What is a "latino", and what is a "latinx"...

What is a "latino", and what is a "latinx"? Im an exchange student from Spain and someone just called be a "latinx" what does it mean?

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Latinx is the gender neutral term. Basically liberals use it because they don't want to offend people with the masculine "Latino"

Latinx is the leftist way of making latino/latina non gendered

Latinx have to back!

second post best post

It's a retarded feminist attempt to avoid Spanish's gender system, "X" being used as a made-up gender-neutral ending for nouns.

But what does "latino" mean? And why do they call indios hispanic?

*the made-up gender-neutral term

lol... wtf... this is real?

If ANY of you EVER say this word in public, PLEASE pronounce it "luh tinx" (rhymes with "muh lynx").

What the fuck is a latinx mixed with? Half latin and half mynx?

It's a catch all phrase for people who belong south of the wall

Latino is a made up political word. There really is no such thing. We of Spanish descent refer to ourselves as Hispanic and attach no real political meaning to it. It is cultural. Latino only came into being as a term around 2011 and is a political term meant to create one more divisive demographic group.

Latino means they're from a former colony in the Americas and are brown
Hispanics means the same but only for Spanish colonies

Hispanic does not mean you are brown. It is not a racial designation at all. It is an ethnicity.
Many hispanics did not come here from anywhere. Our ancestors were here before the gold rush.

Latinx sounds like some sort of off brand beaner Knex.

it means u wear cuban linx necklace

what? In Spain Hispanic means someone who is 100% spanish. How can sudaca mestizo trash be hispanic?

It probably means "Mexican" because they don't realize you're European.

The words "hisoanic" and "Spanish" mean different things in the western hemisphere. Here anyone who speaks Spanish as their native tongue gets to be Hispanic

It mean you enjoy BBC like a white woman

So negros who speak english are anglo? And French speaking ones are french?

I've actually known black people who say they're French
Shit's fucked

Actually the term came around 1860 when Emperor Napoleon 3 decided to invade Mexico and spread propaganda there, so as to make them the vassals of Catholic Latin-language-speaking France against Anglo-Saxons of USA UK and Germany. In a "Pan-Latinist" mindset.

We lost that war and it's even their national holiday the cinco de mayo. But regardless they swallowed all of our propaganda anyways, for some reason.

(And afterwards the 3rd republic switched around to us being Gauls, not Latins, because it was more in vogue in those days)

So yes "latinos" are actually just an old French imperial propaganda scheme
The more you know

Hispanic is an ethnic umbrella describing all people of Spanish descent (spaniards, latinos, Afro-latinos, Afro-hispanic mulattoes)

The key is that Hispanic is determined as either Caucasian or non-Caucasian. That's why on race fields in paperwork in the us you select white/black/Latino/Asian/other and THEN tick Caucasian or non-Caucasian descent

Latino/a specifically refers to the people from Latin America who are of the racial origin as a historic mixture of indigenous and European people over centuries.
A lot of Latinos are also Hispanic as their descent is Spanish and indigenous.

You do not have to be Hispanic to be Latino though. A lot of Belizeans are non-Hispanic latinos as a lot of them are of British and Indigoneous descent.

Afro-Latinos are the mixture of blacks and indigenous peoples, like some Dominicans and Brazilians.

Brazilians are debatably Hispanic. They're not necessarily Spanish in some cases, but Portugal is in the Hispania peninsula.

t. Britbong with a dual citizen American kid who is of Caucasian Hispanic descent.

>tfw he's white as snow and will be entitled to unlimited gibs because he's Hispanic

>Attempting to de-gender Spanish

If you use that word you bastardized the language of my homeland

That is convoluted as fuck. Why not just label people by race, instead of trying to turn an ethnicity into a race?

it means you are a faggot

Because race is social construct and doesn't exist.

somehow this country is more cucked than spain.

LOL! They said your bitch ass is so androgynous they didn't know if you were a boy or a girl. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

Because white Spanish in the Americas, Castellanos, do not want to be lumped in with shitskins.

History is not your forte.

'"male Latin-American inhabitant of the United States" (fem. Latina), 1946, American English, from American Spanish, a shortening of Latinoamericano "Latin-American" (see Latin America). As an adjective, attested from 1974."

1946 at the earliest.

fucking latrino trash and their god damn "pride".

You know they are rock bottom when they have to constantly over correct like this.


A wild Latinx appears!

X, like the X chromosome?


It's literally non binary cancer and because lefties can't be more creative or more sophisticated, they have to desecrate the language with guttural X sounds instead of, I don't know, "Latines" or "Latinums" or something.

>mongrel french can't decide if they're Franks, Gauls or Latin

Spic here.

I can tell you this is not going to catch on. Even some lefties I know have more pride than this.

Why don't they call them Latin?

Sam Hyde is Latinx.

Latino was made up by Univision so they could market themselves to Cuban Americans and other people from Latin America.

Prior to that, each nationality, Mexicans, Cubans, Venezuelans, etc. had their own media.

It allowed them to create an identity that didn't fucking exist for their agenda. True story.