Okay so this isn't just for all the clapburgers who there aren't a lot of but in general for the people on the fence...

Okay so this isn't just for all the clapburgers who there aren't a lot of but in general for the people on the fence, who realize how much of a piece of shit this country is but do not know what to do about it either ideologically or with their lives. You have to realize something; America is the worst of the worst. Okay so Japan and Sweden and arguably France and Israel are a little worse but mainly for reasons of policy or ideas and shit that affect them rather than ARE them (except in the case of Israel.) I will try to give this some sort of organization so it isn't one wall of rant but I am pretty pissed off that this hasn't caught on with everybody yet.

Other urls found in this thread:


America from day zero was a nightmare of miscegenation, that was founded by the cultural spastics and degenerates of England. For starters, these people were the 'dispossessed;' they were a ragged compilation ranging from merchants in the elite to beggars who became indentured servants; but no one of nobility ruled the first British colonies, the rulership was made by whoever happened to make money. It is no shock that these people all sold out to the jews well before anyone in Europe.

The first American explorers and west-pushers always fucked indians, which is why there is the frequent faint stain of melungozation in almost every American you meet. it is subtle but it is there. Especially in the later colonizations of the American west there was more and more rapid degeneration of blood corresponding to the date of settlement. In california it happened right as the state was being developed and with gooks and niggers whereas in say new england and parts of the south there is some meek degree of racial health. The midwest, northwest/flyover country is a notable exception but only in the racial (white) or racial-subgroup (nordic) sense, not in the ethnic (germanic, celtic, slavic, in the way that New England and Utah are English).

From the start while there was much good blood in America it was always bastardized and spiritually soiled because of no aryan leadership and as a result no structure so eventually it bastardized. Later the same rule dominated time and time again, this is exhibited in the entire Northern war effort in the civil war being due to conscription of recent German and Swedish arrivals who were of racial health. Every 40-50 years America passes a cycle where its jewish degeneracy corrupts the soul of its host races, and it must therefore aquire new immigrants to fill the backbone of its economy. The slogan, written on that symbol of grand freedumb the new colossus: Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me, that I may exploit and fuck them.
So when the English root-race (that practically does not exist today south of connecticut) practically exhausted itself by about the 1820s-30s and America industrialized it was already dependent on foreign settlers and workers, as well as niggers in the south. the civil war butchered the first generation of Germans and Swedes and gave way to a new influx that included especially the Irish. The Germans didn;t wither for awhile and replaced English as the mainstay of the American 'race' especially its middle class, but they would prove insufficient cannon fodder and mill slaves so Southern and Eastern Europeans and eventually gooks and spics had to be enlisted. You will notice after 50 years any family that moves into America is already mongrel focus-less manipulible scum, having lost any sort of ethnic purity, which destroys the peak qualities of individuals. Family and ethnic lines are blurred out until they don't exist at all. Everyone is a mutt. Northern cities are the absolute worst abcess of humanity, literal cesspools, they very definition of racial decline.

America was always viewed as a frontier of Europe, where new and radical European ideas were already being applied. This was the case for capitalism, which was emerging subversively under the lords and kings of europe but reigned from the first day on in America; and indeed the very first English settlements were assets of the Virginia company controlled by the London stock exchange.

Liberal ideas had barely taken form, and were viewed as a moderate and small repair for the brutality and extremity of european monarchies were made into the heart of all hearts for american ideas. Technologies which in Europe were to be used where suitable in America formed the whole way in which the land was cultivated and the people lived. The ugly face of modern civilized christianity as all-abstraction, all-subversion, all-judaism without the pagan and esoteric traditions of early and medieval christianity which was just beginning to reveal itself in England (Puritans) was literally, the life of the first American communities.

America, as a political entity, is the cancer of the world. I am agree.

If this is the 'tradition' how can anything 'degenerate' from it? Is it so shocking that the jews had complete domination of the slave trade and mercantile economy only a few decades after they were allowed back in England and her dominions, and established a central bank in America at its very inception? America is also notable for never acquiring the positive elements of the european renaissance and enlightenment. The American revolution's folkish/local nature was suppressed immediately by the centralization of paper-pushing effeminate intellectuals. The art celebrating it denotes it as a revolution betrayed immediately after its victory- at shay's rebellion and the whiskey rebellion. America never had a Napoleon, it's only great general is Patton, who lead a totally mongrelized army and was reviled by his leaders. In America no art except degenerate art ever truly thrived. America never experienced a great conquest of rich cities. the author of american cancer-like expansion, Thomas Jefferson was a miscegenationist. American cultivation of the west was always charachterized by slavery of the farmer to interest, or slavery and miscegenation. The two notable exceptions to this (the midwest and parts of the south) still suffered the stifling, over-civilized sex-less christian puritanism, and were later dominated by industrial dirt and exploitation.

