Now that we know god doesn't exist. What will happen to religion fags?

Now that we know god doesn't exist. What will happen to religion fags?

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So you mean to tell me that chirstcucks actually believe in a religion that teaches them that Jews are the masters and they are literal dogs?

21 Leaving that place, Jesus withdrew to the region of Tyre and Sidon. 22 A Canaanite woman from that vicinity came to Him, crying out, “Lord, Son of David, have mercy on me! My daughter is suffering terribly from demon-possession.”

23 Jesus did not answer a word. So his disciples came to Him and urged Him, “Send her away, for she keeps crying out after us.”24 He answered, “I was only sent to the lost sheep of Israel.”

25 The woman came and knelt before Him. “Lord, help me!” she said. 26 He replied, “It is not right to take the children’s bread and toss it to their dogs.” 27 “Yes, Lord,” she said, “but even the dogs eat the crumbs that fall from their master’s table.”

Enjoying those crumbs from your masters' table christcucks?

Christcucks will acutaly and unironically defend this.

Wage war to convert pagan aliens to the true faith.

lol stupid cgi bullshit

earth is flat

This is the seven earth-sized planets solar system NASA recently discovered. Three are in the habitable zone

Christcucks GG

we just found 7 planets with water orbiting a single star. That means life and ayy lmaos are everywhere.

Discovery doesn't mean shit, blown out by media. Just an opportunity to study the planetary atmospheres of a system we'll never get to. It's 40 lightyears away & there's billions more habitable planets out there

god does exist faggot, how you think trump got elected?

god and kek are with him.

>humanity somehow being capable to fly with speed of light
>spend 40 years to get there
>it's shit and only life forms are some bacteria


could have water COULD

what? 'we' just sat around while the people at NASA found the system
learn to take credit for ur own achievements you wang

You are a literal retard
Go suck the dick of your Jewish masters

if god exists then why does he never answer you're prayers?

atheists: 2
christcucks: 0

inb4 "i prayed for trump to be president and it happened so that proves god is real"

literally the same as saying "I prayed for a coin flip to be heads and it was so that proves god is real"

linear travel is old news the future is teleportation.

sounds comfy

Your Science-Fiction isn't real, but God is!

not sure if autism, but NASA didn't do shit. The system was discovered by an international team headed by a Belgian astronomer. The name of the star refers to the telescope in Chile that they used

But here's the thing. Somebody prayed for Hillary and she still lost. God loves Trump.

And how will the electrons, protons and neutrons be transported?


You are full of nonsense.

We'll never leave this flat, stationary, firmament covered earth.

>he takes atheism seriously
enjoy those atheist v religion debates on youtube you twat

They all have water. Water is super common. Basically everywhere is water even on Venus in small amounts.

The question is do they have liquid water on the surface ? Pretty sure there are Trillions of Planets in the Milky way and Sextillions in the Universe with Water.

If God exists we are only one creation out of trillions. Also Human religion is stupid drivel anyway.

this doesn't prove god doesn't exist, it just proves that christians are chumps

>At least 100 billion stars in our galaxy alone
> trillions of galaxies
There is no way there isn't life out there even if there might not be in our galaxy.


>Trappist-1 system


you can just say infinite


>calling someone a cuck

meme magic


They will continue to control everything for the next 3 centuries due to their hoarding of wealth and knowledge over a bevy of centuries and civilizations.
Eventually their insane drop in followers will drain their coffers and then they will die out completely as no money means they cannot continue to exist. Its the largest flaw in all religion.
>Your God isn't even 3k years old
>I have moral ambiguity and reasoning despite being a nihilist
>You have never given a single shred of proof of your gods existence past "I say he exists therefore he does".
>There isn't any historical accuracy to pretty much everything expunged as the word of your deity
>Was invented by sandnigger jews

>What will happen to religion fags?
Allah created them it's in the quran

3 of those 7 live in habitable zone with guarantee liquid water.

Those seven planets are "of note" only because they are roughly the same size as Earth. Only 3 of them are even in their tiny sun's habitable zone, yet they're so close that their year lasts around 21 days. 4 of the planets are in tide lock, meaning they don't rotate, so one side is perpetually sun scorched while the other is always frozen. Also their sun is very volatile and so spits out solar flares quite often and has most likely eroded away any atmosphere that ever developed on those planets. They're also 40 light years away from us.

