What's you're opinion on this vid by Varg?

I do agree with his point on MGTOW's being betas that don't deserve to reproduce. However, I don't believe he understands a large point of the MGTOW mindset, which is that dating is made basically impossible by false rape accusations, And I don't believe that MGTOW's are just giving up, It's more of a decision in the way that I see it.
BTW: I'm not a MGTOW or MGTOW sympathizer, My Motto is : " To escape a pit, you don't climb out halfway and let the next people finish" - You can't fix degeneracy by being "less" Degenerate.
But his argument, in my opinion, is bad, but his end decision is good.
Also Stop masturbating

I'm having a very difficult time stopping.

I quit for about a month without any sexual thoughts or urges and decided to "indulge" earlier in the week. It's been twice a day.... You can only have a successful period of abstinence IF and only IF the foundation it's built on is free of sexual activity. That means if you're horny the first day or two, you're bound for failure and the whole act of abstaining becomes counter-intuitive.

If you can break free entirely from sexual thoughts and action, you can accomplish anything.

MTGOW's are betas and also huge defenders of masturbation.

There is no however. Evolution only cares who breeds and who doesn't. Let time decide who lived life best when those people rule the planet and the whiners are rotting in their graves.

>don't believe he understands a large point of the MGTOW mindset, which is that dating is made basically impossible by false rape accusations

Can you explain this because I don't understand what you just said either. I've had sex with six different women this week with zero fear of false rape accusations. What the fuck are you even talking about?

>22 stabs
>self defense

>mentions nothing about marriage laws
Good job missing the point Varg.

MGTOW is only for those whoa re going to make a different in the world where you have to worry about blackmail and need to be commited to your higher mission and not spend time chasing pussy

however, MGTOW also advocates not wasting money on the jew controlled luxury and Diamond ring industry in order to get laid

>you're opinion
i'm not that

see those thoughts for what they are. images in the mind.
what is a fantasy? an image in the mind which we try to make real (there's more to it but start there).

so what is the power of this fantasy? it's the kind of creatures we are, in some weird way, we are invested in our imagery so much that even the content of our imagination can appear to have the consistency of the real. it's how we suspend disbelief when watching cinema, we deliberately but unconsciously ignore the unreal aspects. we forget that it's a projection on a screen, we ourselves traverse the space between the image and the real.

sometimes it's a good thing. it's effectively about how symbolism is integral to the way we function. great art is fantasy. great architecture even.

we cannot help but invest in imagery, it matters what we fill our minds with. knowing that nofap is easy.

except it isn't. but it's a start.

>jew controlled luxury
I think you are confusing NEETs for MGTOW. NEETs don't have the money for luxury, but there's no reason to think MGTOW don't help the Jewconomy.

He doesn't believe in civilization, it's no wonder he has such a view of things.

Beta males have their role in civilization. Hell, one of the main focal points of civilization is to reach an agreement such that the males get to share women instead of constantly fighting over them. He forgets to point out that the famous result of a massive Y-DNA bottleneck some 10k years ago was followed by an explosion of Y-DNA diversity as civilization developed.
But I do agree with him that giving up like MGTOWs do is just stupid and a loser thing.

imagine if men stopped buying girl sjewlary and rare earth minerals in hopes of gettign laid

imagine all the overpriced, overdiversified cuked luxury automakers

the over saturated watch market ect.

what would happen

how about the entire marriage industry, which is uniquly American and would not expect a Finn to understand

people who fear the unknown. at no point in my life have i ever even thought about "false rape". mtgows tend to be pessimistic losers who want an excuse to justify their negativity.

they are like a cult "you are either with us or stupid"

Good thoughts. The subconcious is so powerful that it holds me back sometimes. I see the TV shows, content, and thoughts that I've consumed and had in a given day--- and if it's sexual in nature it becomes a reinforcing feedback loop.

None of that is really even relevant to the world economy. Diamonds don't make the world go around, there are far bigger things that help the Jew -- MGTOW are just as sheep as any. You are not NEET-level. Varg actually likes NEETs.

no... NEETS are the beta trust fund children who waste thier money on materialistic shit that makes younger betas aspire to do the same, creating a whole generation of fucking middle schoolers who want to live "da high life" because they think it gets them laid

it WILL make a difference when those companies go out of bussiness, when the price of minerals that start conflicts drop because they have no more value

have you ever been to an American suburb?

t. beta

t. Used up old cunt

Yep, half of Sup Forums are millionaires' sons and so are Japanese hikikomoris. Rofl, get the fuck out of here.

NEET means basement dweller. Sup Forums is full of them. It's the lowest form of existence besides a street beggar and it contributes almost nothing to society.