This is because America has no 'racial tradition' or any tradition whatsoever. A genuine nation takes thousands not hundreds of years to evolve. It involves traits that are inherited generationally and refined. It involves a purity and wholeness that puts everything together into a way of life. It isn't something which is at the whim of money and technology and pseudo-intellectual fancies. Yet these things form the foundation of American life. In America your tradition is the railway track which brought your Italian-Swedish-Irish grandparents into an emtpy plain by the usury of jews to mine coal. Good thing your korean girlfriend doesn't care about that stuff.

ALready in 1790 America was ruled by a central bank (jews/crypt-jews/shabbos)created by Hamilton and the slave trade was thoroughly semetic. What sort of government could be connected then to match this economic system, as the British are famous for? Bear in mind, while they had been repressed in rebellions, Anglo-Saxon farmers migrating to new lands were still the mainstay of the American citizen; and the citizen Jeffersonian agrarianism had envisioned. How bad could still free republic of farmers really be? Do not the liberal values of independence and self-worth not have some worth to them?
Nope, certainly not in America. Christian philosophy had moved from the complete obstinacy and arrogance of the puritans to the pacifistic secular faggotness of the quakers. The mainstay of government and of life however was undeniably atheistic and secular. America's theocracy wasn't yet formed. American theocracy certainly already had the god of capitalism; but Americans aren't christian, they are immoral sluts by nature, something worse than even the puritan/anglican abstinence. douse that. liberalism was to become America's religion, and the sick subversion of british imperial power (which had gradually been working to create the landed, anglo-saxonry in America which the Americans lacked) would become the ultimate savior of everything; the answer to all philosophy and religion.

tl;dr u h8 us cuz u ain't us
get BTFO irrelevant faggot

Besides helping found the first synagogue on the continent Benjamin Franklin contended that AMerican government should be formed with the greatest competition between the branches so that the use of force is divided by many interests and layers of democracy. Franklin reviled the use of force in general and the condition of war, being a quaker, over-civilized and therefore anti-nature. in American parliamentary politics a government is never 'formed' openly it is in a constant state of paralysis; the only time it moves is as a result of conspiracy. How is it possible America has fought every war since world war two without declaring it? Simply; the powers of the American government are never stipulated, they are entirely abstract. the 'freedom' of american liberalism is that all units in its government are corruptible and built on corruption. from the very beginning all American delegates at the continental convention were people who knew each other intimately through masonic organizations. they were aware of each others interests, why the war was being fought and how the government would be formed and joked about it in bars. Initially the articles of confederation were to not-restrict any movement but they soon realized it was reactionary, and that it was better to have a regulated economy with the regulation fully under their control. This history repreats itself exactly in the Federal Reserve forming a stronger regulated capitalism than unregulated capitalism before it. Why? Because besides the superior authoritarian state assets granted by the constitution and federal reserve act, it gives american jews the power to call it all freedom.

It's freedumb! You have raits! These institutions of government free of any order, tradition, nobility, race, controlled entirely by conspirators, allowed everything. So sure, it was freedom to go anywhere but up; and down it went. You were promised equal people, and so the noble were reduced. From the start the goals of american government are taught to be virtuous, and so the citizenry must accept their application.
Get cancer burger

From there came expansion for expansion's sake, the ideology of a cancer cell. Japan is perhaps the most degenerate country in the world because of the role of technology in displacing not only human functions but also human self-image. Japan is the very epitome of over-civilization. America is that but minus the cleanliness of civilization and plus the cruelty and disgustingness of jewry.
Whatever nobility and health had managed to grow out underneath the liberalism and degeneration of the American elite in the form of citizen-soldier farmers was now crushed underneath the jewish corporation. The slaves, furs and mercantilism were nothing compared to corporate America, which desensitized and brutalized its workers and absolutely annihilated its natural beauty worse than any nation in the world. But even worse than the horrible living conditions under which European immigrants had to toil for bare essentials was their cultural and racial annihilation and assimilation into the American mass, which was to be administered by the most anal-retentive cunts on planet earth: American white women in the so called 'settlement houses.'

