16 years old will lecturing Trump about transgender

Trump Would Meet With Jackie Evancho About Transgender Rights, Spicer Says

>President Trump would welcome a meeting with the singer Jackie Evancho after she criticized his rollback of rules regarding the use of bathrooms by transgender students, the White House press secretary, Sean Spicer, said on Thursday.


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What rights do people with gender dysphoria not have that everyone else does?

This, if gay marriage were still illegal here, I wouldn't be able to marry a man and neither would a gay guy.

both hot


>Jackie Evancho, the 16-year-old singing star who sang the national anthem at Donald Trump’s inauguration, has publicly condemned the president’s decision,announced on Wednesday, to rescind protections for transgender students that would have allowed them to use bathrooms corresponding with their gender identity while in school. Evancho, who famously finished in second place onAmerica’s Got Talentwhen she was only 10, has a transgender sister, 18-year-old Juliet, who is currently engaged in a legal battle with her Pittsburgh school district for the right to access the bathroom of her choice. Evanchowithstood significant criticismfor her decision to perform at Trump’s inauguration in January.

>“I just want to enlighten him on what I’ve seen my sister go through every day in school,” said Jackie. “The discrimination is terrible and I guess I kind of just really want him to relook at that.”

>Juliet, for her part, couldn’t understand how preventing transgender students from using identity-corresponding bathrooms was supposed to help anyone.

>“Being at a high school where the policies on the bathroom are unclear — Jackie has said, I kind of live it every day, going through discrimination. I’ve had things thrown at me, I’ve had people say pretty horrible things, and the unsafe environment is just very unhealthy,” explained Juliet. “So I feel like Donald Trump needs to know that being in such an unsafe environment won’t do any good for not only the transgender and LGBT community but for everyone as a whole.“

>he-she meets with Trump about trans rights
>Trump gets impeached after grabbing 16 year old tranny by the boipucci

The fact that this is such a an issue to begin with just shows how far this country has fallen.

Trannies belong in mental hospitals, and we've gone and normalized it to the point where they feel like they deserve special protections?

Why do entertainers, children, and other nobodies think they know better than a 70 year old self-made billionaire leader of the free world?

They treat him like he's a complete idiot just because they don't agree with him.

just make a third bathroom option ffs. issue is solved.

men and womans bathroom, and have something named 'universal' or something for people who aren't biologically men or women

Is she transgender?

The dude on the right is.

so you cant differentiate by his voice?

Hello Pewdiepie :D

You wish

Why the fuck would Trump worry about freaks and not focused on more important issues.


ALL people are biologically men and women

>too young and immature for sex
>old and mature enough to chop dick off

>mfw the tranny is hotter

Has science gone too far?

That's waste of money just to make 0.01% of population satisfied.
Every public institution would need 3rd bathroom.
Most institutions already have men/women/disabled bathroom. You gonna add 4th?

Just gass the tranies and get it over width.


Get back to your own thread Montenigger

((( Gender does not exist)))

well she looks transgender

>a waste of money
But rounding up and killing all transgender people isnt? The money-saving solution is actually to just let them use whatever bathroom they want. Stick to fixing your own shitty country and leave freedom to the real world ok??

What waste?
They will kill themselves.

Only 40% commit suicide. We must do everything we can to increase this, especially when they are most vulnerable going through high school on tumblr, puberty, and hormones

The same 16 year old that encouraged HER OWN BROTHER to cut off his cock solely to virtue signal?
I hope Trump makes that "procedure" Illegal just to annoy the evil bitch further.

That kid needs a visit from Pence

The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few
minorities BTFO

That's plenty mate. That means only 0.006% of population needs these bathrooms.

0.00006*300000000 = 18000

I don't understand why we keep beating this dead horse, same with being anti abortion, anti fag marriage, etc.

Who the fuck cares?

All this under the condition that tranny populus is 0.01%. And it cannot be more.


i think it's the confusion
apparently gender dysphoria means you wake up wondering in total disbelief that you have whatever you have
which is strange and i can barely imagine it but it's a disease of the mind so who am i to say it doesn't exist
what matters is that we treat this problem the same way we would when someone has a problem seeing the world in a correct and productive light. someone is perpetually too sad to go to work, oh my god, load him up with fucking medications so that he can continue to work. someone's brain telling him erroneously that he's a female, well chop off his dick!

it doesn't matter to the corporate elite that you have fucking dysphoria and they'll entertain your delusions as long as you're a good little worker bee.

This whole issue just goes to show how retarded trannies and liberals are.

He's not rescinding anything, he's just de-federalizing it.

Because if nobody stands up to them, they will never stop.

This whole virtue signalling culture that has spawned from social media is a huge societal issue.

