Is this the leaked alien pic everyone's making a big deal of?

Is this the leaked alien pic everyone's making a big deal of?


frig off


Please help me rebuild my trailer park boys folder.

So, the kikes are up to their crazy shit again. Are they not realizing they are retarded as fuck? Oh, wait.... Insanity and all that. No matter. Just remember. Fake. Aliends. are coming, call (((Hollyweird))).

fuck i love trailer park boys, wishing it never dies

no tree, its fake sorry




You guys ever play Alien Adoption Agency?


It's old news. Some nerd guy dressed as a chick running for office some place or something like that. He did look quite alien like, but it wasn't that hard to tell it was just a tranny.


trailer park boys is gay and unfunny







Smokes, let's go.

RIP mustard tigger.

Frig off Barb