So serious thread... how do we save Western Civilization? Anyone have any ideas?

So serious thread... how do we save Western Civilization? Anyone have any ideas?


Ethnovirus that turns everyone white

Not gonna matter when we get outnumbered do to simple math. We aren't reproducing at even replacement rates

Prevent White demographic decline.

All the more reason to make sure you get out and vote for politicians that will get immigration under control

Pretty much impossible, there's going to be an inevitable slow decline and at some point people are either going to be so pissed they revolt which will fundamentally change its nature, or nothing will happen and society will pretty much become fragmented with extremely low social trust. This applies to both Europe and the US, Canada, Australia, etc.

Right libertarianism


This might be true though.

why do libertarians support open borders? i consider myself a right leaning libertarian but I do not support open borders.

better memes

We need to have a general for that to meme it into reality.

legalize drugs and start making hemp products right here in the USA. end corporate welfare. end the prison and militalry industrial products end the fed reserve

unironically gas the kikes race war now

most libertarians today are completely uninformed and dont realize that open borders compromises the integrity of the free market.

Is like to encourage everyone to call their congressman

This. Wouldn't it make sense to just enslave inmates? Gang members commit crimes knowing its not that bad for them in prison. But if that changed do you guys think it would curb gang activity?

End social security too

Wtf does any of that have to do with Western Civilization? Except maybe the Fed.

Conservatives have this wrong too with their "free trade." It's not a free global market when the competition (Asians) are working for 50 cents an hour. Buchanon and Trumo are right on trade

Here an immigration bill general:

dude FREEDOM lmao

no steb on snek

you go to this thread

Saving /pol and keeping it pure saves Western Civilization. How do we save /pol?

Temporary implementation of Puritan law and establish Mike "LGBBQ" Pence as head of state


Mandatory military service in every Western nation for highschool graduates (lol niggers like to dropout)

White males are weak and white liberal men exist because society has increasingly coddles them. White liberal men never move past grudges they held from highschool and let that shape their worldview- which is that bullies must be squashed. So they support things like common core, because white students outperforming dumb niggers is "bullying" in their eyes. And so on and so forth, everything boils down to their childish, warped sense of justice based on fighting bullies.

By forcing them into bootcamp for 6 months they'll be forced to endure real hardship and toughen up or hopefully will die in the process and rid us of weak white men.

western civilization is hurt by our military adventures abroad that we cannot afford anyway. it akes people hate us when we kill them with murder drones

the usa has the largest prison population in the world and that is not because of violent criminals. And a lot of the violent crimes are commited because of the high stakes highly profitably industry drug prohibition creates. Ending the drug war would allow western civilization to thrivie by putting more people to work and stop wasting resources on enforcement of prohibition which does not work

gangs would have far less relevant when you get rid of their funding source and profit motive. Drugs and guns (we should also weaken gun laws)

Hans Hermann Hoppe I said it best. If the government accept refugees on mass with no current property owner or business owner voluntarily bringing them over and giving them a place to stay, it is forced integration by the state.

This would be a good idea if we didn't have a foreign policy based around fighting wars for Israel.

be an outstanding rightwing role model for GenZ to follow

They don't.

THis too.

Fair enough. Solid points

Contact your Congressmen, we have a legitimate shot at cutting immigration in HALF:

Make Alaska Great by colonizing it's resources

Inform people with the undeniable truths. Then things will change