Sup Forums what are your guiding principles?

hey Sup Forums

Society is becoming ultra complex, nobody understands this system completely.
I know the best way to navigate through it is to have principles that you can rely on.

What are good principles to rely to live a wholesome life? I'm asking Sup Forums because some it's anti degeneracy.

I'm serious btw.

Other urls found in this thread:

>What are good principles to rely to live a wholesome life?

self improvement and understanding life.

and how?

hard work

I'm a Catholic.

freedom above all else. You can never improve yourself or carry your family if you're chained down.

1) If you physically cant control it don't let it stress you out.
2) Treat others with respect.
3) Live and let Live
4) People are people their are both good and bad.
5) Have a plan to kill everyone you meet.

Always be polite and professional, but have a plan to kill everyone you meet.

You're onto something. Achieving a sense of meaning is a process. You can't strip mine meaning from the universe -- you plug into the universe then you give and you receive.

I'm an artist, and find it surprisingly possible to get far in developing my values system through the gateway of aesthetics.

Three easy things to live by.

1. Not your life, not your problem

2. Sacrifice later, or sacrifice now but sacrifice you will.

3. The past is the past, the future is unknown, worry about the now.


Hi, Dr. Peterson. Big fan of your work.


personal liberty, provided no harm is done
respect until a person proves that they dont deserve it
self reliance to the best of my ability
and cheesecake

principles are a spook and relying rigidly to (((principles))) is how you get controlled by memes

>Treat others with respect
>Have a plan to meet

I do this

>Achieving a sense of meaning is a process.

I never looked for a meaning in the first place.
For me, it was just instrumental. I didnt like where things were going at a certain point, so I changed things.

>2. Sacrifice later, or sacrifice now but sacrifice you will.
>3. The past is the past, the future is unknown, worry about the now.
so always sacrifice later?

learn about r/K selection theory and remove r-selected scum from your life and live as a K-selected person

I have been tring to get across these ideas for years but this paradigm sums it up perfectly and explains why some people are just rekt and how not to be rekt

You should give Julius Evola's Ride The Tiger a read. It's on just this.

A good place to start:

Do Not Kill Yourself.
this is pretty much the only one
I am a Christian but Nihilism and the state of things in the world is tough. I care too much, yet care so little..

Strive to reach your maximum potential

And contribute to the Library if you got time
→ →

fuck ive been trying to find this book in my native language for a long time (in french) but could never find it, i guess ill read it in english..

>r/K selection
you got me interested, where to go to understand how it affects your life like you seem to say

Gonna order this. Care to give me a quick rundown in the meantime?