

Can we all agree on this?

Posting first before the polish poster does

Yes. This is what I've always believed.



Yes, only thing thats missing is your pic OP, we need an example of a nigger faggot after all.

bieber slays pussy

>implying Justin Bieber isn't /our guy/

Thanks for providing a better example.

Thats right, we need your photo OP


Yeah, basically.

I'm still more Libertarian than Fascist.

I don't care if you're black. I would love to see a strong black community alongside a strong white community, and Asian, all together as one great nation. Respecting each other's traditions. Respecting their cultures, and differences. Working together as a better whole. That's nationalism. That's what a melting pot is.

I just don't like you when you commit a disproportionate amount of crime, murder yourselves endlessly, act petulant, and blame it on everyone else when nobody else is having this problem.

If we get further in on it, keep racemixing out of it because it generally goes bad and leads to dilution of bloodlines and ostracism from both sides, but that's some other

Be gay, I don't care. It can be fun, it can be normal. I only care when you shop around and fuck with bakers with a chip on your shoulder, or you touch kids, or you shove your junk in their face and prance around naked in the streets for "pride."

I don't care about most of it. Really, that's the crux of who I am, politically, and I suspect most of us are as well. I don't care. I just wanted to be left alone, to live the American dream in a sane, clean, positive society.

It's just such a shame that doesn't exist right now, and my taxes fund whatever fills its space. So I have to care. I didn't care until they decided to kick in the doors of every hobby I have and call me a monster. I didn't care until they tried to take rights I found inherent, or rights I didn't even know I had, and had already taken ones I never imagined I'd even be granted. I didn't care until they started screaming I was the ill of their society, after they set it, they created it, they developed it, they took the power, and they ruined it themselves.

Buy yeah, that's basically right, OP.

he premature ejaculated a d turns women into lesbians

>I-i don't hate black p-people, just niggers

*tips fedora*

>Respecting each other's traditions. Respecting their cultures, and differences. Working together as a better whole.

This might work for the first 3 months but after like 50 years the whole "respect" thing breaks down, a true long lasting civilization HAS to be homogeneous.

I agree with the black man part at least

I was just scrolling along and saw this post. I 100% feel you, user. I too wish for a world where boundaries are recognized, respected, maybe even celebrated, where all of our differences can provide different points of view, where we can share our ideas and learn and grow from them but remain our own distinct peoples. But that's an ideal world and conflict is pretty inherent in human nature. That's why liberal bias is so extreme in today's media, and why the other sides will rail against each other because there is no balance and I don't think there ever can be. Everything is a two-way system. It doesn't work when only one party meets in the middle.

No, you nigger faggot.
Niggers are niggers and faggots are faggots.

Yeah we all know he's straight. Being gay or straight has nothing to do with whether or not you're a faggot.


To an extent. It is when demographics come into play and the shifting of them and pandering to them that becomes a problem. I'm sure there are okay blacks, but as long as there are others who try to use them against us, regardless of how niggerly they are, is why multiple races living together is a problem.

>I just wanted to be left alone, to live the American dream in a sane, clean, positive society.
And you can, but first we have to do something about (((them)))

I feel like this is some kind of esoteric political compass


this is the most reddit thread ive ever seen

What do you call this. Pic related