Formerly there had been outbreakings of Christ-nuts like the Puritans in England and I've discussed how these came to dominate American civic culture as reactionary and repressive. Similarly England had experienced socialist and communitarian nuts like the levellers. Behold American communitarianism and the reform movement; the shakers, new harmony and brook farm. The horrid product of industrial dirt; over-nice, pedantic, effeminate, sexless christian civilization, that would eventually evolve in to the modern American middle class. The weakest most pretencious most unmanly thing ever. These were the precursors to modern college faggots and snooty school-teachers, so full of their diversity and equality that it is their moral duty to shit it out on all of us. These first were evangelical christians who helped free slaves. They were miscegenationists; the 19th century's blogger intellectuals, who comfortably disparged social ills with a pen and quill and scoffed at anyone not civilized enough to agree with them. the revolutionaries and subversives who live in nice comfy cottages and are perfectly in line with state and economic interests. They founded the woman's rights movements and their political influence in the form of anti-slavery forced politicians into a clusterfuck that murdered the 600,000 most normal and decent men in America in the bloodiest most brutal form. Now they were back, in the form of the 'progressive' movement; to save the poor blacks in the south, who still weren't freedumb; to assimilate all the immigrants; to repair the industrial monstrosity. These today are the American community leaders and politicians, and so they were at the turn of the century. These are what America offers the world.


By the beginning of the first world war America was controlled by jewish investment banking, and quite overtly. While American corporations were run by whites and many anti-semities, their ability to do business was regulated by jews, and any troublesome goy could be put into line by the hegemony of jewish money power. There were two contenders for world power; the empires of old europe and their modern hegemony and the Germanic peoples, and their potential for future hegemony in East Europe. Through the events of the world war, the jews succeeded in using America to crush the healthiest and youngest race of Europe into submission. They succeeded in creating the socialist international, but had failed in making it an accepted world power, or truly international in scope. Jews had in effect, free access and domination in the entire world, and their seat of power was the financial district of New York. America had most opened its arms to the Jews, and its institutions as always were the most open, especially to self-contained conspiratorial groups.

In America as in Europe resistance to the jewish yoke in the form of fascism arose everywhere and threatened their domination. The people most responsible however for allowing Jewish domination to take root and genuinely spread, for it to be justified as a philosophical and cultural phenomenon and even denoted as 'progress' are self-evidently Americans. Americans are the only people who fought Germany out of greed, and not self-defense or even self-interest. Americans annihilated not only the best blood of Germany, but of all Europe by intervening late. America destroyed the great white empires, and let their infrastructure fall to eastern rebels and bandits. Americans then built the new infrastructure of the new world order, not to spread life but to spread dead; jewish cultural disease and poison. propaganda through television, internet, radio. institutions and offices to be filled by appointed traitors. planes and boats to ferry them there. military bases to stop any healthy races who rise up. and then of course the loot. Tear the soil and erode it, dump the waste on the earth. fuck polar bears murka stronk. Nevermind that, what is defiling the earth when you can defile the flesh? Millions in the finest blood and pristine beauty sold into prostitution; sold because they know no other life and no other value.

the white american college-educated christian middle class was only all too ready to embrace the coming international world. The neat corporate factory package of the degenerate american lifestyle was made out to the entire world. ALl of this is good, it is hip, it's international, it's breaking boundaries. America boomed, all of the degeneracy and filth that her elites lorded over her became the mainstay of daily life. It came in front of the eyes of everyone through television in radio, and education from the first grade up. It is stuffed into the brain of everyone and everything, and whoever resists is crushed by the obstinate conformist mass. the most conservative elements are the decomposing corpse of europe. So too is America integrated; all inconsistencies such as segregation or male domination, such realities that even in the American psyche had not yet been removed, must now be equalized and liberalized. now they shall decree we have disabled nigger dyke senators and congressmen. The world capital ceases to just be the jews of new york, but now the jews of san francisco. The appropriately named-counter culture, now reigns defecation on everything. in no age of decadence and degeneration in the history of the earth did men sign odes to transsexuals
each coming generation is not a new life but a new vial that is filled to the brim with whatever secures jewish power. There are no noble, aryan ideals only subversion and dirt. americans are tossed and turned from lie to lie, and they suffer emotions connected to these lies. all culture is a distraction. they mistake their box for existance and sings songs or connoct pseudo-philosophies to justify it.

