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the Federal Government doesn't have jurisdiction within states regarding drugs.

It is a state level issue, not a federal issue.


About as right as his banana was straight.



>the Federal Government doesn't have jurisdiction within states regarding drugs
That's wrong though.


>That's wrong though.


9th and 10th amendment clearly states that the Federal Government doesn't have jurisdiction on state level affairs.



Clean yourself up and get a real job you fat fuck.

9th amendment is about how rights in the Constitution aren't the only rights people have. The 10th amendment does not apply because drugs in legal states are being trafficked across state lines which amounts to illegal interstate commerce which gives federal jurisdiction. Also state law does not trump federal law. Period.

>because drugs in legal states are being trafficked across state lines

For the times when that happens, I grant you, that is within federal jurisdiction.

But if it's grown in the state, sold in the state, and used in the state without crossing state lines, then the Federal Government has no jurisdiction.

Listen to this guy's podcast. Him and his obese friends joke nonstop about sodomizing each other and the show's guests. Not a prude. Not moralizing. It's just bizarre and weird.

Not exaggerating. Just pull up a random episode. At least 15 minutes WILL be spent talking about male-to-male felatio, butt sex, fisting, etc. EVERY EPISODE. Like they're obsessed or something. None of them are even active homosexuals though.

Sure. Rude banter is understandable. But after hundreds of episodes, doesn't sodomy get old? They talk about it waaaaay to much.

>posts a gif of an alcoholic

Except the legal states are the problem, the line is blurry enough for the DEA to enforce any and all federal laws regarding narcotics. Article I section 8 of the constitution gave congress the ability to make them illegal which gives the federal goverment the right to enforce it. This is not the first time such a case has happened (Utah, polygamy) where a state had legalized something that was federally illegal. Also necessary and proper clause. Once something is federally illegal, all the state can do is hope that the fed has no desire to interfere. If the fed has the desire, they absolutely have the right to do so.

I trust Styx's analysis more.


>alcoholics are more famous/successful than potheads

Who would have fucking thunk?

You must be young.

>Article I section 8 of the constitution gave congress the ability to make them illegal

No, it didn't

The commerce clause only gave congress the power to "Regulate commerce between the states"

That means interstate commerce, not IN-STATE commerce.

>To make rules for the Government
>To make all laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into Execution the foregoing powers
Either way, you're full of shit because we already have precedent on this. Take your sovereign citizen bullshit elsewhere. Federal law trumps state law.

yep this dude is a grandmaster 4D go player hes been right 99% of the time he has a better grasp in trumps game plan then probably even trump himself

You're actually incorrect. There's precedent on this. That commerce clause gives MASSIVE power to the feds. Look into the court cases involving it. You don't even have to sell the stuff for the feds to come and kick your ass.

>you will be rescued by harrison in his heli

>That commerce clause gives MASSIVE power to the feds.

It literally doesn't.

The only commerce that the feds can control is interstate commerce.

If it doesn't pass a state border, the Feds have literally ZERO jurisdiction.


IT's in the constitution, which is the laws that the federal government MUST abide by, because the constitution is the document authorizing their power.

This guy is bananas!

>You must be young.

I read the entire patriot act in 2006.

He mentions that in the first minute of the video.


Get fucked, precedent is shitting all over you.

Banana atheist is admittedly Bisexual and he used to be dating a tranny.

>He mentions that in the first minute of the video.


We seriously need to end the war on drugs, it's doing NOTHING except impoverishing Americans, and enriching gangs and cartels....

Can you imagine a drug cartel trying to compete with walgreens in selling weed?

Walgreens/CVS/ etc... they CARD people, and don't sell to minors.

Most of the video just sounds like him bitching that Trump agrees red states shouldn't have weed.

>Get fucked, precedent is shitting all over you.

listen here you little shit.

"The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people."

The power to enforce in state commerce is not given to the federal government ANYWHERE in the constitution.


Get fucked.

so this is what addiction looks like

>i moved across this country to live where Marijuana is legal




> (You)
>Most of the video just sounds like him bitching that Trump agrees red states shouldn't have weed.

it's up to the states....

IMHO, the drug "Schedualing" bullshit should be removed entirely, the federal war on drugs should be ended, and the states should decide for themselves.

As was intended by the constitution, and those who framed it.


You CAN'T make drugs illegal on the federal level BECAUSE of the 9th and 10th amendment.

Because doing drugs is a PERSONAL RIGHT, so long as it infringes on no one elses rights.

Because PROTECTING individual rights is the PURPOSE of the Constitution, Federal Government, etc....

So, taking the freedom from drug users who have harmed NO ONE ELSES RIGHTS, is criminal.

This is basic subject matter jurisdiction shit.

The 9th ammendment states that the constitution shall NOT be construed or rewritten to deny rights held by the people.

You remember the Prohibition of alcohol?

That LITERALLY required a new amendment to give it legal authority, and was eventually struck down on constitutional grounds, because it violated the 9th amendment.

The constitution cannot be rewritten to take rights away from people, PERIOD.

>Get fucked, precedent is shitting all over you.

I got your precedent right fucking here.

Steven Crowder should debate him

>this decision poses a direct threat to me and my lifestyle

Literally keking out loud.

This is one of the funniest videos I've heard in a lifetime. This dude is calling for revolution over DUDEWEED hahahahhaa bong hits are a mental illness

fuck off with this faggot

TJ is a dipshit and a card carrying shill. He'd argue in favour of the Catholic Church if you paid him enough.

praise kek

Yes. I am fairly right wing but when it comes to drug use banning them is stupid. This is also anti "states rights". Hopefully Trump will not do this bullshit. If he does he is fucking his chances of being reelected.

You'd have to pay him more than anyone would be willing to pay so I don't think that counts


It's borderline insane if he does this

Seriously who cares about pot? Much bigger issues to address

>Seriously who cares about pot? Much bigger issues to address

It's not about pot, it's about personal rights.

trump supporters care more about their personal morals than they do personal rights

Weed is not cover in the constitution

post the video

On one hand, I think that the criminalization of marijuana is a waste of tax payer money.

But on the other, I find stoners to be insufferable and can not stand them. Its like they have no other interest but weed, and have to insert weed into any discussion. "Oh, you watched X? You missed out. Its something that has to be watched high!" or "You need to play X while high!" and so on and so forth. You tell them you have no interest trying weed? They tell you even more that you need to.
My disadain for these people makes me wish that it stays illegal just out of spite.

How would i know? I don't watch disgusting fat subhuman fedora tippers.

How is this guy relevant to anybody? actually curious

Gee, its a good thing we have this thing called freedom of association. Don't hang out with stoners if you don't like stoners. Is that hard? Don't strip people of their rights just because you're a faggot. And I get it dude, really I do. I find stoners pretty fucking annoying too.

i haven't watched the amazing banana's video but Sean Spicer said today that the federal gov would continue it's prohibition on recreational mj.

although if it gets classified for medicinal use i think that would mean removing is schedule 1 status? what the fuck do i know tho
>just a leaf

Laws should be calibrated to get people off of drugs, and I'm failing to see how decriminalization is meeting that end when there are more people smoking today than at any other time. The problem is we don't prosecute drug use hard enough. I hear a lot of people whining about others going to jail for simple drug possession even though that's not really the case, what happens is we'll have guys please down from worse charges to simple drug possession but that's beside the point. We should be sending people to jail for simple drug possession, because by that point they're already addicts and we should prosecute them to the fullest extent that we can in order to 1) convince them to change their lives and 2) convince other people not to do what they did and start using drugs.

This policy of leniency and rehab has done us no good.

What a fucking loser.

>muhh weeeeddd