Those Hitler Feels Man

I always had some level of sympathies for Hitler and the third reich even when I was 14-15 years old and got taught like everybody else how evil he was. But still I had some level of admiration for him and what he managed to do and found him impressive overall. Of course that feeling got even worse when I discovered pol a decade later.
Everybody else hates him. All day you hear people compare him to the worst person on earth, the devil. I obviously nod to whatever's being said about him because im not retarded I don't want to be ostracized. Once I come home and im alone, I watch a video of him or just the swastika I imagine what's this could've been

Why can't I just hate him like everybody else ?

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Nothing wrong with him

>Why can't I just hate him like everybody else ?

Because he did nothing wrong.

"In the future, they will realize i was right" - Adolf Hitler

you're just a bit early is all, you can come out and join gen Z when they start getting politically active.

Feel the same way. I always thought it was weird how every war was a waste of time and wrong like vietnam except for ww2 because the nazis were evil and there's no two ways about it.

That and occams razor seems to apply to everything except the government.

Why would you miss someone who killed 6 million Jews?

Nice digis.

Also in 3rd grade there was a kid in my class who was super into WWII history and told everyone about concentration camps etc. And he basically forced the teacher to teach about Hitler early. Anyway his parents were German and pretty sure they were Nazi supporters. Anyway he taught me all about 'Jewish germs' and gave me an appreciation of Hitler since then. Since 3rd grade I have feigned disdain for Hitler.

he's still in our hearts, user

>tfw you will never hang out with Hitler, Goebbels, and the rest of the gang.

When I was in 6th grade I choose to write a bio about Hitler. We could've had any option to write about anybody, but I decided to write about him.

Years later it dawned on me he wasn't really a tyrant over his people like I was led to believe. I think when you're a child you can instinctively spot a leader.

Regardless the fact that he botched the war, Hitler was an exceptional man. I can say this not even as a nazi. He loved his country like a son loves his mother, and I respect that.

Bumping for more third reich feels

>I think when you're a child you can instinctively spot a leader.
Maybe that's what happened to me too. I was just drawn to him saw him as a leading figure I suppose

because he missed one

A facist, anti freedom leftist society?

Hitler was not a GOOD guy. Fascism is authoritarianism and bad. The holocaust (ie; planned executions of jews in camps) did not happen however, that's what you should be concerned about and it's the primary reason people hate Hitler.

Sometimes I wake up in the middle of the night, remember Hitler is dead, and end up having to cry myself back to sleep.

I dunno fascism has a romantic side to it. Everybody working together to achieve greatness seem amazing. 1 country, 1 people, 1 leader all bound toward whatever goal.

Maybe Id regret it once there or maybe I would be happier than ever who knows

most north koreans disagree

He was a great man.


Hitler was good as a person, but evil and ruthless as politician.

Topkek, Esti.

authoritarianism is good you fuckin goy. the masses are uneducated, instinctive swine that ruin everything they vote on. read Propaganda by Bernays you fuckin goy.