We've always known libtards think and act like children. Not that surprising that they've started using them as their spokesman.




fake tweet!

I really 2 hope she doesn't type like this every 2econds

women try to ruin everything

>too young to decide they're trans
>old and mature enough to decide they're cis

I can't tell which ones the tranny

Would his presidency be over if he actually said that?

That fucking chin can probably take a Mike Tyson upper cut.

>Most institutions already have men/women/disabled bathroom. You gonna add 4th?

seems like transgender people already have a bathroom to use

It can take a load too

Indeed -- how fucking out of touch with the traditions of constitutional government must you be to think that the federal government NOT having a "transgender bathroom policy" -- or ANY kind of fucking "bathroom policy" whatsoever -- is a problem?!?


What a fag he's 18 and will be graduating in a few months anyway

or just stand in the stall with a light directly above you, projecting a shadow of your dong onto the floor so they can see it

Why not have segregated White Male bathrooms? Put the women in with the male shitskins and degenerates. Watch them beg for segregation in a few months.

>Use public restrooms without fear of verbal abuse, physical intimidation, or arrest
>Use public facilities such as gym locker rooms and store changing rooms without stares, fear, or anxiety.
>Strangers don’t assume they can ask you what your genitals look like and how you have sex.
>Your validity as a man/woman/human is not based on how much surgery you’ve had or how well you “pass” as non-transgender.
>You have the ability to walk through the world and generally blend-in, not being constantly stared or gawked at, whispered about, pointed at, or laughed at because of your gender expression.
>You can access gender exclusive spaces such as the Michigan Womyn’s Music Festival, Greek Life, or Take Back the Night and not be excluded due to your trans status.
>Strangers call you by the name you provide, and don’t ask what your “real name” [birth name] is and then assume that they have a right to call you by that name.
>You can reasonably assume that your ability to acquire a job, rent an apartment, or secure a loan will not be denied on the basis of your gender identity/expression.
>You have the ability to flirt, engage in courtship, or form a relationship and not fear that your biological status may be cause for rejection or attack, nor will it cause your partner to question their sexual orientation.
>If you end up in the emergency room, you do not have to worry that your gender will keep you from receiving appropriate treatment, or that all of your medical issues will be seen as a result of your gender.
>Your identity is not considered a mental pathology (“gender identity disorder” in the DSM IV) by the psychological and medical establishments.
>You have the ability to not worry about being placed in a sex-segregated detention center, holding facility, jail or prison that is incongruent with your identity.

Would women be comfortable with gays using women's toilets?

If a transperson passes then nobody will question them using the bathroom.

So what will these faggots do when they're 60? Will they regret not getting evaluated for their fucked up mental condition?

He will just explain that it's up to the states to allow the transgender dicks in girls bathrooms or not.
Will she try to counter that simple and common sense argument? Come on..

>How'dja do fellow laydees? Isn't it cool we're all laydees in here! You're kinda cute laydee. I heard ya peein' and it sounded so nice!

>You are not required to undergo an extensive psychological evaluation in order to receive basic medical care.
>You do not have to defend you right to be a part of “Queer,” and gays and lesbians will not try to exclude you from “their” equal rights movement because of your gender identity (or any equality movement, including feminist rights).
>If you are murdered (or have any crime committed against you), your gender expression will not be used as a justification for your murder (“gay panic”) nor as a reason to coddle the perpetrators.
>You can easily find role models and mentors to emulate who share your identity.
>Hollywood accurately depicts people of your gender in films and television, and does not solely make your identity the focus of a dramatic storyline, or the punchline for a joke.
>Be able to assume that everyone you encounter will understand your identity, and not think you’re confused, misled, or hell-bound when you reveal it to them.
>Being able to purchase clothes that match your gender identity without being refused service/mocked by staff or questioned on your genitals.
>Being able to purchase shoes that fit your gender expression without having to order them in special sizes or asking someone to custom-make them.

Why do you think trannies off themselves at a huge rate?

They don't age well at all.

I hope trumps speech goes like this.
"I'm sorry, you fell for the meme, here's a hat let's make America great again".

>No stranger checking your identification or drivers license will ever insult or glare at you because your name or sex does not match the sex they believed you to be based on your gender expression.
>You can reasonably assume that you will not be denied services at a hospital, bank, or other institution because the staff does not believe the gender marker on your ID card to match your gender identity.
>Being able to tick a box on a form without someone disagreeing, and telling you not to lie. Yes, this happens.
>Not fearing interactions with police officers due to your gender identity.
>Being able to go to places with friends on a whim knowing there will be bathrooms there you can use.
>You don’t have to convince your parents of your true gender and/or have to earn your parents’ and siblings’ love and respect all over again.
>You don’t have to remind your extended family over and over to use proper gender pronouns (e.g., after transitioning).
>You don’t have to deal with old photographs that did not reflect who you truly are.
>Knowing that if you’re dating someone they aren’t just looking to satisfy a curiosity or kink pertaining to your gender identity (e.g., the “novelty” of having sex with a trans- person).

read that in his voice

None of those are rights

>You hang out,thing she's a girl, get drunk and you get a soar ass in the morning, like the hangover isn't enough
Trannies suck!

i love how they talk about rights but ignore the rights of women who don't want to share a bathroom with a man.
im honestly beginning to hate these people.

