Really pops your coochie

>social media domiated by females
>only two social media sites dominated by men are the professional website linkdin and a Filipino turtle rape victim support board Sup Forums
Wow, really pops your coochie

There's no actual proof that men visit Sup Forums.

>pops your coochie


social medea was a misteak

Tumblr more popular than Twitter?

Oh shit yes. Where else can someone find that many dick pics crammed into one site.

yeah as much as we make fun of Tumblr they've actually got some good porn blogs on there

nobody uses twitter

>Why Women are the Real Power Behind Social Media
because men are the ones actually working jobs.
>Stares at LinkedIn ratio

>Wow, I didn't realize that women were 76% of Facebook, and men were only 66%. I'm sure that of that 142% of Facebook people, women are superior.

Can someone please explain this math to me?

76% of the female population has a Facebook, compared to 66% of men.

Their numbers for tumblr seem way off.

% of men vs. % of women. Think b4 you post.

Yeah, no fucking way 46% of guys have a tumblr account.

It says "US online adults," so that could mean 46% of men who use social media often use or have used tumblr in the past month or however they decided to word their questionnaire.

46% likely means men visiting the site

>Slutstagram less popular among roasties than lameterest
I refuse to believe this is legit

>women on average spend more money than they obtain
>a media that's sole purpose is to sell is mainly marketed to the group that buys, buys, buys

no way

>only socmed that is more popular with men than with women is linkedin.

The memes right themselves.

No, really, it literally amazing.

For every man on linkedin, there are .79 women.

It's literally "muh wage gap" explained.

Wow it's almost like women are more interested in keeping up their online personas; aka doing nothing of actual value.

Doesn't this kinda prove that women don't work as much as men? Lol.

Funny that 100% of those websites were invented by men.

>social media sites have power
good one, mate