"I don't smoke marijuana, but I support legalizing it."

"I don't smoke marijuana, but I support legalizing it."

Said no one, EVER

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pot head should be in jail

I don't smoke marijuana, but I support legalizing it.

I don't smoke marijuana, but I support legalizing it. I am also heavily invested in marijuana stocks.

boards.Sup Forums.org/pol/thread/114121650#top

I don't smoke marijuana, but I support legalizing it.

t. person who doesn't smoke but is in favor of legalization with the caveat it can't be promoted in public, advertised, etc.

>If you don't support marijuana legalization you support filthy butt fucking Mexican Cartels.

It's simple.

>reddit meme
Fuck off faggot

You faggots belong in Jail being raped by niggers for 40+ years

I actually did say that. Penn Jillette says that all the time. I don't smoke it but I'm against my tax dollars going towards locking up nonviolent offenders. I'd rather they just tax the shit out of marijuana like they do cigarettes and lessen my tax burden.

I don't smoke marijuana, but I support legalizing it.

If you support anything being banned for arbitrary reasons, you are a statist cuck who should be curbstomped.

Death to all statists. Death to all commies.

I smoke grow and sell and I don't support legalization.

I don't smoke but support letting States determine legality.

The only role the federal government should have in the matter is in regard to import / export of marijuana. Similar to oil or other commodities. The fed does not make oil illegal, but they can make it illegal to import or export. That affects the states, but does not affect the rights of the States' citizens.

I don't smoke marijuana, shoot heroine, smoke crack, etc, but I support legalizing them all.

I do. I used to smoke marijuana. Heavily. It wasn't healthy, it was a bad habit. Because of excess.

I would never refuse someone else to use it, just because I myself didn't have a healthy relationship with it.

By giving the masses easy availability to a substance that lowers their motivation to compete when not used in moderation really weeds out the losers and increases the odds of some determined folk to have their hard work pay off. Also taxes

Fuck weed, we should legalize cocaine.

>You don't believe in freedumb unless you do drugs...

Whatever your say fagburger.

I don't smoke marijuana and I've never even smoked a normal cigarette before and i still support it's legalization.

It fucks with the DUDE WEED IS COOL crowd, and it'll stop a lot of retards from making a lot of money illegaly.

Ron Paul.

Unless you think Ron secretly blazes while riding his tractor.

I don't smoke marijuana but I support legalizing it.

There is no reason for it to be illegal, regardless of how much of it you consume.

My dad's girlfriend has never smoked weed before, but she openly supports it being legal. She's a practicing lawyer, by the way.

I smoke weed and I support legalizing it. Also I assume all these weed threads are coming due to Spicer's statement, I highly doubt the courts will just let this administration step all over state's rights, just look at the immigration ban.


Their entire job is to lie.

Anything's possible.


i did.

legalisation works - if only our government wouldnt regress into US-style tactics demonising a plant, but rather give people the oppertunity to prey on stereotype weed-addicts, id be a very happy man. Nothing as easy as growing weed and ripping of stoners.

legalize it $$$

And following up on that; id only sell that shit from 1 am to 3 am. After the coffeeshops are closed and stoners without weed are desperate.

>What is free $$$

Let me think, give Mexican drug lords cash or use the money to fund schools and important things

Obviously thats just not true OP


I quit smoking weed after 15 years everyday all day. Can I get a good job guys I really feel good about it.

>weed is not addictive
>i quit weed guys, good job rite?

a leaf

"I don't smoke marijuana, but I support legalizing it."
Absolutely. I also don't support a tax on it. Fuck the cartels

Working on the same myself leafbro, down to a bowl a day from all day erryday. Good job.

my mom and dad and nanny all don't smoke it but are for legalizing

The only people that don´t support legalization of all drugs are useful idiots for the cartels and the politicians that have their part of the pie.

It´s really not that hard to understand how EVERYTHING gets better by legalizing it.

I smoke weed and support keeping it illegal. Keeps niggers and spics behind bars.

I don't smoke marijuana, but I support legalizing it. I have no problems with it, I used to smoke back in college. These days I have a job to worry about and it doesn't seem to have the same feel-good effect it did on me years ago.

I do think we need to exterminate stoners though. I'm not talking about people who just smoke from time to time, I mean hardcore stoners who need to make it known that they smoke weed to every person they come across.


Always wondered why Americans treat weed legalisation like it's a massively important politcal issue.

It's madness.

I agree if legalizing it for medical purposes. The problem is Medical Marijuana users represents about 5% of users. I don't understand why so many people need a mood altering substance to get through day to day life

Big pharma shills in this bitch

Same here. Especially since those who champion legalizing weed tend to champion unpopular, left-leaning issues which are just as unimportant. Their priorities are screwed up.

I'm against legal and illegal drugs, but pot is the most popular, and if that gets legalized, all others will follow suit. That's a dangerous precedent.