America abandons reality so America is abandoned by reality. It is self-evident that there is no blood spirit left in the choking morass and decay and so the greater structure will entropy and collapse as soon as it runs out of whatever superhuman energy it runs on. its slaves will not work hungry.
But if something became nothing than nothing can become something. as the traitor elite chokes itself to death (transfats will not reproduce) and the capitalist machine drives itself to a halt those who are still is a relatively remote and relatively healthy state will have an opportunity to shake the entire apparatus off. Make no mistake the death of America is an opportunity for racialists and nationalists to form the races of the future. There will be no day of the rope, at least not in one day and out of nowhere, but the opportunity to create (or rather liberate) ethno-states in America exists in the following contexts:

-Think locally and ethnically. People with common physical traits and a common environment have a common culture that is more legitimate than the jewger culture blasted out of state corporations. In the state of entropy power moves from the urban to the rural, from the central to the autonomous.

-The jewger culture succeeds in paralyzing the modern man in a child like state but he is still movable by carrot and stick. When the facade comes off the physical power structure (police agencies, national guards, local militias, preppers) will matter and the cultural ones (teachers, professors, intellectuals, celebrities) will be deemed irrelevant. The middle ground are politicians.

-The organizations that succeed are the ones that will appeal to the agents on whom murkah is dependent that they do not need her and enable them to break their chains. Secede to survive.

-Organizations weather racial or not succeed based on discipline and mutual trust, not on mutual ideas. On the other hand, discipline and mutual trust is based on common character and race. In other words you can affect change by working with people who work rather than waiting for a savior organization or ideologically-ideal brethren and allowing the tides of time, reality and perhaps your own wit to persuade them.

That said, toward the greater racial improvement of white ethno-states that survive the death of America as well as for individuals themselves, it is also to be said that:
-You will not survive a day if you are in a city when it goes black.

-If you are not someone who is respected by his community then you are disposable. If you are not someone who knows who will fight by his side should anything hit the fan, you will likely die. Win first, fight later.

-Racial health is inseparable from nature and cultivation of the land. It is also inseperable from sexual selection and a community based on manly, volkisch principles. This means more than skin color, it means genuinely compatible traits. 'White' and 'black' are just abstractions; the Songhali and Kiyku have the same genetic distance as Scots and Iranians.

-Christianity is effectively dead, and culture is shaped by the actions of people and the nature of their surroundings. The new religion, which will fall back on esoteric and heathen cults related to nature and time, must be cultivated in interpersonal relations and national rituals if it is to be meaningful.

-An Aryan order will only be clear when, through natural selection a new elite based on its nobility and strength, and loyalty to the ethno-state has been refined. It will likely be centuries before such an occurrence can clearly be sighted.
for more information rpnamerica.com/


You're right in many regards, we had the ability to become a new ethnic group comprised of a mixture of all European sub races, predominantly Northern European.
For the past century at least we've been KIKED as a country, see Balfour declaration
The worst by far was the immigration act of (((1965))) a bill introduced by a Jewish congressman that has been turning our country into Neo Brazil ever since.
Our Culture, Our moral values, everything that made up American Identity was hijacked by (((them)))
We live in a consumerist and hedonistic society. America is a dead Nation
Don't even BEGIN on demographics.

What can I do? I'm an ethnically pure white male aged 18, is there any point in riding the tiger here or should I go to another white Country and try to preserve it?
How's Norway btw?

Our independence was granted by free masons and we were founded on Jewish/masonic principles like most other western nations. Our culture has been Americanised and bastardised for the past 50 years, we are a cancer too.

TL;DR Jesus Christ

I'm sure your not as bad as us, look at pic related, this is a us history classroom

Enjoy those muslims . Seriously, I cant wait till they destroy europe and kill you smarmy faggots.
I root for them. I cannot wait until they destroy your society and your racist views.

>rooting for muslims
>racist views
Fuck outa here kike

Norway doesn't have many Muslims, they're one of the few countries that looks like they're safe right now in the long run.

Yea don't they have a repatriation system too?

I have no idea, ask a person from the country who actually knows about it.