>be gay guy
>chase after straight men not knowing any better
>straight guys are flattered
>tell you user if only you were a straight girl
and that's how trannies are born

The biggest problem right now, in all of these debates, is that people can't discern between a natural "right" and "privilege"

If you make the choice to become a monstrous emulation of another gender, you're going to deal with people treating you differently

This is all part of his Master Plan

He only PRETENDED to remove transexual bathroom rights
Because he KNEW of the (((sister))) of the little singer

He will PRETEND to change his mind so that people will no longer be able to say that he does not hear minorities and opposition

This is Galactic Chess Play

The saving money solution would be to force everyone into the same bathroom. But we have a moral distinction, now don't we. That makes this debate fair game you fucking idiot.

Technically speaking someone could "identify" as a new gender tomorrow and waltz into the bathroom of its choice.

>kids can decide to go from a healthy male to a self-castrated male abusing hormones and playing pretend

Now that was a shit post leaf. Not a shitpost. Just a shitty post.

No extreme measures need be taken if you're cis. No irreversible decisions.

N-nice legs...

better pic of him

>no irreversible decisions
>implying puberty is reversible

The fact that puberty blockers are a thing proves you wrong.

>leave things to states to be decided democratically in stead of by executive undemocratic decision

Except a mtf trans is just a eunuch with breast implants. Not a girl.

So basically I don't have the right to decide I'm a woman and fuck with everyone else?

Okay. I can live with that.

How do you know if you feel like the opposite gender, when you've
been that opposite gender? Checkmate faggot. Also all those other posts are not rights like another user pointed out. Those are privileges. And if you decide to fucking make yourself look like something that people act that way towards you, that is on you.


>You have the ability to flirt, engage in courtship, or form a relationship and not fear that your biological status may be cause for rejection or attack, nor will it cause your partner to question their sexual orientation.

So, you want to mislead people who are not mentally ill, and expect them to engage in first rate faggotry once you pop the surpise cock?
The rest of the list is already disgusting, this one tops the charts though. Get help.

Oh gee. I don't imagine letting a fucking 12 year old make a life altering decision could turn out poorly.

Lots of people have gender dissociative issues before puberty. Far more than do afterwards.

mentally ill kids and child abusers encouraging it and drugging them with shite. The latest shit parent fashion after look at me my kid is dyslexic and look at me my kid has Aspergers.

Meanwhile parents of kids with leukemia are fucking ignored because mug transexual toilet

Fucking vermin.

>let nature take its course and grow up.
>or take hormone blockers and interupt the natural biological cycle because you feel like a girl even though you're a boy, and you have never been a girl so it doesn't even make sense that you would know how being a girl felt like but you chop off your dick anyway, end up killing yourself. alone, mutilated and sad

It's not gay if it's a girl's cock.

I was bullied a lot in middle school. I didn't ask for a fucking executive order to stop the meanies.

It's not a girl, if it has a cock.

It's not a chick with a dick, it's a dude with tits.
This is science, this is a fact.

The whole point of delaying puberty is so that 12 year olds don't have to make the life altering decision of whether they want to be cis or trans, you fucking neanderthal.

This, I'm pretty sure they're all selfish attention whores.

What would be the point? Trump doesn't give a shit about trannies. He just took this decision because he's a conservative and he must please his conservative electorate. It's politics, he promised it during the campaign so he's doing it. He's a conservative president, he must and will take conservative decisions. Just like Obama took progressive decisions on social issues like gay marriage, do liberals think that everyone was okay with it? They just feel the same way conservatives felt for 8 years.
I know it's hard for young democrats (i'm not talking about evancho she's not really political), they're not used to it, they always lived in their bubble and they have only known one president since they started getting into politics so it must feel out of this world for them. What the fuck, they are conservatives in this country?

"5. According to the DSM-V, as many as 98% of gender confused boys and 88% of gender confused girls eventually accept their biological sex after naturally passing through puberty."

>It's not a girl, if it has a cock.
don't be ridiculous user

>>mfw the tranny is hotter
ur a faggot

It's pretty fucked up that trannies aren't allowed to go to the restroom ever again.