Who profits from rapefugees?

All these rapefugees cost astronomical amounts, to house, provide welfare, extra police work, property damage, victims losing work. So who the fuck is profiting from it? How does the government make money off it? Cui bono -- who benefits?

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one world government.
its speeds up the possibility.
thats the profit, its not a financial gain its there to speed up ((((the plan))))))

those who issue loans to governments, world banks (((THEM))) scumbags etc

It's not profit they way we think with wealth, (((they))) profit from bringing the ruination of the West, and setting up a new government where (((they))) can farm the masses that the sheeple they are.

Immigrants stay in low socio-economic brackets and therefore vote for social democratic policies

*camera zooms in*
It's free votes

the organizations that are contracted by our states to shelter/help/support rapefugees. It's a pretty lucrative activity for them, especially if they let most of the government-suppleid money "disappear" while using only a fraction of it to do whatever job they're supposed to do.

THe ones profiting from this are also the same fuckign aprasites that keep pushing for "more and more!" refugees in hope of furthering their profits at the cost of native citizens.

OK I get that, but I mean at the lower levels. The politicians with their faces on TV aren't necessarily always aware of these bigger picture things. Most of them are tools put in office to be yes-men and do what they're told. THOSE useful idiots think this is going to make them money. Does it? Is so, how?


This is what Im talking about. Do those property owners also donate heavily to political parties?

no more ethnic states, no more nationalism, no more threats of large wars that could change the world's establishment

>no more threats of large wars
Don't they realize that all the violence and crime and terrorism happening almost immediately to these populations being brought in, is just going to get worse? Are they completely delusional?

That's not even half the picture.

The state borrows money like crazy to host refugees, meaning the next generation will be enslaved by the banking cartel.

*camera zooms out*


If the people who control money can make countries rack up debt you can control them more and more. In the past it was through financing wars.

just say the word 'economy' in England and all debate stops.

the economy meme is way to powerful over here.

I admit its almost like the argument that we went to the moon because if we didn't some one would have blow the whistle by now but this is much more complicated. Its not as easy as did or did you not go to the moon, there are figures, polls, statistics, virtue signals, lies, deception, media etc to muddy the waters beyond an A or B answer.

I might be wrong but thats what I believe at this point

Votes from the brainwashed people who love virtue signalling and favors from others.

The people they vote for

It benifits the banks. Does anyone have the screenshot with george soros as pic and it explains mass immigration?.

They refugees have no debt tied to them unlike the majority of europeans whos governments sold off bonds to save the banks and basically put every citizen in debt for a few generations and resources and land sold on the cheap to the super rich. We're going to have another banking collapse soon and with 08 and the austerity that came with it still fresh in peoples minds, i'm willing to bet the masses won't be as passive. .

The rapefugees enable the banks to create more debt and become richer. People in government benefit somewhat through that with bribes etc.
They dont care because they'll have the money to stay in gated communities until they die.

Here's my guess

There is a major systemic fault in modern societies and that's the birthrate. It's cheaper to import people than to make drastic modifications to the system to increase native birth rates.

The way democracy works, politicians lack the balls to make drastic and long-term changes to the status quo. Also, ordinary people would probably start complaining if true measures to increase the birthrate meant that they would make less money...etc.

I think immigration is about finding someone to pay for our pensions. It's a bitter pill to swallow but no real leader is willing to take the risk of changing the formula.

>THOSE useful idiots think this is going to make them money. Does it? Is so, how?

Think of all the gov. programs designed to push diversity. Cash flows into and out of those programs and departments, and so does the votes of sheep.

At the lowest levels the globalist goal pays out to the useful idiots that play ball and comply. If not in cash then in reputation.

I've noticed what your talking about. Its the reason I stopped watching Sky News. I could stand the HWNDU style repetition of dog whistles and trigger memes.

*couldn't stand

1) bankers (actually gain)
2) NGOs, Government, "Charities", other sjw bullshit benefits since all this money floods into thtem to take care of these invaders.

Europeans on right, refugees on left

In a way, we should be thankful that these refugees will be the tinder that burns down the whole fucking system.

no. thats the official narrative that you will hear daily on the MSM.

its not a guess at all, its a fucking meteor.

are you honestly suggesting there is nothing sinister going on here?

