Dark Enlightenment

So this is a board for discussing politics, right? How about a thread on dark enlightenment. Thoughts on this political ideology Sup Forums?

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>dark enlightenment
What is this 2012 fuck off

What the fuck are you talking about OP

moldbug is that you?

Do political ideas have expiration dates?

Yes, the alt-right is soooooo 2016 :D


Monarchism sounds a lot more fun than NatSoc to me.

Is that a thing anymore? I thought everybody moved to the alt-right

Monarchism is based as fuck. Unqualified Reservations forces you to think for yourself in ways that nothing else I've encountered does: he's actually very similar to Marx, in the sense that the social criticisms are very prescient but the perceptions are meh at best. Although Moldbug has Passivism, which is objectively the correct way to behave as a subject of a democracy that I don't believe in.

*the prescriptions are meh at best, that is. neocameralism would make an awesome sci-fi setting but it's just as silly as "communist utopia" in terms of paths from A to B.

I thought the alt-right was just a psyop created to something something richard spencer something something frogs

There's a general cluster of ideas that makes up the current reactionary backlash- libertarianism, anarchocapitalism, neo reaction, alt-right, white nationalism. Trumpist populism. All are united for the purpose of opposing Progressivism and globalism.

I honestly don't know but it seems like this anti-democratic aspect is really only discussed in half serious memes. Sure there are NatSocs and facists and stuff, but it seems to me most of that is only occassionally discussed instead of general hate of liberals

I think we're headed toward techno feudalism honestly. Or ordinary feudalism when the modern world collapses due to a Black Swan event.

Sounds like massive faggotry. Thinking for yourself is the cornerstone of free will.

Don't get swept up in some garbage meme philosophy.

Way to think of it is Dark Enlightenment is the broad term for "all the crazy right wing shit going down on the internet since 2007ish"

Some things included therein:

Human biodiversity: Race is not -just- a social construct
Neoreaction: Democracy is terrible, consensus history is trash
Alt-right: Democracy is ok in white places
Manosphere: Men got rekt by modernity

Im forgetting stuff im sure, though usually the far right that existed prior to 2007 already don't get included

There was a time when everyone who didn't agree with the (((neo-conservative))) right was alternative, but there's something different now. Libertarians, identitarians, and paleocons used to be the alternatives to (((neo-cons))). There are conservative intellectuals who don't necessarily identify as being "alt-right" like Steve Sailer, Pat Buchanan, and Fred Reed. Maybe they're the dark enlightenment or everybody is a Moldbug fag.

technofeuadlism is an oxymoron, communication and weapons tech makes the underlying reason for feudalism (security from marauders, basically) irrelevant. feudalism only really works when defending is many orders of magnitude easier than attacking, and that's not going to be the case unless we go back to the conditions that originally gave rise to it.

I pretty much agree, but sometimes I have serious doubts about current forms of government and the direction they're leading society.

>reading someone else's ideas means you can't think for yourself
if this were really life i'd smirk condescendingly at you and then mock you whenever you accidentally reference an idea that didn't originate with you. fucking contrarian asshole

Buchanan/Sailer I see get called paleocons. I think of them as kind of like in the Larry Auster zone, though I admit I need to read all three of them more. I have immense respect for them because they were fighting this battle before the internet leveled the score, which is kind of incredible

Feudalism has a lot to do with how land is inherited and a wide gulf in wealth existing between different classes of people. I've seen a lot of analysis that suggests Russia is a sort of neo-feudalist state. When it takes generations to climb a hierarchy you get things like familial identity and honor based reputation systems.

You're exactly right. You should question everything. The people in authority should be questioned, but also the people who claim to have the better solution.

Ultimately, it's a question of risking chaos for the hope of something better vs. going with the safer choice and hoping she can negotiate with TPTB. We went with the former.

The problem now is that his moves aren't in keeping with challenging TPTB, outside of slamming the journalists who might find something dirty in Trump's appointment of Goldman Sachs executives to key positions.

He was supposed to drain the swamp, not flood it in darkness.

"Dark enlightenment" was autistic, but a much better term than "alt-right." "Alt-right" is cringe because the media killed it. It's not a totalitarian ideological movement and it's open to varying perspective, so an "alternative conservative" movement shouldn't be afflicted with shit baggage. Sailer's articles on life at the bottom 50% of IQ distribution (archive.is/Dh8Nn) are a good example of conservative thinking put in an alternative framework. In those he advocates for social welfare for dummies while also saying that American society shouldn't import more dummies.

Hey leaf, I'm glad you're not as cucked as the rest of your country. Good men like yourself are welcome refugees after Trudeau kills your country.

instead of talking about bullshit rather do sth useful

I've been pushing "New Right" to cover the reactionary backswing. I don't want to be associated with the Alt-Right, because I don't share their hatred of other races, even if I believe in some form of HBD.

Maybe if you read up on some stuff....


"Alt-Right" is too loaded of a term. There are plenty of people who believe in HBD, but aren't as extreme.

what's with that type of webm tho


>being a cuck servant to a king/Queen/royalty limp wristed upper class faggots
You don't who what you are asking for

As opposed to being untermensch cannon fodder for a screeching demi-Jew with a neurological condition?