B-but Trump is literally 1984!

B-but Trump is literally 1984!

Leftists don't actually read, because the modern school system just advances them for participation and virtue signalling during "diversity training". They graduate convinced that they're well read, and highly educated, having read none of the "enemy's" literature, or much of their own side's, for that matter.

They're right about Orwell not being a rightist though. He was a socialist.

Leftists don't read. They just tell people they read. Just like everything else they do, it's virtue signaling. "Look how smart I am! Look how much I agree with you! Look how tolerant I am! Give me good goy points!"

Liberals' education boils down to what modern females' misconception
>smart and nice people rid bookses, Heri Pottur is a book, that makes me intelectul.
They are mentally incapable of reading, not to mention understanding history, politics or philosophy.
It's the education system's fault.
Eduication shouldn't be compulsory, and definitely not provided through a state monopoly.
It's been on decline ever since they removed sex-segregated schools, which were actual places of education that taught kids complementing subjects that allowed for creation of a stable marriage with strong sex roles.
Now it's literally irrelevant if i fuck man or a woman, because she won't get successfully pregnant, if she does she'd just scrape it out and throw it in the medical waste bin, since m-muh career.

>anyone using the term freeze peach to mean free speech

instantly disregarded

>It's been on decline ever since they removed sex-segregated schools
I no longer believe these are accidents, especially after realizing how much effort is devoted to covering over and obscuring the proof that desegregation (of sex, race) is a failure. The same we can say about gender desegregation, can be said about racial desegregation.

>Freeze peach

What is this? I've seen it around leftist stuff when referencing free speech. Is it like "muh guns" or "superb owl"?

The implication is that free speech is a joke.

They are making fun of people who cry for free speech as liberal "protestors" try to silence them. It's abhorrent really.

Home schooling is a scam.
I had individual course of studies, so i had 1 on 1 lessons with all my teachers.
Outpaced entire fucking class by 3 weeks (in every subject), even though they spend 36 hours at school, and i spent 12.
>inb4 b-b-but m-m-muh socialization development
Just sign your kid for some sportsballs or whatever.

Dude, you need to take all of your pent up hatred at yourself and redirect it inward. There is so much fucked up logic going on here I'm surprised you managed to hit post.

Public schooling*, I'm retarded. Meant that public schools is a scam, and homeschooling/private tutors are good.

Epic non-arguments burger.
Did you learn something new about order of operation being racist?

>public schools is a scam, and homeschooling/private tutors are good
Amen brother.

>rural and suburban retards

5/10 made me respond

It's almost as if totalitarianism can be both left and right wing? Whoa, really caused an ignition in cognition.

Orwell was firmly left-leaning. He fought against Franco in Spain, as detailed in Homage to Catalonia, which is actually aesthetically superior to 1984.

I mean this with the utmost genuine sincerity, why are lefty memes so shit? "freeze peach" that isn't funny , the people saying it must know it isn't funny yet they persist.
Why can they not do good jokes?

Did he advocate for the forceful takeover of companies and their means of production?

Just taxing the rich is not socialism.

i thought you know who was behind communism and you know who was also behind hitler and they are the 4th reich. whos who

Libertarians and sane liberals use it to rightfully make fun of people that sue private corporations like YouTube and Facebook for censorship.

The far left extremists (ANTIFA etc) use it make fun of people who question their violent "LE BASH THE FASH" faggotry.

What are some Sup Forums approved books that I should pick up? I used to read a shit ton as a kid, then I stopped for the internet. I want to start reading again, so I figured I should get something that really makes me think, you know, activates the almonds.

I quite liked Orwell's Keep the Aspidistra Flying even though it's just depressing as fuck.

When you're not allowed to offend anyone all you're left with is poop jokes and mispronouncing words. Also most of them are still children mentally so that kind of thing still amuses them.