Israel. They're trying to bring all the Jews to Israel, but many are too content being parasites to their host nation and are unwilling to leave. Thus, importing Moslems who despise the Jews makes those host countries so inhospitable to jews that they flee to Israel.

That sounds very nuanced. Are you new here? You're meant to just blame the Jews and imply that OP benefits.

I know that we like immigrants, because they raise housing prices. I always wondered who benefits from rapefugees though

International companies make profit, hotels make profit, construction industry makes profit, agriculture makes profit. Illegals in construction industry was always there since capitalism existed in USA or EU. They hired cheap pickers of fruit/vegetables since forever. International companies like Facebook/Twitter profit simply by having more members. Hollywood profits by opening to global purchase of their films. Furthermore Facebook and Microsoft profit from countless IT developers who do it for free, as experiencing cause and so on, they literally don't have to invent anything, just pick among many. Who profits? The elites and swindlers.

You dont think they're trying to depopulate Muslim lands so its easier to have Eretz Israel?

Exactly. Each body has a debt potential that can be leveraged into $$$ for loans. The declining birth rates in Europe are crushing the banks potential to pay off these debts, they need more bodies(potential$$$) for the pyramid scheme to continue.

Germany, because they don't have minimum wage and they let the refugees do the 1€/h work.

Germany is building their Reich differently this time, but it's still the same.

Without fail, there are ALWAYS ties between the people who run companies contracted to deal with the unemployed, or to house refugees, or to build social housing etc, and people in government who make the decisions which require these companies. People are making money for sure, and not in a Soros NWO conspiracy sort of way, but in a low level, nepotistic way.

They don't give a shit about any "little people"

Fuck rapefugees and fuck the agenda that allows them to pillage

>All these rapefugees cost astronomical amounts
>who profits from rapefugees?

You answered it yourself. Banks handing out loans to governments aka Jews.

local NGOs.
they made mad money from late 2015 until early 2016.

> Do those property owners also donate heavily to political partys
Not that i'am aware of. The monetary influx seems to be mostly onesided. Our politicians mainly push for "more refugees" either from ideological blindfolds (you would be surprised what decades of white guilt - or here specifically "german guilt" - did to people. Especially "Linke", "Grüne" party members tend to fall into this category), or to get praise and a good, "politically correct" image in the public. In some cases (SPD) there is also a strategy behind it: What used to be the worker-party of germany changed during recent years into a "minority first" party - and a very specific minority: Young Muslim men, _especially_ Turks with double citizenship (german and turkish). by concentrating on those and at the same time adopting a white knight social justice stance, they can get a high influx of both left-aligned voters (which seem to be the norm here, however weak or strong the alignment is) and incoming muslim migrant voters (which - seeing the trend - will be more and more in the future). So in case of the SPD there is some actual power gain from importing more muslim men (which are easily the majority of refugees) into the country.

But no, i don't think the politicians themselves profit in monetary way from it (at large). They profit mostly in terms of Power Gain, Public regard and Ideological self gratisfaction.

>Germany is building their Reich differently this time
A Jewish Reich this time

Israel, Saudi Arabia and the United States.

wealthy land/apt owners
this drives the costs of rentals up even higher

Liberals, they get a cushy government job running dem programs for the refugees.

essentially this.

look hard enough and you will always find (((them)))

Your tax dollars are redistributed to refugees who send 2/3 to their home country and 1/3 goes to bankers.

The 2/3 goes to the same bankers in the other country.

Pretty much this.

Add in that multinationals are feeling the heat of the greying/dying population.

A corporation like McDonalds has an extensive "diversity" platform because it is in their best interest. You rarely see old white people eating at McDonalds, in fact people with a non-western background are their #1 customer in Europe.

Jews are thinking BIG.

Their plan is for BRICS to defeat NATO in WW3 and then Greater Israel will rule what is left of the world.

This is why jews are bringing ENEMIES to our countries.

Do you think these muslims and niggers will fight for NATO? Of course not, they are here to suicide bomb shit once the white man wakes up from the jewish spell.