Meanwhile MGTOW is just a normal guy with a job who still buys material goods with his salary.

A retard who talks out his ass and literally just makes shit up in his videos. Also he can't form coherant thoughts on time and organize them so he just annotated half his videos.

Also he murdered a guy and made up like 5 different stories about reason/scenario to make people think he's not just some mentally slow lunatic who shouldn't breed because he acts like a nigger.


...I don't give a fuck what he says, not that I care about the mgtow topic at all. Why do faggots worship this guy? Only good point he made was about Christianity, and even that was a point any retard could make, having the right opinion does not make you quality.

He stabbed him 3 times, get your storys straight.

Holy fuck lol
If he was in America what drugs do you think he would be addicted to? I think crack but also meth.

Not an argument haha sure showed you, cut off contact with your family and friends if you're circumcised and donate more than ONE DOLLAR to me

Unless you want me shot?


Dating is not impossible because of 'rape accusations'. That's just some retarded excuse betas come up with.

This. False rape accusations are very rare, it's just bullshit they come up with because they can't even find some bar whore that wants them.

I was saying that I agreed with the end of his argument, just not all of it.

They're paranoid about crazy bitches.

That's what I meant in general about the "False rape accusations"

I think the reasonable stance is somewhere in the middle between MGTOW and what Varg is saying. It's one thing to be a complete beta who refuses to interact with women because of some preconceived notion about them. It's another to be a complete fucking retard cuck and fall into the marriage trap with a witch. Be a smart person, and if that sometimes means avoiding roasties, then so be it.

They are not VERY rare, but they are still not making it impossible to date.

I Personally Like him because he does what he says he wants to do. Like he bought land and he lives off of it (which he advocates for people to do) he is non hypocritical is my point. Also, Table top RPGS are Fuckin awesome, and black metal is pretty dope.

Even if they are common, real rape is already very hard to prove, false rape accusations don't lead to anything...

Yeah, but it's their argument as to why they want to choose to live pussy free.

>Hear ablut Varg and his self defense story
>Listen to his music after hearing about it
>Clearly a mentally stable guy who was a friendly snowflake
Stop listening to sociopathic murderers anons. He is a degenerate.

Varg advocates for a traditional wife, who's actually enjoys her place in the house (Look at the role of women in viking society.)

stop watching porn

On point

The commie made the 36 cuts falling in user. It's a well known story.

Actually for me it's more like
>Been into metal since 5yrs old
>Mettallica ain't blowin off the steam like it used to (I stopped after they released that shitshow "Load"
> Get into harder bands
> Couple years later
> IN high school, Have to write about something
> "metal"
> Fuckin emo kids took my idea, So I decide to be an retard and take black metal
> Hear burzum is pretty good
> Listen to that shit
> Liek
> Read more about varg
> Whew
> Get out of high school
> 2013, hear about gamer gate, start visiting Sup Forums then move to Sup Forums gradually. 2015 find out he has videos on you-tube. Find out he has shit to say, so I watching.

He's pretty much to only internet """personality""" that I trust to give his actual opinion. All the others rely either on their real job or youtube for their income so if they say something too out of line they risk losing their jobs or getting their channel banned. Varg lives on his homestead so it doesn't make if he loses a job he doesn't have or his youtube that at the end of the day isn't that important to him.

>which is that dating is made basically impossible by false rape accusations

LOL. Your odds of being falsely accused of rape by anyone other than an SJW are the same as being eaten by a shark. Just don't fuck girls who are SJWs. This is the dumbest argument for abstinence ever.

Who gives a fuck about this psychopath.

Also, How the fuck is he a degenerate? He's /our/goy dude

Read through the thread dipshit, you're questions been answered. also I'm not MGTOW

>Ten kids
>Pure aryan aspie wife
>Live of the land
>Homeschooling his children in their house innawood
How can he be degenerate?
Also stop watching porn.

Hows living under Trudeau, CanadaFag

not fun, but what does that have to do with this, or is that your go to if you have nothing to say


I would've shut the fuck up if I had nothing to say, I've just never asked anyone before.

He makes degenerate music that goes reeeeee reeeeee and sounds like a mental ward patient who was locked in a cage.

Just because you don't like it doesn't mean it's degenerate

It is devoid of any beauty or artistic creativity and is degenerate nihilistic garbage.

MGTOW is behavioral sink

"The beautiful ones"

He's a queer just trying to get attention, getting off on the idea of "offering advice". I don't why anybody would want to listen to this failure in the first place, how are you going to stop being degenerate following the advice of some church burning murderer ex-convict who's music is about sneering at the concept of beauty?