Brit/pol/ - Are Heidi Edition

>Theresa May celebrates 'astounding' Copeland poll win

>Jeremy Corbyn: 'I will not step down' over poll loss

>Dithering while Labour burns

>UKIP's defiant leader Paul Nuttall clings on

>Humiliation for Jeremy Corbyn

>Cryptic crossword No 27,129

>Nigel Farage's Piers Morgan Interview On Sex Life, Near-Death Experiences, Trump And Brexit Politics&utm_hp_ref=uk-politics

Hansard Committee Reports

>The process for exiting the European Union and the Government's negotiating objectives

>Brexit: the options for trade

>Brexit: future UK–EU security and police cooperation

>Brexit: UK-Irish relations

>European Scrutiny Committee - Wednesday 1 February 2017

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slag edition

If ever you're feeling glum that THINGS have only gotten worse since before you were born


I made a Constable edition but never mind, I'll just post the image here

>tfw no slag gf despite owning a hosue, 2 year old car and being at least a 5/10


This I like.

Crumpets and cottages over Pajeets and poppadoms.

Kick the fucking Pakis out!

Salisbury Cathedral. Perhaps the finest church on Earth.

>wanting a slag gf
Slags are for porking not keeping son.

(((Jackson Pollock)))

I want YKTD back lads



I know but if I can't get a slag gf what chance do I have of getting a lady gf?

Doesn't matter, I'll just keep telling myself that it's okay and this way I won't have to worry about a woman every taking away half of my stuff.



As written by /lit/, that is. Some user wrote this and it's bloody brilliant so I recorded it

Hi yktd!

You call that art?

This is art lad.

The ABSOLUTE STATE of modern '''''''''''''''''''art''''''''''''''''''''

I really really hate this

It'll increase your chances exponentially, women can smell the sex off you.


Pleb who can't appreciate true craftmanship and artistic flair detected.

proud to be british edition

Wow, great merchant pose.


>goyim i...

Thoughts on Paul Nash?

The weird thing is, I almost get art like that.

It's the sort of thing that actually comes about as living daily life. A dirty room full of booze. I get it. Cool.

It's the period blood makeup stuff that scrambles the mind.

I just don't understand this Tracey Emin art.

>Labour actually lost a seat they've held for decades versus an incumbent government, in itself a feat unseen for years

The funny thing is there are still people who would try and attribute such a disastrous failure to just Corbyn and not the fact the party is completely fucked in countless other ways.

They'll oust him and it will fix nothing.

It's bollocks lad.

>you will never get paid to make primary school level shit
Feels bad man.

Do you reckon Farage is going to move to the states? Says he can't go outside, marriage falling apart and "feeling more American". Sounds like he is jumping the pond.

she should be careful making requests like that, she might wind up with a miserable bastard who holds her only second to the world in contempt.

Obviously a white supremacist, just look at that cane.

Fucking yank squirrels beating /arelads/ exterminate the lot of the cunts.

Only an ugly person, inside and out, would produce this type of trash.

What goes on in these British themed threads?
I usually ignore them and find the thread with the pictures of hot girls.


I believe he was referencing this Harry and Paul Question Time sketch.

1 minute 15 seconds in

It's pure magic in here lad

reeeeee im southern. call me /stealthbong/

Time for Ed to prove he is TNUFF ENOUFF.

Oh so that's what he said. I never got that joke

Kiss me where the sun don't shine.

Ah yeah, it's just such an common reaction to her work I forgot it was from something.

YKTD never said that tho

>captcha was literally a pic of a videogame

Stop not thinking we're doomed.

Britain isn't doomed because it doesn't even exist anymore

My definition, and probably a lot of people's definition of art is that the piece must be able to command a specific emotion in the viewer, and it must have taken skill to produce. For example, a video of a baby being ran over be a truck might inspire a specific emotion, horror, but I would not consider it to be art, because it hasn't taken any sort of craftsmanship or skill, it's just documenting what has happened, also, if someone made a door frame, routed it really well, made all of the measurements very precise and worked within very small tolerances, then it is something that has taken great skill to produce, but commands no emotion.

The degenerate art or more recent times however takes not skill and inspires no emotion - it can not stand on it's own feet, it has to be supported by some blurb or explanation by the artist about "how this colour is supposed to make you feel like this" or" this set of paint thrown on the canvas is supposed to make you feel terror", it's all bullshit. The Nazis knew it was bullshit and they actually held an exhibit called the degenerate art exhibit that toured Nazi Germany. Rothko and Pollack, all charlatans of the highest order that cheat people who actually put effort into their work out of gallery space and who persuade people that they need not spend time on something in order to reap great rewards. Modern art is the embodiment of all that is wrong with today's society, instant gratification.

This is too real


Surely the dirty bedroom thing would qualify as art under that definition?

I mean, it does kind of take skill to produce on some level, you've got to actively organize things out instead of relying nearly entirely on randomness. (You've got to, for example, throw the sheet over specifically like you've just gotten out of bed and left it, because if you just throw it at random it'll be lying on the floor and that's just stupid.)

Not that I strictly object. I mean, it doesn't have to be amazing art to qualify as "technically falls within the bounds of art."