It's not meant to bring anyone "profit", though I'm sure some property owners get a quick buck by throwing out tenants and then turning their lodgings into migrant housing for a higher income via government contract. That happens a LOT in Sweden and Germany.

Ultimately though the migrants are meant to do what they're already doing: Bankrupt the welfare system, cause social unrest, cause rapes and mixed-race births as a consequence of rape, cause cultural humiliation via the low penalty for rapes (as opposed to the steep penalties for a native raping someone), and otherwise ruin the societal harmony which once existed as a result of Europe's former ethnic purity.

That a lot of Jews are involved in this racket is no surprise. They've historically always sided with Muslims over Christians and are viewing this invasion as "revenge" against Europe for Hitler. Their agenda is laid bare by the French Jews who championed the Muslim flood without end, and once they got it, they promptly packed up and left for Israel.

>every greedy German who exploits workers and fucks foreigner prostitutes is working for Jews
Nah, they are just greedy, many of greedy ones are Jews, but many aren't.

False. They have the balls to push feminism, LGBT, and higher taxes, all which kill middle class and makes responsible people have fewer kids.

The poor folks still shit out kids at an alarming rate which leads to higher taxes for the middles class who then can't have kids....

but what do you do with the immigrants when they get old?

the guy keeps mentioning
>It's cheaper to import people than to make drastic modifications
>politicians lack the balls to make drastic and long-term changes

surely this is a drastic and long term change and one that they have no experience with whatsoever.
are you suggesting its a quick fix to a problem that consists of only a few generations?

I call bullshit or Taquia

My wife

I bet if i dared sharing that image on Facebook, i would have the police ringing at my doorbell in no time.

And get a free vacation in german jail for 2 years due to "spreading of hate speech and fake news". Even if it's true...

The government can't even pave roads right.

I think that it's very alluring to think that elites somewhere have it all under control and are following a plan but I think the reality is that they don't really know much more than we do about what is going on and they try to fix it as it comes.

What I personally think is that for the past few generations, elites have tried to reduce human societies as economic systems. What we're finding out now is that you can't reduce people to economic pawns and society to an market. No matter how much they'd like to ignore it, race is an important part of who we are and by ignore that and vilifying that they are making the problem bigger in the long term.

To solve the problem you have to look at society as more than a market and our current generation of politician is incapable of doing that.

race matters.


Jews are pushing WW3 with Russia because they want the West and Russia to annihilate each other. Russia also gives weapons to Syria and Iran, and Israel wants to be the only militarily capable power in the region. This also segways into their desire for WW3.

Also, if the West/Russia are annihilated, there's nothing west of the Yellow River that can stop a nuclear-armed Israel.

Its class warfare its all about cheap labor. Also your government officials are pissing themselves because all your programs are giant pyramid schemes and a drop is pop is their nightmare.

Banks benefit

Israel can wipe out all the moslems surrounding them whenever they choose to. I may hate kikes, but I respect their capacity for war. They are incredibly capable of savagery.
The moslems that surround them do not threaten the Israeli's. They feel more of a threat from atheist jews abroad that damage their overall goals. Furthermore, their religion explicitly states that the Messiah cannot come until Europe falls, so they have a religious DUTY to destroy Europe.
Moslems are just happy to rape and hurt people, because they are simple, inbred savages. They don't really care WHO they hurt as long as they're hurting other humans. Case and point, about once a week a moslem straps on a suicide vest and tries to take out as many other moslems as they can.

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This Mick knows what he's talking about

Banks. Westerners are oversaturated with debt, they imported a new market.

thanks man!

kike human traffickers
kike bankers
kike globalists who are destroying the middle class everywhere
kikes who want wages in the west destroyed
kikes who that white goyim extinct
kike war profiteers who want another fresh war this year

>I think that it's very alluring to think that elites somewhere have it all under control and are following a plan but I think the reality is that they don't really know much more than we do about what is going on and they try to fix it as it comes.

fair play if you believe that but I can't.
seems way to defeatist bordering on shilly on your part.
no one could fuck up this bad by accident, no one.
even if they could, why would an entire fucking continent immediately follow suit on this 'mistake'?