This whole thing is just those "I F!@#ING LOVE SCIENCE" facebook faggots flipping out over literally nothing that will affect any of our day to day lives.

All we know is their mass, size, and orbits. From that we can determine that they're made of rock, and some of them are at the right distance from their star for water to be in a liquid state rather than gas or solid.

Whether or not any of them actually have water, we have no idea.

>god made the universe
>universe is filled with life
>bald apes just found the probable location of where the other lifeforms are
>somehow this proves that god doesn't exist

Nice try, atheist scum

>how you think trump got elected
Meme magic
Or are you going to shove your head farther up your ass and say meme magic is just how we explain your god?
I shit on your God

There is no reason for this to be such a major news story. Those planets are less similar to Earth than Venus.


fukken lol
thanks for the truth bomb

Literally nowhere in Christianity does it insinuate that God made humans only

you know, in old days people used to believe in specialized gods, and that multiple existed.

There very well could be a god who's only creation is earth and the beings in it.

kek, this.

>Unironically a Christcuck
I guess you're so much of a pussy you've got to pray to someone on the daily that you've survived another day in the outback yah fuckin faggot

>Rothschilds bow to Bogdanoffs

>In contact with aliens

>Possess psychic-like abilities

>Control france with an iron but fair fist

>Own castles & banks globally

>Direct descendants of the ancient royal blood line

>Will bankroll the first cities on Mars (Bogdangrad will be be the first city)

>Own 99% of DNA editing research facilities on Earth

>First designer babies will in all likelihood be Bogdanoff babies

>both brothers said to have 215+ IQ, such intelligence on Earth has only existed deep in Tibetan monasteries & Area 51

>Ancient Indian scriptures tell of two angels who will descend upon Earth and will bring an era of enlightenment and unprecedented technological progress with them
>They own Nanobot R&D labs around the world

>You likely have Bogdabots inside you right now

>The Bogdanoffs are in regular communication with the Archangels Michael and Gabriel, forwarding the word of God to the Orthodox Church. Who do you think set up the meeting between the pope & the Orthodox high command (First meeting between the two organisations in over 1000 years) and arranged the Orthodox leader's first trip to Antarctica in history literally a few days later to the Bogdanoff bunker in Wilkes land?

>They learned fluent French in under a week

>Nation states entrust their gold reserves with the twins. There's no gold in Ft. Knox, only Ft. Bogdanoff

>The twins are about 7 decades old, from the space-time reference point of the base human currently accepted by our society

>In reality, they are timeless beings existing in all points of time and space from the big bang to the end of the universe. We don't know their ultimate plans yet. We hope they're benevolent beings.

God exist you must have noticed how everything from the tiniest particles, to dna, science of math, chemistry an physics is so well thought through that only something bigger than anything, any species in any galaxy, universe. Life on other planets... phhaaaa Nasa is really slow finding out.

populate that universe with Mexicans.

There probably are infinite galaxies and Planets. We just can not see far enough because their light has not reached us yet and the Universe is expanding.

Revelation 2:9

>future is teleportation

Look, our dna arrived here from another planet. Let that be proof enough. Nasa, keep up your slow and ineffective work.

The ones in the habitable zone have considerably less mass than Earth too, despite being close to the same size.
0.4G, 0.6G, and 0.7G on the 3 planets in the habitable zone.

Well not necessarily. Its possible that there are parallel universes devoid of life with different physical rules. We just happen to live in the one that allows Life. Possibly there are even better configurations for life. I mean why is not every planet full with life. What a waste of Space. Doubt we live in the ideal universe.

Nibiru is coming

Yes, no "spaceship" will ever be effective enough. Teleportation is the only way to go.

dont worry, a Mexican will led us to build the real enterprise and we will reach this dying sun.

>God doesn't exist because yhvh, ruler of darkness doesn't answer prayer
U sure it goes bad for the jews?
And thats just darkness, mind

Explain yourselves christcucks

God exists nonetheless, however is not a grandfather loving the jews. It is something I believe bigger than our imagination.

>inb4 all the blue planets were light reception errors or another "glass" planet

This, and the Quran is based on the Bible, which is truth.