But it doesn't really take any skill to reproduce, and even if it did, it doesn't also inspire any kind of specific emotion.

So if I spend an hour arranging my shit into different sized piles is that art?

How much do you reckon I could make?


I actually volunteered to hunt squirrels about 13 years ago during a cull call up. They fucked me off though for being too young. We have red squirrels in the woods behind my house. Pretty comfy here.

I know man, they should come round my house, I've got all my shit arranged as if I lived here, it's incredible.

True. All our secret services and public services are staffed in part by immigrants. There is simply no way for British people to even act for themselves.

The Economist has recommended moving Britain's capital city to Manchester in a bid to heal the wounds of divide which caused Brexit.
Being closer to the UK heartland - geographically and politically - would benefit the UK government by realigning it and bringing it more in tune with the population.

The article cites the following benefits:-

Spending £4bn on a simple refurbishment is totally abhorrent in times of austerity, and would represent yet another contribution to the government spending gap between London and the rest of the nation.

London is overheated because many different sectors congregate there. Removing government would free up lots of space which could quickly be occupied by the private sector, and it would also take some of the heat off the capital city which would benefit Londoners in lower property prices.

Manchester is at the geographic heart of the United Kingdom, making it much easier for MPs and other members of the public to access parliament.

Manchester is much cheaper than London - so government office rents would be lower but also MPs and other government workers would benefit from lower property prices and lower living costs - as well as higher standards of living.

Much of the reason the UK voted for Brexit was because much of the country's population feels disconnected from the Westminster establishment which currently operates Britain. Bringing the government closer to the people it claims to represent will make the population feel more connected but will also bring the government down to earth.

London sees vast amounts of government spending when compared to other parts of the country. Just last week it was found that government spending on transport projects per head is £1,943 as opposed to £427 per head in the North. Moving government to Manchester would force MPs to realise how shockingly in need of investment the North's railway infrastructure is, which would better encourage them to make a difference.



>But it doesn't really take any skill to reproduce
Neither does a painting, really. As the object itself, sure, but you can just scan it nowadays. (Sometimes you won't get the full effect of light interacting with paint and all that, but it's close enough. I think that's one of the "problems" with "art" in a consumerist society, isn't it?)
I'd say it kind of inspires emotion, or at least recognition/nostalgia in a less than arbitrary way. You can sort of recognize the feeling of a hangover (even if you've not had one, so long as you're familiar with the concept), or a "why the fuck did my room get in such a state" or whatever. There's also a sort of recognition this is a generalisable thing. Lots of people have dirty houses with misc. alcohol bottles lying around.

Independent of whether it's particularly good art, I can see the case for it. I just about get it. It's probably taken far more seriously than it should be, but it seems to just squeak by.
But then art's not really my thing, so I can't pretend I'm any authority. "I get it" is sufficient.

Not really.

Cut your house out and put it in a gallery and maybe you'll have a case.
Something about the artificial (re)creation of a "real" scenario is just interesting. It's definitely not "The paint all over the floor represents my anger because I kicked the can over" tier.



>government office rents
>the government doesn't the buildings it operates from
This is why we need a revolution.


Is this you?

No, but I know the artist who drew those

I hear he works for UKIP these days

i just don't get this tracy emin art.

I like the way South Africa does it; they have different judicial, executive and legislative capitals, none of which are their largest city.

>Edinburgh - Legislative
>Cardiff - Executive
>Belfast - Judicial

You must have lots of folders.

Posting manc tunes?

I don't "get it", so no.

Sticking up empty canvas doesn't mean anything. Recreating the house of commons bar after closing time, with a few things left aside, however, I might "get". Again, whether it's good art or not it kind of brings forward "real life" through conscious, artificial recreation with real objects (as distinct from a photo.)

>Neither does a painting, really.
They do take an extreme amount of effort to produce, a photograph is not the same just as a 3d printout of an intricate carving isn't the same..

>all these schoolboy artfags itt
THIS is art

That's actually clever.

Do you believe in a strong opposition, britbros?


Eternal anglo jews are scum

I hate federalism but fear it may be the last chance to save our union.


Priti Patel
That Copeland MP


it should be in Milton Keynes. Well designed to accommodate all the new people as well


i need answers. what is this rated in bongland?


>a 3d printout of an intricate carving isn't the same..
This one I don't understand. Surely if you've got a 3D printout in the same material, same angles and so on, it's "just not the same", but it's trivial to reproduce and functionally identical?
(With A photograph, you lose the physical qualities of the paint, so I accept it's an imperfect example, though for any digital art that problem goes away and reproduction is literally three keypresses away.)

Which raises the problem I noted (if exclusively for digital art, for a "perfect" recreation.). Obviously it takes skill to produce, but none to re-produce.

Solid 6

Alistair Carmichael/10

the bear?

Steady on Oedipus.

Would fuck with paper bag on head

Brendan Rogers after a stroke and sex-change?

Lads I'm a bit down... kinda depressed... feeling pretty BLUE

Considering Londinstan is filled with Pakis and she looks like a camel? 9/10

Is Kate from the north?

Body is fairly average. Face is something special.



Compared to most girls around here, I'd say she is about a 7.