Why is no one talking about the fact that Russia detonated a nuke yesterday somewhere in the arctic?

Why is no one talking about the fact that Russia detonated a nuke yesterday somewhere in the arctic?


you are next target sweden

Aren't there a ton of satellites that can detect nuclear explosions?

So I don't believe in this story.

Yes please, we waited long enough.
Make it happen, it's not like any swedes will defend our shithole.

Im eager to see the day when slavshits will be forced to live in the subway.

>Or Putin just gets removed and they start to prosper and trade with us... works too

The air force has planes that can detect that kind of shiz,and they just send one out yesterday.


It was leaked iodonie something from a production facility in eastern Europe. They found it already.

Also does anyone remember when the gulf of Mexico leak was happening and Putin was all just stick a nuke down there and set it off we have done it.

I assumed it was a mis translation for large bomb or something but thats how it came out in the US.

Leave us alone and we'll be nice.


I'm alright with this. Sweden needs to be put out of its misery, as long as we're safe in Britain, it's all cool.

Yknow russia, you're like pedobear, but instead of raping little kids you rape ex-USSR countries and shitskin caliphates (soon,sweden, soon)

I do remember this, yea. Nukes can be more "clean" or dirty in terms of fallout depending on the type of nuke. For instance Tsar Bomba the largest nuke ever tested in public, by Russia, was remarkably clean because of its design (which was less practical and not the standard, sadly)

There's your fucking answer dumbass

>you can test a nuke without pic related detecting the blast wave.

This was an accidental release at a radiomedical institute or something.

>dat radiation map

No wonder my penis grew 12 inches last night.

Congrats abdul, a 1 inch penis is something to be proud of back home in pakistan.

Thank you, would you like to touch it?

>>dat radiation map

>No wonder my benis grew 12 inches last night.



Jesus, why so much text with so little information?

Environment-friendly nukes!

I like how the media immediately jumped to start WWIII.

if anyone did it was jews running the eu.

Let's face it, it's probably the fallout from British breath.

Yeah. It is actually an old practice to stop oil wells from spewing. What happens is the detonation burns the oil long enough to cap it. I still believe that Fukishima and the Deepwater Horizon ties into the "muh carbon credit", " global warming" scam.

No, it's from the stench of the new German caliphate race

Because the POTUS is sleeping with Putin.

My family got the fuck out of Sweden years ago because fuck that place.

Where is strontium and cesium?

>nuking Finland twice
>nuking Spain
>nuking the Varanger

For what purpose? Finland's not a credible threat and has no natural resources etc. any attacker wouldn't already have. Spain is fucked up and not a threat. Varanger has a tiny harbor easily overrun by conventional arms.

Oh those are the sites where radioactivity was noticed. Shoulda read the article first.

>nuke us and we still won't do shit

Why is it that when France wants to get shit done militarily, their go-to is to send in a legion of soldiers who are literally anything but french?