How does it make you feel knowing that women are superior?

How does it make you feel knowing that women are superior?

there are more male retards than female, so it's not that groundbreaking, 2bh

I'm guessing this is vox


>fucking apes gets tricked by the media so this must cross over to humans too

hmm really made me get tricked by the media

This is a good reason that women should be the ones to do the shopping for groceries. Let's find one that says women are smarter than men when it comes to cooking and cleaning too.

women revolve around material possessions like buying clothes, shoes, and other shit. how the fuck could these stupid pieces of shit be aware of deceptive advertising when their existence is based on buying that shit so they can impress their friends since they live on validation of others and need acceptance?

men are the ones who aren't fooled by that crap

>Be superior to the opposite sex in every way
>Somehow still get subjugated by them

What the fuck women

>wymyn are smarter cuz they can do more things at once XD

Ahh yes of course. Women make up 80% of retail purchases through entirely logical and practical means.

I would agree that on average women are smarter than men but they have a glass ceiling when it comes to intelligence; they cannot transcend worldly knowledge because they are tied to the earth and it's workings.

Men are able to do this and that is why genius is a purely male trait.

>Men are more likely to fall for advertising
Thats why white Women end up single mom after seeing a Race Mixing Commercial 9 months earlier

Women are overall less factual. Its all emotional

Men are more perceptive to new ideas. The male brain is able to grasp more than the female brain; both good and bad ideas. The bad ideas are weeded out through natural selection and the free market. This is why and how free market capitalism works

>number of men in scientific fields: a lot

>number of women in scientific fields: not a lot

checkmate vaginas

All advertising is aimed at big fat dumb emotional women.

they are not smarter than men on average they just have a less wide IQ gap. Men have higher average IQ but there are more men with lower IQs and Higher IQs

>women are primary targets of advertising for household products

Looks like 'no'.

Yeah, right on the head with that post.
>Be superior
>Become enslaved and considered property all around earth for dozens of thousands of years


and more evidence of cherry-picking



Lmao no advertising focuses on men, only women and children which is no coincidence as they are the same, with the exception of power tool commercials which show the man smiling undoubtedly because he hears the blissful mechanical whirling as opposed to the nagging voice of a woman or child.

Sadly, this pic is describing a greater and greater percentage of western women

>study suggests men are more susceptible to deceptive advertising
>deceptively advertise the article to make women think they're smarter
Wow.. really makes you think..

this. how can this "experts" honestly say this shit when its empirically false and logically dishonest. BTFO.

>men are more susceptible to deceptive advertising
>men have to chase off vacuum cleaner salesmen

>Men more susceptible than women to deceptive advertising.
Explains why they use makeup.
And augmented bodies.

We are their physical superiors by miles.

Given humans long gestation and development periods, women have a better evolutionary chance by not taking risks (as in, genetic volatility risks), mens investment into reproduction is much smaller, so volatility is more encouraged among men.

Women are far less likely to be exceptionally smart than men, however, they are also far less likely to be exceptionally dumb.

Men push the race forward, and are responsible for progress, provision, and shaking things up.

Women are the rock. The anchor. They stabilize genes as they do the home.

Men are shit without women, women are shit without men.

Driving a wedge between us is toxic for all of humanity, we're in this together, fuck off feminists, fuck off Marxists, fuck off MRAs.

Ah right got you, I'm shit at statistics.

Just because they aren't wired differently doesn't mean they aren't different, it just means they are different in ways that are not the wiring

The image just makes you look stupid

>great apes
Why don't they just write overweight people of color?


my ex gf is one of them lmao

an ape can probably have an easier time figuring out what's on TV

>tfw too smart to ever invent anything


Yet they cannot open a jar



Why are they calling apes "men" and "women"?


If women are smarter, then we should never get married. She could abuse me or trick me.

As long as most big corporations and scientific research is run by men I don't believe it.

Huffpo is generally full of shit but these aren't mutually exclusive.

We aren't by and large "wired" differently neurologically. Where we differ is hormones, which influence brain development and what parts you use more and what will grow.

If you subject a woman to testosterone and DHT and suppress estrogen/estradiol/etc and then socially treat her as a man, from birth, I would estimate there would be very little difference in homicide rates.

Maybe still slightly fewer in the case of women, as they would still have chromosomal stability advantages, less geniuses, less morons, morons are more inclined to violent outburst, therefore fewer women murderers.

