Poll Sup Forums Thread

Post your race, political ideology, and religion.

> White
> Conservative Libertarian
> Pentecostal Christian

White, Born Romanian Orthodox, now a believer in the anthropic Universe principle.

Not so much an ideology, but I believe this country would be better if we produced more normal guys like Dirty Job's Mike Rowe.

No takers?

You posted while I was posting.

> White
> Right wing conservative
> Atheist (yeah pretty strange)

>Spiritual, not religious

>iranian aryan
>socially conservative left winger. Basically national socialist with heavy emphasis on personal freedom.
>not religious. Interested in learning.

>Germanic God Tier
>Old Conservativism, anglo saxon type
>Calvinist from birth

Conservative Libertarian
Protestant Christian


> slav
> nazbol
> orthodox

>conservative Atheist
That's going to become more common as more white kids Move to conservatism


>White (with negligible American Indian ancestry)
>Right-wing populist
>Culturally Christian agnostic


Hello Ajax fan.

> White
> Right wing conservative
> Mormon

ahh yes... The barbarian's sport

malay sandnigger
guns and no commies with small government
god exists



>conservative liberal

>agnostic, But I am in favor of Christianity.

Christian Fundamentalist
Christian Fundamentalist

>Moderate liberal

In America it's the sport of the bourgeoisie.

No label, just far right wing

>Conservative Libertarian


didnt mean to reply lmao

>United Methodist Christian



> White
> White Nationalist
> Catholic

> White
> Centrist, slightly right of center
> Atheist


Not white Hispanic, srry pol :( pls gib bullet instead of rope on day of rope.

>Mormon (sorta)

>hispanic (spain/italy)
>roman catholic

Liberal nationalist
Spinozan pantheist

>conservative libertarian

>Congregationalist Christian

Liberal (Alex Jones)

hispanic is related only to the spanish colonies if u r from Spain/Italy is mediterranean if u r mixed with some indio r u hispanic

wrong pic

neat, thanks spainbro

If we're being technical, isn't the correct term mestizo?

tecnically yes, but is more common hispanic or latino even if they r mulatos or mestizos


>Moderate Conservative
>Slowly coming back to Roman Catholicism

The Pope sure is pushing the refugee thing, huh?

> Nordic
> National Socialism
> None. (Belief in Ancestral Reincarnation)

>monarchist, anti liberal conservartive
>roman catholic

Not as much as the media says. Maybe 1% of his statements are political. 95% of what gets made into headlines are cherry-picked BS

welcome back, sorry to say it looks like the pope's been compromised

>> White
>> Conservative
>> Agnostic

read jean paul II, he was so on point about the comeback of nations worldwide
i feel like the current pope would have been great in the 60's to help resist the waves of liberalism but what we need now is a pope that can lead a reaction against the now weaken globalisation and moral decay of our societies

Good point

>white euro
> fiscal conservative / patriotic libertarian
> Religion? No thanks, fuckoff this is NewZealand, we don't have any truck with Mohummed, Magical Jews or Monkey gods over here, what are you, soft in the head like an American?

>reactionary conservative
>roman catholic

Right wing


nice try FBI

>Cultural Christian

>Mostly Anglo, part Slav

Stop calling it reactionary. The left likes it because they can make themselves out to be revolutionaries, and you look like your job is just to stop them. Traditionalists and serious conservatives are really evolutionary- in that we're extending what has and always will work. Not to say we can't update and revise, but it's needlessly uplifting lefties for no reason.

Libertarian right

>European white
>Non religious


Neat photo. I think I've seen you post it before tho. Is it a new fave or something?


White, Swiss Baptist, Libertarian Fascist.

traditionalist monarchist

>eastern orthodox

>Killing infidels
>The Religion of Peaceā„¢


>neoreactionary tradionalist libertarian
>Moderate Orthodox Jew

Spiritual, agnostic

Not a catholic. Calvinist. Still Hope this happens

>Roman Catholic

Shitskin, western chauvinist, my parents are muslim and protestants

>Post your race, political ideology, and religion.

KeK and his prophet Trump

>Mixed race (Jewish, North African, North Asian and white)
>Right-leaning Republican
>Roman Catholic

>Spiritual Satanism

Indian but light skinned(due to anemia in childhood)
only believe in science

>"Black" (quarter french)

> White ginger, russian mixed with nordic
> Progressive socialist
> The Good Ol' Church of Go Fuck Yourself You Limey Cunt-Faced Wabblewook


White enough to be called white by browns. Brown enough to be called brown by whites

whatever this is

religion never appealed to me

>White with some slav blood because russian rapists
>Central Lolbertarian
>Agnositic with reverence for nordic, greek, buddistic and christian faith.

>British Fascist
>born "secular", planning on converting to Orthodoxy

>Catholic-pagan :D.

> white
> crypto-nazi
> gnosticism


Don't really have a cemented political ideal. Probably something like eco friendly fascism.

> White
> Progressive leaning centrist
> Soft Atheist

>right wing conservative for the restitution of the traditional family as the center of society
>Roman Catholic

Reagan/Trump conservative
Conservative Catholic (sorry about this pope folks, the last one was bretty gud though)

>right wing conservative
>"atheist" (but I wouldn't calling myself atheist, because most of today's atheists are degenerate stupid liberals)

>White Dominican(Green Eyed)
>Capitalist Liberal
>Agnostic Theist

>Quarter-Anglo, quarter-Irish, half Galician
>Atheist, former Roman Catholic

>french anglo celtic
>Consertive/Capitalist Facist

>National socialist

Welfare Checkism
We Wuzism

White (German/English)
Libertarian left, moving right with time
Athest, anti-theist in fact
