Is North Korea as crazy as they say?

Is North Korea as crazy as they say?

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Only when they run out of peanut butter.

yes, it is batshit insane. video related. its an interview of two NK defectors

Yeah its pretty shit.

When it comes crumbling down, dealing with the fallout is going to be extremely bloody and tiring as people go pouring into China and South Korea, try to modernize, generals are going to kill each other with remaining soldiers until one side with China and another sides with S.K and US.

Nope they're perfectly sane. They have survived, haven't they?

Oh wow a bunch of piece of shit race traitor sluts badmouthing the nation they fled because they were lowlife criminals. These refugees in the south have been exposed as a bunch of trashy liars hundreds of times, they know they can easily make money by telling Holohoax-tier sob stories to western audiences (the southern Koreans don't care about these refugees smearing the noble DPRK so they can't rake in any cash from southern audiences, only leaving them with the option of sucking off retarded western audiences for attention)

Show me proof of your claims. I've never seen anything that refutes the cruelty of the DPRK.

Enlighten me.

>autistic gooks larping as the ussr
seems pretty crazy to me

>generals are going to kill each other
No. There is SINGLE-MINDED UNITY within the Worker's Party of Korea and the Korean People's Army. They are more loyal to the Great Marshal Kim Jong Un than the Japanese were to their Emperor during WW2. Your wet dreams of a "collapse of the regime" will never come to fruition, you scum-sucking kike puppet. The American government is more likely to collapse than the DPRK. The people of the DPRK are ready to defend the territorial integrity of their nation with the sacred sword of ten thousand nuclear bombs.

The famous "Camp 14" refugee Shin Dong Hyuk claimed he was "born in a concentration camp with his parents". He went around the West smearing the DPRK for years, selling his book, doing dozens of interviews for high-profile outlets like CBS 60 minutes, Anderson Cooper, etc., he was being invited to (((western think tanks))) to brainstorm ideas to topple the great DPRK. One day the DPRK was sick of this lying criminal and released a video of his parents, not in a concentration camp but a normal home, showing childhood pictures of Shin Dong Hyuk. The disgraced criminal Shin Dong Hyuk was imprisoned due to thievery, not because he was born there. He admitted that the people in the video were in fact his parents and that he was not born in Camp 14.

I hope it never comes to war. I'm intimidated by their big hats

why are gooks so shit at fascism ? We had style during our fascist era and we were not some shithole

Yes they really are. Don't let some one fool you into beliving that everything bad you hear about North Korea or China is a lie by the CIA. North Korea is without a doubt one of the worst countries to live.

Somalia and Zimbabwe (If your white) are ahead by being worse by a small margin.

>When it comes crumbling down
honestly that's why south korea is not interested in reunification or a war

[[[North Korean News Outlet]]]

Burn in hell you fucking ignorant piece of shit. Even Chinese scholars and policy makers criticize the regime on this account, the endless spiral of DPRK's government into hedonism as its people starve. We should have nuked your asses, too.

yeah but its hard to blame kim jong un for being paranoid. he has one of the cushiest lives out of anyone on the planet. he has an entire nation that listens to his every whim.

and he knows he's about a step away from being dragged out into the streets and getting a bayonet up the ass by some US-sponsored revolutionaries.

thats why he's determined to have strict control of his population and also why he recently had his half-brother killed (to secure his succession plan).


We should have nuked Bejing durring the Korean war.

Douglas MacArthur got fired for suggesting that idea, if I where Truman I would have gone with it anyway.

Uriminzokkiri is more reputable than fake news CNN.

These refugees are human scum who lie more than Jews do about lampshades and soap

I would expect North Korea to just find an actor to fill in and claim that to be his parents.

But I am not surprised that he changed key details in his book so that way it sounds more like child abuse. Tortured kids allays pulls the normie heart strings.

But what should I have expected, the Chinese and Koreans are very good liars.

>Even Chinese scholars and policy makers criticize the regime on this account
Wow, who would've guessed the Chinese are a bunch of soulless backstabbing scumbags who break a blood bond forged in battle. China has its own imperial ambitions on the Korean peninsula and has no incentive to be objective when it comes to talking about the DPRK. They are not above collaborating with the Jew-occupied D.C. beltway Deep State regime.

> the endless spiral of DPRK's government into hedonism as its people starve
This is absolutely unreflected regurgitated nonsense spoonfed to you by your fake news outlets. Repeat a lie often enough and people will eventually believe it. I guess you believe the evil Nazis turned 6 million Jews into furniture too.

Here is an article from the "DailyNK" a refugee-run website that tries to smear the DPRK and has been saying since 2004 that "the regime is on the verge of collapse" (total lie):

>Based on data collected by the U.N.’s Food and Agriculture Organization [FAO], the magazine late last year analyzed dietary changes in 22 countries from 2011. Research showed that North Koreans in that year were consuming roughly 2,103 calories per day, not far off from the average 1,878 caloric intake from back in 1961.

No one starves on 2000 calories a day, except maybe morbidly obese Jewish slaves like the average American.

Lol. He ADMITTED that it was his father featured in the video, you brainwashed multiculturalist. You lying idiot. Maybe read a few books on the subject, objective ones, instead of relying on fake news CNN for information on a anti-SJW nationalist country like the DPRK. Anyway, I gotta get ready for work.

Severe communism is pure fucking Hell on Earth. What do you think Hitler fought?
How can you not know your own fucking history? Ask your grandmother about DDR.

DRPK is the only country practicing turbo-isolationism and 100% media control.

~2000 calories is enough to live off of. But it is not enough to really grow up to be a strong. Hence why there are so many fucking manlets in North Korea. But assuming that the 2000 Cal is an average, there must be many people who get well over 2000 and under 2000.

I know that vice is mainly a "dude weed edgy liberal" media. But the one and only thing I like that they have done, is there documentary on what life is like inside North Korea.

But as for me missing that detail. I am getting a bit tired, so sorry about that. But how is the DPRK anti-SJW. They are literal communists, who censor information, have an agenda, and prohibit freedom of thought and speech just like pretty much ever SJW is doing.

And for the record, I fucking hate CNN. Breitbard, The Right Stuff, RT, and Info Wars all the way.