Canad's Major Drugs Fuck Up

Try going on a diet xD

WTF u on about, war monkey?

he makes the same fucking post in every thread, and I know its him because of the flag

Probs only English he knows... apart from "Don't shoot" and "Get away from my sex goat"

95% deaths are libtards

"War on drugs" has never worked in any country.
Not even in the Philippines.

I think the closest anyone got was the Taliban.

fents is only popular in the west here in the east we do pills and dope because even most junkies are not retarded why be dope sick every 2 hours when you can just shoot some smack and be good for almost the day


The problem is your war is half assed and punishments limp wristed.

>2mg can be deadly
Where can I get one?

Yeah don't be retarded. Shoot smack.

my war?

We don't have a "war on drugs" and consequently far less drug use than surrounding countries.

Yes when I think of netherlands I think of low drug use.

>far less drug use than surrounding countries
How high are you?


He's actually right nigga
Despite cannabis being outlawed here, our youth has almost triple the rate in consumption compared to the Netherlands
French are degenerates

How bout some proof, Mr W(r)ong?
There is no successfull example of a "war on drugs".
All it does is put the drug profits into criminal's hands, increase gov spending, create a police state and ostracise the victims, aka the drug addicts.

wasn't the drinking age also like 16 till a few years ago

You're right mate... shit needs changing

It still is in the case of beer I think ? Haven't looked into it. Our alcohol consumption is also on par with or higher than eastern Europe countries

Legalise all of it.

Your kind should have a mass suicide instead of fleeing

2 grains of salt weighs a bit less than 2 mg. Why do they always make stupid shit like that up for these kinds of things?

Depends how big the grains are I would say, fuckhead