Merkel admits Mistakes and enforces deportation

German sources but i translated Merkels important quotes

>"Nobody wants to repeat this situation, not even me"
>"Also because in the last years, god knows, we made some mistakes"
>"We have relied to much on the dublin agreement, and that was a mistake."
>"In the next months the most important thing will be deportation, deportation and more deportation."
>"There will be Deportaion-Centres, from which there will be mass deportations."
>"There will also be centers where immigrants will be collected and where they will stay in the last weeks before their deportation."
>"We have to make this clear, if the person doesn't take up the offer of returning on his own free will, then we will make him return, willingly or not."


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This can't be real?

>i just hope she's serious and follows through

I saw last week how she was calling for MORE immigrants.. what changed?
She finally get tired of the no-go-zones in Germany?
Does she want her country back?

Klaus, why do you fucking sausage niggers keep falling for this shit? Merkel seems to have a sudden change of heart about the immigrant crisis every 2 or 3 months. And like clockwork, you simmer down and bottle up your emotions for another few months because momma Merkel pretended to not hate your fucking guts for 5 minutes before returning to her regularly scheduled disenfranchisement of her constituents.


Now deport merkel

Well it's what she's been saying for years, contrary to the bull posted here and on the internet about her.

get rid of this
good cop, bad cop

I hope noone is foolish enough to fall for her lies.

If this is actually going to happen aren't most just going to try and get to Sweden or something? It seems like the CDU are just back-peddling and playing damage control.
So she has been saying it for years but has never acted on those words? Doesn't sounds like she is very serious

>multiculturalism has failed

>we can do this

>we are paying for refugees to leave

>Europe needs more refugees, islam has nothing to do with terror

>Nobody wants to repeat this situation, not even me

election seems to be coming up.

this. wants to attract people with anti-immigrant feelings.
"oh so merkel is reasonable now I guess I vote for her, it's a safe bet in that case, AfD has no chance"

too little too late, fucking hag

This bitch seems to change her tune on multiculturalism and mass immigration every other week.

>This bitch seems to change her tune
It is known.

This is pretty close to election right?

She wants to grab Petry's 10% to defeat Schultz

She won't actually do a lot about refugees tho

>Merkel wants more muslims
>Now she wants to deport them
>Repeat this constantly

I barely follow your politics but it seems you all are being manipulated to the extreme

election campaign -> merkel (((admits))) (((mistakes)))

case closed.

Hoover now she presented a 16 point plan (second source) to enforce the mass deportation, and she never really admit to making a mistake until now, so its pretty serious.

Credibility screwed over

>you all are being manipulated to the extreme
Eh, business as usual. It's what happens when things get "entartet" (DEGENERATE!!!! REEEEE). You see, those plebs aren't in politics in order to do good and accomplish something. They're in politics - for politics itself. A common phenomenon from a system theory's point of view. Subsystem get completely detached and are just there for their very own (probably best described as cancer).

>Repeat this constantly
When has this been repeated? The initial crisis kinda came out of nowhere, and she made a decision, the decision to try and help as many as she could, but now she sees that that was wrong.

>le election promises

>When has this been repeated?
Yeah Kevin, the Turks never happened. Das ist right.

>lets import a million niggers
>oh no they are raping us
>tell 40% to go back
>success 0.1% of those 40% we actually returned this year!
>who cares 60% of those 0.1% will just come back
>elections over
>lets import a million more niggers!

i think the most obvious question is this: why doesn't she just use the military to execute them all?

Praise kek

Let me translate for you
>elect me again you gullible idiots

Next week she will say something different.

It's an election year.

>... the dublin agreement, and that was a mistake.

But European politicians had already let in millions of Muslims and Africans before the first Dublin convention in 1990.

There wouldn't be anyone to deport if not for Merkel. She is directly responsible for every single person that was murdered, raped, and robbed at the hands of these so-called "refugees". It's too little, too late for apologies now. Not that she's even being genuine in the first place, she's up for re-election and she knows that her openly pro-refugee stance puts her in jeopardy. She's a traitor and a slimy opportunist snake.

Some people I respected spoke very highly to me of Niklas Luhmann. I tried reading one of his 357 books once. It seemed to me he took 100 pages to say one fairly obvious thing that could be said in a sentence: "Eine Gruppe besteht aus Mitgliedern, die sich dadurch definieren, dass sie als Gruppenmitglieder sich wesentlich gruppenmaessig handelnd auf das Sein der Gruppe beziehen" on and on for a whole chapter.
Was I missing something.
Also: fuck Merkel.

>it seems you all are being manipulated to the extreme
>What's the difference between a German and a shopping cart? A shopping cart has got a mind of its own

>Was I missing something.
Nope. That's pretty much it.

That's maybe the rhetoric we like to hear, but what substance is there? The number they've been aiming for was 80k a year, which would already be a massive increase but still fall horribly short of the numbers we should be deporting.

Plus, without changing the laws regulating asylum we'll still end up taking hundreds of thousands of people a year, and then pay millions of Euros to get rid of some of them. What a great deal.

It doesn't change the core of the problem. Millions of people can basically flood European countries in search of a better life funded by the European taxpayers, and there isn't much physically and legally, standing in their way.

That's the issue that needs to be adressed, so as long as Merkel's CDU isn't proposing a radical reform of the way we handle the concept of asylum and border control I don't see this as much more than an attempt to gain back some conservative voters in an election year.

Why is the press not calling her a Nazi? I don't get it