Lol what? Where do you get this information from. We are Sweden lite, and more left wing parties who are pro immigration are fucking rising in the polls now.

>walls of texts

Pro immigration rising? WHY?!

You are very, very wrong.

We are lagging a little behind Sweden, but approximately 15% of our population are african/arab. The number is 30%+ in cities.

>Mexican intellectual
In all seriousness this desu


Well I mean our anti immigration party is rising too, but the pro immigration ones will probably win and are still rising

Our "repatriation system" is a joke.

We rarely send anyone back to where they came from. There is a trial going on right now regarding an african who lied his way into Norway. Even though he has been caught faking documents and lying about everything and anything, we probably will not be able to terminate his citizenship.

We are a joke. No better than Sweden, just a few years behind.

You're behind Sweden at least, and your immigration minister is going after it fucking hard
15%? Provide sources. IIRC that's about Sweden's numbers, or a little behind. Sounds really high.

>and your immigration minister is going after it fucking hard
A bit harder, but certainly not ''fucking hard'' Listhaug will be replaced in the next election in autumn anyway, a real shame.



I love you

You forgot your proxy, fag

Fuck you America

>someone took the time to write all this out


Norway occupies less than 0.01% of my thoughts. An American can go their entire life without ever thinking of Norway, but Norwegians have to think about America because America currently rules the world.

Not saying this to be rude, just pointing this out.

I honestly agree with you, to the core. Very well put, I'd love to see someone actually debate it, but nahh, it isn't going to happen. Stay strong in these times, northern friend.

What's there to debate? It's paragraph upon paragraph of mindless, rambling polemic written by someone who knows nothing about America.



combo breaker

Nice one.

lal i am cancer hear me rawr XD

Your post just made me love America even more.
Thanks Abdul.

Debate what? It's just a text wall monologue. If you want a debate you can start a thread or join a similar thread anytime.

Good thread OP. Mongrel burger internet defense force are in full damage control mode.


It's funny that it's always the nordcucks that spam shit like this

>humoring him

A norwegian complaining about americanization is a huge fucking joke. Norway was part of Denmark for 500 years and sweden for 100. They rejected the standard of their language which was based on isolated villages that was closer to Icelandic and Faroese- and thus closer to Old Norwegian. Instead they opted for the "Oslo dialect" or Bokmal which is based on the speech of the upper classes of their largest city- and now capital even though it was the capital favored by the Danes- Norway historically had different capital cities.

This joke of a country never had culture in the modern era- they voted against having a culture and instead after gaining "independence" immediately put a German dynasty on the throne instead of a native Norwegian dynasty and voted in favor of essentially making "Danish with an accent" their official language.

Fuck Norway if they think they can talk shit to us.

(you) All Nordic culture was basically the same, fuck your americanization

>put a German dynasty on the throne
He was Danish, faggot

Literally every nationality other than Americans on the board shits on burgers and America. Sometimes for good reason, sometimes not.

He is wrong. Norway is at least 90% Europeans with Norwegians making up 85% of the population.

But yes, Norway is the second shittiest Nordic nation after Sweden. But Sweden is a lot fucking shittier since they refuse to release demographic data and the estimate of Sweden being 80% ethnic Swedes is based on whether your parents were born in Sweden or not. In reality there are probably only 7 million ethnic Swedes with a large Finnish minority and other European immigrants.

And why is he giving us crap for race mixing with Indians when Spain and Portugal did that too? We learned from example!

That is like 2014 data you are quoting there.

No it wasn't you fucking faggot. You complain about "muh Americanization" and then throw out marxist shit like "Norway never had a culture that was different from Denmark or Sweden". Similar isn't the fucking same. Go look at the Faroese and Icelandic languages- the Faroese and Icelanders are descended from Norwegian pioneers settling your seaborne frontier. Yet you won't be able to easily understand anything they're saying because your people chose to be Denmark light. The Icelanders are a republic. You know why? It isn't because of America- it's because they were historically a republic. Real tradition, real history, real culture.


Yes but they usually do it for different and sometimes comical reasons, like when an Argentine says "haha America is only 70% white IF you include white Hispanics"- ignoring that 100% of whites in Argentina would be considered white Hispanic in the USA and by his own retarded criteria he isn't white.

Or a fucking greek doing the 56% meme when he's a turkish rapebaby anyway.