>be me
>be male
>know women
>had women
>can say I studied women
>never have they ever even shown any intelligence remotely close to mine
>study complete

I love them, but they aren't smarter.

They are superior slaves.

>How does it make you feel knowing that women are superior?
Am I going to get gibs anytime soon?

How can they be smarter and having not yet figured out a way to be paid the same as men?

Sure they're smarter. They tricked us into protecting them and providing for them with the patriarchy for centuries.

>men more susceptible to false advertising
>women read cosmo
Can't fool me kike.

>when you don't want to look at IQ data

Women are more likely to be average, whereas men are more likely to be on the outer edges of the bell curve, that is more intelligent and also more likely to be mentally retarded.

>picture used is a stock photo of a woman womansplaining to men

>How does it make you feel knowing that women are superior?
Study that proves bizarro world: Groundbreaking

So where is that study and what did they research?
It's a well known fact that emotions push away logic,
and nothing is amore emotional than a hysteric bitch.
Being emotional and devoid of logic counts as "smart" now?

>in a study of 40 monkeys the males were more likely to fall for tricks
>insert huge reach here
>women are smarter than men

>need a proper category to play chess


It counts as neither on a raw brain power scale.

Inject 150mg of estradiol per week for 6 weeks and tell me you aren't a hissy fit throwing little bitch overwhelmed with emotion by the end of it. Regardless of your relative mental power.

Facts matter people.

I agree that we are more susceptible to deceptive advertising, marriage almost never turns out like promised

>Women have the potential to be smart
But they are not motivated to achive anything
Most women get everything for free
Often times conflicted because of equel hemispheres, as they fight with themselfs between what they think and what they "feel"

>Men are just more motivated
Women choose Men based on their ability to work together and kill mammoths and other crap, anti-social faggots got left behind thats why we love being in groups and/or apart of something
Women choose men based on their inteligence and ability to figure out problems, which means less emotion and more ration. Muh feelings betas in that past would not get pussy, would not breed, thats why even morden betas todays can figure out problems as we are the children of those smart faggots that figured out problems thus our inclination towards rationality and "problem fixing"

Women may be smart, but they have no reason to be.
Men may be dumb, but are motivated because of "muh" getting chosen by women to breed.

At the end of the Day every man works his balls off to compete with other men for pussy, we build cities, weapons, walls, nuclear weapons to get or protect pussy.

More crap, higher chances pussy spreads and allows you to stick yo dick to breed.

Less crap, pussy gets dry and you might have to rape her.

And also a bit more about dem hemishpres
Men have a hemisphere bigger then the other one, and it's the hemisphere that does that logic.

Women have them equel, and often are conflicted, they require men to help them overcome that confliction and women appreciate confident and strong men that removes that confliction.

When she doesn't know what to do, and you come and in be chill and fix shit... she'll happily open her legs for you.

this, fucking sick of hearing "i'm just looking" when catalogues come in the post, and suddenly the wife thinks she needs new shit..

Anyone have that pic that shows how women are more likely to be child abusers?


Just like in cable TV shows eh Sammy? You like cable TV tropes don't you Sammy boy?

And yet it's women who've fallen for the jewish media.

Like ((they)) keep bullshitting me.

Is it even possible to lose at chess to a girl? Every time I played a girl at chess, she was awful.

>I'll move my bishop here so she can't move her knight because it will expose her queen
>She moves her knight

>Attack her rook with my knight
>She moves her rook to another square that the same knight is also attacking

It makes me feel like men deserve special treatment. It's not fair that we're at a natural disadvantage.

Human intelligence distribution is more or less a standard bell curve.
Men have wider dispersion, women are clustered tighter around the median.
Of course they found more susceptible men.

No, special advantages are for disadvantaged women, who are truly the oppressed superheroes of our time

That article honestly looks like deceptive advertising. I wonder how many women ate it right up?


these attacks on men are fool hardy shareblue.

we can taste your desperation.

your usurpment of your gender has given men no freedom, no liberty.

it has stolen what it has not sacrificed for and made a mockery of it.

you support the enemies of liberty and my young brothers know this.

now is the day of your reckoning.

you can not serve two masters and your failed master has already destroyed you.

as you continue to fall and we wage war for our liberty, you will beg us to take you in.

but a man does not take in a dog that has bitten him.

mad dogs are put down