>Banks benefit
So that's why Soros funded it.

in the short term, nobody except the immigrants themselves.

longer term, it breaks down civilizations. to the point where people have no sense of identity, feel no pride in their country. at which point the Nutwork can proceed to rob them even harder.

in addition, there are countless "programmed" individuals within those groups of immigrants. such people can be activated in a moments notice, in order to commit terrorist attacks, etc in order to further shape public opinion.

ISIS isn't real

business owners, property owners, and politicians profit from refugees, and immigration into their lands.

They can pay less in wages, they can charge more for rent, and they can collect more taxes. Migration is a slow disempowerment and loss of earning power for any domestic worker.

tbqh the people who want MORE RAPEFUGEES are the rich ones who live in gated, homogeneous communities, and who sincerely think that more refugees = good, because they don't see the result and refute all criticism as 'racism'.

Stats and numbers are literally a lie to these people.

>if the West/Russia are annihilated, there's nothing west of the Yellow River that can stop a nuclear-armed Israel.
What would prevent Israel from getting targeted as a nuclear armed US ally though? All it would take would be two nukes, and all of Israel's infrastructure would collapse.

>kike human traffickers
>kike bankers
>kike globalists who are destroying the middle class everywhere
>kikes who want wages in the west destroyed
>kikes who that white goyim extinct
>kike war profiteers who want another fresh war this year

>jew wants to nuke all the nations who hate them
>every nation hates them

so, they gonna nuke the whole fucking world?

Some things aren't about money, but about decency, human rights, kindness, charity. Things you trumpets wouldn't understand.

Elites who now have a cheap source of labor, same as beaners in the US. The costs of everything you mentioned are paid for by the public.

-Politicians gain a loyal voting block once/if they are enfranchised. Think to Lyndon Johnson "I'll have those niggers voting democrat for 100 years".

-What Germany said -It breaks down nationalism in the EU, smoothing the way for transnational EU (or in the us transnational North atlantic union of Canada/US/Mexico/ect).

Revolutions actually don't happen when a situation is shit - that's the myth. They actually happen when you have a double dip recession or double dip despair. When people get a taste of potential good and improvement and raised expectations and then it comes crashing back down.

So yeah, with the economic upswing of late if another collapse happens it's going to be nasty.

>so, they gonna nuke the whole fucking world?
Maybe. Would that surprise you?

Golly gee I wonder who could be making all that trouble in the Middle East with (((their))) sand nigger neighbours and then using the (((media))) to make us think all this shit is our fault somehow and we need to take all the refugees.

an ill running society is an expensive society
to finance, who finances all the society's?
central banks. who owns the central banks? THE JEW.

You gotta update your bait. That bait is played out.


however there is another component to it that is often missed which is very important; CENTRAL BANKS.

The jewish banking dynasties which control all the central banks all profit off of debt.

When there is no more debt being accrued, they cannot create more money.

When they cannot create more money, they cannot take your REAL PROPERTY for FAKE MONEY fast as they'd like. (which it the end game of Central Banking scheme,,, consolidate all the property and valuable assets to make everyone an utterly dependent Serf-class.

Most people in western nations are "Debt-Saturated" they can no longer take on any more debt... but GOVERNMENTS CAN!

Refugees can too once they gain citizenship as well.

Bankers get to keep stealing real assets and property from the goyim while also racially genociding them... win win!

>implying Israel would survive ww3
Get a load of this goy .meme

people who
1) supply cop gear
2) own prisons
3) supply prisons
would be a start

Yes. Rrad the book of revelations.

It says the WHOLE WORLD will come against Israel and that 'GOD' will intervene.

'God intervening' = space weapons and nuclear war.

> cui bono
If that is supposed to be a retarded attempt to speak Latin by american education standards, kys burger
keep your nigger culture but leave white european culture to white european countries

Imagine you have a failing hotel. Then the refugee crisis happens, and you offer to house them. Government pays for their housing, and boom, you are now fully booked round the year. And then there's the "benefit" to stores, restaurants, etc, who now have a larger customer base.

On the local government level, the local governments get money for every refugee from the state, so they take in refugees to funnel taxpayer money into their pockets. Of course, that taxpayer money ultimately comes from the population anyway so it's essentially a zero sum game(so if everyone does it no one benefits at all), but hey, it looks good on paper.

In short, it's a huge fucking racket.

