In wake of Milo downfall, video surfaces of Bill Maher defending sex between adults and minors

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We all know. The all caps are redundant, OP.

top wew
Is this worse than what milo said? He is actually defending it and this isn't even taken out of context.

this is backlashing terribly as always
are they even trying?
milo now in victim role after being molested as child

leftists have to stop promoting pedophilia
whole of leftist hollywood is pedophile

Yes he is

Lots of mental illness in your genes my inbreed Slavic friend

Its part of being a western Jew.

why are you pretending that older woman + young boy is the same as the reverse. it just isnt

wow he sure will get drop from CPAC now...

Thats a fuck-ton worse than anything Milo said.


We need to contact HBO and get him shut down.
[email protected]

Make sure and put get Bill Maher off air in subject line.

i know, he's not joking, he's not using it as some twisted form of self-councelling as a result of his own abuse

>implying you wouldnt be proud if your 14-year old son nailed a hot teacher at school
now think how you'd feel about your 14-year old daughter getting railed by a male teacher

it's not the same at all

I hate white people
And I can tell you're a massive cucked up honkey too

HBO still employs Lena Dunham they don't give a shit.

This is the first cross into the mainstream. Jake Tapper also commented on how Maher's comments were sickening. This will be the end of Maher as long as the snowball effect kicks in.

He even reiterated the remarks in that video in 2007:

Fuck off Bill you're a pedo

>the crime is that we didn't get it on videotape
He is advocating for the production of child pornography.

>that video
Objectively worse than anything milo said, fuck milo was talking about himself at least

Well hes sort fo right, there is a double standard when it comes to women fucking little boys compared to the reverse.

The solution to that isn't to make it okay like the fucking jew wants. The solution would be to punish the woman as hard as men.

Fuck off cracker you're a peckerwood

Oh how I would love to see that slimy rat go down.

What's it like for your whole life to be made of nothing but fear of strangers? Does it suck, or does it somehow give you a perverse sense of self-validation to want to murder people who disagree with you?

Of course woman pedos should be punished the same as men pedos.

He was probably making an 'edgy joke' - but there's a double standard about who can make these kinds of jokes it would seem.


And your people have an average IQ of 70 and objectively can't build or maintain a society

Show some gratitude that we let you apes enjoy a first world life


Is that neccessary?

Boner is not consent. Aska woman if getting wet is consent.

>If getting wet means it's not rape, then that's an easy way to deny rape
>If they agree, then they admit men can get raped.

Gotta think of Kafka traps to argue with these people.

How is Bill Maher even on a pedestal to be knocked off of?

I especially hate how cuckservatives think he's /theirguy/. Like honestly. His show is like
>hurr edgy politically incorrect comment.
>Hurr fight the establishment.
>Let me explain how democrats aren't the establishment.
>I'm libertarian and shit I swear


Really makes you think in all seriousness we can't let this guy get his hands on the nuclear code.

But he's one of the good pedos user. He's not a conservative.

Got another one


If ours is 70 yours must be 40, just listening to you dumb fucks makes me wish Osama was still alive.
I'm not even muslim but I'll dance around like an iraqi goat herder the next time you cave monkeys get terrorized

Id evserate this fucker if he said that to my face


He's doubling down

By law it is

>It's up to the parent to teach their daughter to embrace penis from as young an age as possible.
T. Chris Cuomo

He's been at it for hours; we're far past doubling.

what does that response even mean?

well ccc, i guess you had a good run.

You're intolerant if you don't want your 12-year-old daughter to see penis.

Nice, at least they're taking on everyone. Very surprised CBS is even reporting this.

>not wanting to exterminate people who are calling for your extermination

What's it like eating nothing but dicks?

>But he is vehemently anti-Muslim

Maher might be a lefty, but he's not all bad.

my god, a tripple c rating, that's like the worst kind of pedo.

He's an over-stated atheist, not specifically anti-muslim.

>joos are pedos
>news at 11

It's great this is coming out before his show tomorrow.

HBO did hire him after his 9/11 attackers are brave comment.

That was ABC

>waaah its bad when the leftards do it
> hey let's do the same to them
We retard now.

Bill Maher on a proxy confirmed.

They fired him, but HBO gave him this show.

There's no defending pedos, Milo is a fag degenerate

Sorry, I read that wrong

A fag degenerate, yes. A pedo or pedo advocate? No, cunt

You don't get anywhere without adapting.

See how some are freaking out because the same tactics are being used against them. It's the same when those on the Left are doxxed.

>we're far past doubling.
exponents or infinities?

There are no pedos in this story though. This would require you to have proof that either one of those two fondled under 18year olds. Right now you just have a collection of shitty, out of context jokes.
Although there are (unconfirmed) rumors about Bill.
My point is to let the leftard smear tactic backfire instead of engaging in the same shizoid shit. We're all better than this. Also, real time doesn't need more attention.

Anti-pedo is something that both leftists and right-wingers should agree on.

This doesn't have to be a partisan issue. We must have some standards in society.

Honestly we just need to crack down on child abusers. We need to start executing them immediately and re-examine the link between homosexuality and pedophilia.

>HBO did hire him after his 9/11 attackers are brave comment.

You don't think it requires at least some balls to an hero with a plane? I worry about falling off of my bike for fuck sake.

>I worry about falling off of my bike for fuck sake.
Then you're a whiny little faggot.

The problem was using the word "brave". Brave is implying they have some virtue.

Obviously for a radical islamisist, they were probably considered "brave". But an American calling the 9/11 attackers "brave" is just fucking stupid, unless you hate your own country.

>how can woman rape a man
He's being liberal.

Which is why the female adult 9/10 times gets off with a light sentence like probation or some bullshit and the adult male get 5-10 years prison time.
This bigger clip

Nothing will happen to Molester Maher, he is one of (((them))).

Should have checked his privilege before taking the credit for Milo's downfall

Sadly, you are right

>Cultural Icon

lol wut

He jumped the shark today, you fucking leaf.

Milo isn't?

He's a Zionist jew, of course he's going to harbor a dislike of Islam.

>leftists have to stop promoting pedophilia
>whole of leftist hollywood is pedophile

careful hans

New Pizzagate people theme song: Heathens. Listen to it and tell me it's not a creepy pedo club song.

>implying there is something wrong with fucking teens