Will 2017 be the year NASA admits they faked the moon landing?

Will 2017 be the year NASA admits they faked the moon landing?

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why is there literally less than 1 gram of moon dust on the legs?

Dumbass there's no gravity/air on the moon so how do u expect there to be dust?

Nigger we can fucking see where they landed, drove around and left shit behind. Might as well think the earth is flat.

>atleast 1500 pounds of thrust exerted while landing
>didnt kick up dust or leave a crater




how do they keep that aluminum foil from tearing and stuff through flying all the way out there

I dont know but that's a really dumb question.

Hope that helps.

its packed inside the rocket fairings mane

Honestly, KYS.


>implying there's air for the dust to hang around in so it can settle on things


Fuck this shitpost


The dust traveled in a ballistic trajectory away from the landing site, due to the moon's lack of atmosphere, whereas on earth the dust would have billowed around, landing all over the place. The lack of dust proves it' is the moon.

falling this hard for bait, you americucks are so idiotic

The thrusters were still burning after it touched down. Look at how little of a depression the struts left. The ground was hard and if there was any type of moisture probably frozen as hard as concrete.

Some people are really this stupid, might as well pound these moles when they pop up.

There are a lot of people who actually believe the moon landings were faked, so I just take the safe route and assume they are fucking retarded.

Precisely, there is no wind or air currents. This combined with the low gravity means that particles flung into the air by the impact simply keep going rather than settling in the same area. Why are all moon landing conspiracy theories so dumb?


There's this thing called ice that melts when you raise the temperature.

>hurrr what is thrust

KYS my man

I'd assume he means bits of ice powder that were melted by the thrusters.

9/11 coverup tier.

that was fake, too.

Why so many pads?

people who believe in this won't post this on /pol
it's bait if you really think it through


wow look at all that moon dust flowing outwards from the astronaut's jump because there is less gravity. it just floats outward trajectorily guys

did you just assume my argument because you're a seasoned shill in those threads?


Looks like christmas gift wrapping.

ur moms a really dumb question

That image is fucking scary drunk


Whether or not it was faked NASA will never admit it. They're heads are way to far up their own asses to admit something like that. They'd probably lose a lot of funding too and almost no one would like or take them seriously.

Oh no...

That sucks...


> Hur dur... Earth be flat... Just look at it..

Show me then.

What's the conspiracy? Even the (((owner))) of WTC7 said it was brought down on purpose.


there dosnt need to be air for gravity to work you fucking sperg

>the normalization

I'm glad we've finally reached this point.

I feel like we can start to move forward now.


That aint proof of anything except and old man who never went to the moon pissed off when confronted

I doubt apollo 11 actually landed on the moon. The other ones maybe


No, but it needs air to scatter. In a vacuum it goes straight out and then down.

No the year you admit you faked your intelligence.

but it cant freeze if theres no water, you contradict yourself shill

The film couldn't have gone thru the radiation belt without the gamma rays completely tearing it apart. The moon landing was real the video was faked for propaganda.

OP is saying "Make America Great Again by posting the Moon landing DIDN"T FUCKING HAPPEN."

There is water. but probably not there. All the lighter particles were blown away by the 1500lb thrust of the landing rockets.

there is an atmosphere on the moon though, theres some sodium and potassium gasses, but i guess they dont count.

of course they didnt know that when they faked it so the lie you are regurgitating is false post fact

You do realize the radiation belt doesn't cover the whole earth? And that they would want to avoid it anyway, to keep the radiation off of the astronauts? I mean it *is* rocket science, but they're the ones who had any business knowing what not to do.

That's not true. It obviously did. If you are honestly this retarded ("omg how can we protect film from radiation must be impossible") you really should castrate yourself with the dullest utensil at your disposal.

cool mental gymnastics, maybe if you used that mental flexibility and turned it around to scrutiny you would find everything isnt exactly how they told you it is in school

Why don't you buy a fucking telescope and see for yourself sometime?

Even in space they want into places they don't belong in. Fucking aliens.

>Surface pressure
>10−7 Pa (1 picobar) (day)
>10−10 Pa (1 femtobar) (night)
Yeah go ahead and take a deep breath of that.

Mental gymnastics? It's basic physics, fuck that it's common sense. If you don't possess the ability to imagine what dust would do in an atmosphere free, low gravity environment when you land a rocket, you have no business breeding and should castrate yourself immediately.


Yes it does.


It's thinner in some places, yes, but it certainly does cover the Earth.

How would Van Allen belts exactly prevent someone from landing on the moon? Do you think radiation is something that kills you instantly? The craft were protected against background radiation, so against Van Allen belts as well.

Yeah I misspoke, it varies. Still same point.

consider protecting the astronauts from a lethal dose of radiation before the film you mongo, of course they could have with a foot of led lining the apollo lander but that would be unfeesable because it would be too heavy, well lads i guess theres no way we're going to the moon, i know call up walt disney, hes good at astroturfing i mean engineering, maybe WALT DISNEY can help us with this problem of not being able to send people to the moon, gee i wonder how WALT DISNEY can solve this problem for us..

fuckin plebs

>technology as advanced as that of a 2 dollar calculator from 1995 gets us to the moon and back in a flawless first effort

>elon musk can't even land an unmanned gps enabled rocket on a giant pad in the ocean without it missing the target and exploding

such american. great task. wow moon. we did it mayne

Secret back stage evidence! Tell Alex Jones!


The van allan belts dont matter nearly as much as you hope they do. They are a minor inconvenience. Tbh you could probably shield film from that radiation with two layers of aluminum foil.

>theres some sodium and potassium gasses
...And what is the atmospheric pressure on moon, aka. what is the density of the gas?