Cassius ille quem populus Romanus verissimum et sapientissimum iudicem putabat identidem in causis quaerere solebat "cui bono" fuisset.

Big business and the (((billionaires))) who exploit the cheap labor
Who else would push globalism? Get the poor niggers to work for them for $2 instead of the decent citizens for $5

But do the rapefugees ever work? I thought they just sat around raping shelter workers and collecting gibs. Who actually employs them?

Coudenhove-Kalergi Plan
Albert Pike´s 3rd World War

These things take MINUTES to look up. Invest some fucking time in the meme-war user, we´re up against the big league bad guys here.

a nation is more than an economic market and the current system is failing because our politicians are unwilling to tackle reality.
reality is that race matters.

we need to find a way to increase our own birthrate without having to resort to mass immigration but our current generation of politicians can't do it.

The reason we can't talk about race openly and without rancor to tackle the real problems that threaten our society is in part because people like you guys make race a dirty word by acting hatefully.

>nvest some fucking time in the meme-war
I think its time to put down the keyboards and start training innawoods, tbqhfamalam. Can't fight this one sitting down past a certain point.

The government doesn't profit from it directly. The rulers are bought and paid for by the 'campaign donations' from special interests. Sets them up as financially secure elite ruling class above the peasants. Corporations get to run in to destabilized regions to profiteer. Then government (read: political parties) imports fucktons of refugees to virtue signal humanitarianism among the naive western citizenry. But what they're really doing is undermining democracy by importing highly reproductive, poorly educated, easily manipulated browns to legally ballot stuff and further destabilize host countries for the benefit of the shadowy bankers and ideologues like Soros. They destabilize the individual sovereignty of secure, powerful nations and create neo-feudalism under corporate ownership or just one-world gov't owned by the plutocrats.

Profit is not their main goal. They have so much maney they play gods now. Social engineering etc.

Hey, they believe it. Hubris and all. "God's Chosen People". That's why they're so suicidal with the entire planet. They don't give a fuck because they think they're magical demi-humans and their supreme destiny/Heaven is to enslave all of mankind. That's what they actually believe.

Which nuclear-armed ally? Britain? France? Oh right, the same two nations Israel is lobbying for nuclear disarmament.

Israel wants to be able to nuke anything in its hemisphere without retaliation. Once you realize that, every geopolitical play in the Middle East in the past 30 years begins to snap into place like one big puzzle.

Ironically, the biggest nuclear threat to Israel is the United States. We almost nuked their airfields in the past to stop them from nuking Damascus. Whether or not Russia still has Israel targeted is anyone's guess. I would say "probably". But who is to say Russia would actually push the button on Israel if Israel stayed neutral in a theoretical WW3 (which the Jews, of course, started by proxy).

Well who owns the boats that transport refugees to Europe? Who captains the boats?

Everyone here should lift, or at least start walking and stretching if they are literally obese with knee issues. Also building SOME friendships, you´ll die in the first week if you got no support nearby when the street-wars start right+christians vs left+islam.

This would mean leaving Sup Forums for hours at a time though, which can be hard.

>we need to find a way to increase our own birthrate


surely thats not solving the problem but creating a new one.

you need to balance birth rates.
Allow life to benefit people like it used to not so long ago..
Not start a breeding wart between races to prop up and enrich our current corrupt and failing system.
are you mad?

its bullshit. thats not whats going on.
what do you make of the rest of the thread?
you are part of the problem here.
flag checks out too

"Diversity" shill detected. Westerners are commiting seppuku helped along greatly by the various cultural marxism and globalist strategies.

kek'd in agreement

>"Diversity" shill detected

er no
did you read the thread?

the liberal politcians do, they secure their voter base for decades, they virtue signal to their current voters and demonize the right. All this is cover for their scheme of slowly selling out their cities and countries for profit.

Having excess labour pool keeps wage pressures down. The elite benefit.

Tent companies.

>Well who owns the boats that transport refugees to Europe?


>This would mean leaving Sup Forums for hours at a time though, which can be hard.
lol yes.

>The most precious possession you have in the world is your own people! And for this people and for the sake of this people we will struggle and fight! and never slacken! and never tire! and never lose courage! and never despair!