This guy's hands movements are distracting me

Possibly. Reality is so big. That god is basically everything that can exist. God could be pure existence. Infinitely complex. However I do not believe we are able to understand its nature if it exists.

Matthew 15:28
"Dear woman," Jesus said to her, "your faith is great. Your request is granted." And her daughter was instantly healed.
Go fuck yourself

What puzzles me is, lets assume our intelligance and imagination is limited. Just as you cannot teach monkeys to speak or drive a car... what if we could never understand God. Instead we've produced three world religions all utterly retarded, actually Jesus is the only redpilled individual in the complete saga.

it was never supposed to be that , judah just did what they been doin and subverted the rest of the tribes and then they became the jews , the golden calf makers are the ones behind the whole thing then and now

a jew not the jews also arent the canaanties like what the french are to us and it was a test of faith you fedora tipper go fap to anime traps and catholics burnt jews at the stake cant get anymore based than at


Yes, thats most likely the case.

It's spelled h-o-r-u-s

>water PROBABLY exists on some planets
>therefore magically there should be life!1
>dna forms just out of water -- i'm sure it does!
>that's why god doesn't exist i'm sure it's very logical

>Muh Old Book ChapterX:Verse Y
literally autism of the worst kind

Do people still believe the universe is just a computer stimulation?

tfw he does not know a catholic saint, king Louis IX made all jews wear red rubbons so to be recognised in public

Can there be a limit to our intelligence to block us to ever find out what this living is all about. Can the ultimate blockade actually be a trap, the ego of man kind. Is it not the belief of singularity, the beliefe we are so smart. That it is this belief that will trap humanity to actually never achieve true understanding and meaning of life.

I cannot wait to rail qt ayy maleforms until their xenostrogen makes them grow mammary pods

What will atheists do when they discover aliens also believe in God?


convert to alien islam and say there oppressed

If a whole live without god ever answering or showing up or even giving anything back while stuff in the bibel,quran,tora is constantly proven wrong.. what makes you think other lifeforms or planets will convince religious people?
Cmon son.

>I don't understand it so it's illogical

Why is there no god because more planets were found

The life supporting planets are actually in the plasma sheaths of brown dwarf stars, if Wal Thornhill is correct

NASA and SpaceX should contact these somali engineers to design a light-speed deepspace science ship at once to dispatch it to the TRAPPIST-1 system

>Now that we know god doesn't exist. What will happen to religion fags?

Are atheists the stupidest people alive?

Are they actually retaded?


>o you mean to tell me that chirstcucks actually believe in a religion that teaches them that Jews are the masters and they are literal dogs?

This from the shitposting marxist dogmatist?

Sup Forums doesn't want to accept it because they have a huge bible boner but gnosticism explains the jewish issue pretty well.
Basically the jews did a pact with darkness, yhvh is the leader of the rulers of darkness so that explains their privileged position.

What are the odds of life spontaneusly forming out of its building blocks?

Astronomically low!


Atheism is utter ignorance. However I understand people that wont believe the abrahamic religions. They are mainly intended for goatfarmers and mentally disturbed psychpaths, such are orthodox jews and muslims, prime 100% prestige stupidity. There is nothing bad in teaching kids religion and the concepts of belief systems. But to actually believe one is a chosen people or that god absolutely does not exist is ignorance on both sides of the scale.

>Christcucks GG

you do realize Roman Catholicism has no position on extraterrestrial life and this means literally nothing outside your own tiny bigoted mind?

how would life on another planet change the fact God exists in any way?

Why are atheists retarded?

Astronomically low ? How do you know ? If we discover bacteria somewhere else in the solar system then there is some kind of process ingrained in the physical laws of the universe that creates life when conditions are met.

We also found Mars bacteria fossils. Well it could be fossils the condition is too bad to say for sure.

>7 planets orbiting a star, with water present in the system
>God must not exhist!

Go back to 9gag fedora trap-loving faggot

God is the deterministic law of the universe. It literally exists.

Deny it would destroy everything lol.

Most likely they will end up on their plates for dinner. Maybe they, the aliens, believe that beings without belief have no "god inside" of them, and their bible states, 5:3455:1 everything untouched by god is yours to willfully take, I Gongpilondu, god of stars and meat, order you to do this. Such did Mongdulu and his two sons when they landed on the planet of unfaithful apes.