-11 mini mart at 2am and needs a playboy magazine, I say sell it to him and its one less crime that needs to be solved.

>but not on the Sabbath.
which one?

shut the fuck up leaf, its called capitalism.

I wish google had a nigger to english translator

No they just lead to a place to grab something to eat when you're traveling and are in the middle of nowhere really late.

sure faggot

(((Communism))) is worse and even deadly many times, but (((Capitalism))) only a little better eventually goes vulture or is sold out to other countries (like Israel). Every thing's for sale...inclusing your dignity.
I like to be critical of both to a degree because it's honest. People really don't need internet pundits to tell them how to think and guide them like children to this conclusion of com vs cap.