The only Nordic country that can shit on America as far as I'm concerned is Denmark because they actively encourage ethnic Danish women to have kids and pay foreigners to go back to their shithole country or otherwise encourage them to move to Swedenistan or New Turkey and stay out of Denmark. Denmark is great.

And if the fucking Norwegians want to be Danes then they should be annexed by Denmark. The more powerful Denmark is the better.

Unless Norway took in 200,000 refugees like Sweden your demographics are unlikely to have gotten as fucked as Sweden's. Also to consider is that Saami are something like 2% of your population and are more or less your version of Ainu or Scots, a people with whom you share history versus foreigners with none in Norway.

It also ignores that racial purity is irrelevant in the case of the USA because non-Hispanic white men are 6 foot on average and have IQs of 103. The reason why racial purity is considered GOOD is because mixing with lesser races and creating halfbreeds dilutes your identity and weakens your people with shitty genes. But in the case of white Americans the 6% of native and black blood we have (when including white Hispanics, non-Hispanic whites only have 2% non-European ancestry on average) clearly did not change our superiority or dilute our identity as the Real American people.

americucks are pure nigger loving evil

Provide some data to settle the matter just once and for all, from recent and current years if possible.

>t's because they were historically a republic. Real tradition, real history, real culture.
Lol, you know jack shit about us, Faroese and Icelandic are still almost identical to us. The only difference is the language
There is none

> Average non-Hispanic white
> 6 ft tall
lol where the fuck are you from? Maybe in like the Midwest where it's all Northern Germans or Scandinavians but the average American man is definitely between 5'9 and 5'10.

You really show the stereotypical american ignorance, lol

Does Norway not keep or take population demographic statistics?

No, that would be racist

Lay off on the Norwegian. His heart's in the right place, America's government has always had insidious elements in it.

That said, his monologue reads like something a weird neo-pagan monarchist would say. Nothing tenable in the mainstream, so not really worth reading.


Cuck. Lmao we posts of anti American shit just to admit your nation is cucked.

it's fucking hilarious to behold. 'Debate what ?,he doesn't know 'murrica, not a point there to actually counter-argument'...the fucking melting pot is truly lost once someone shows them a non-'americanized' view of this dirtball.

You are fake news. America is the greatest!

12 posts*

It is, your country is the source though

just popping in to say i love this picture

Thanks greatest ally.

Awe, so salty with the Americans, honestly no one cares about your saltiness for us.

>32 posts by this ID

America is cucked as bad as any other nation for the most part though and is the source of the degeneracy, radical left, Feminist, etc. bullshit cancer though.

No it's not. Your submissive genes are. No not recessive. Submissive. You Scandinavians are proving to be huge faggots when we were just meming you.

Only cause Jews control New York and LA. Midwest and north east were bastions of Aryan unbermenschen until the Jews latest wave of degeneracy struck.

What submission, we don't even know what is going on

>it's no shock these people sold out to the Jews well before anyone in Europe

Britain had a Jewish PM and created Israel to appease its Jewish ruling elite while the US just wanted to be left alone and stay out of Europe's affairs. It was Europeans who forced us out of our isolation (twice) and are the reason we're thralls of the Jew today, every bad thing you see going on with the US currently is because Europe just couldn't let us be.

For some reason small town whites in the Midwest are buff alphas but suburban whites are cucks. Southerners are cucks as well.

Stop flagellating yourself further, you fucking mental midget. Where were your great grandparents from ? You probably dont give a shit.

getting this mad over a colonial outpost kek

Look at Sweden you turd

> Only cause Jews control New York and LA
You mean the two cultural and economic centers of the entire country? Pretty much the only places that matter? Nobody gives a fuck about the Midwest, nobody lives there and its economic and culture output and export to the rest of the world is fucking nothing. Degenerate Jews control all of the major financial and cultural centers on the coasts which make the country an economic, etc. power.

when you are this obsessed with america

Well I'm just telling you that the reality they have created is not always the actual reality people are living.

You're completely misunderstanding white American culture. Every white man in America cares where his ancestors are from.

Anyways, here's how I prove OP's hypothesis wrong:

Which country elected Donald Trump and which country has consistently elected left-wing parties throughout its existence?

Because we're the world's most powerful and relevant nation.

>Pretty much the only places that matter?
I wish people like you would die in a fire desu

Nobody knows what is going on in Sweden, and those who do are pretty vocal about it, as well as active.