Is there a good religion for a Sup Forums user? I'm 23 and have never really looked into anything like this...

Is there a good religion for a Sup Forums user? I'm 23 and have never really looked into anything like this. Only recently have I had the urge to check them out. I was thinking Christianity but I figured I would ask just to make sure.

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episcopalian. you'll be laughing all the fucking time

Orthodox catholic

meme religion spread by russian hackers

meme religion spread by donald trump

*tips fedora*

Stop being rebellious.

>is der religion I can feel pol kek'd
yeah its called catholic. Find a conservative bishop to control the church and mass and you got a red pill winner there bub


Why not ask God like us Mormons do?

If you dont believe in Him or that he'd answer you, then religion means nothing.

You cant study your way to faith. You have to get that faith from the source for it to bring you true peace.

Good luck on your journey home to your Heavenly Father.


the digits... dahnald...

Just say to God.

God, if your there and I want to believe you are, will you lead me to the truth?

I promise to humble myself in exchange and do all the things you tell me do.

Then by the deeds of the religion you will know them.

Orthodox Christian.


Don't limit yourself to Abrahamic religions

Christian Orthodox or Baptist

I'm really low-key Buddhist, at least the meditation part. I do meditation retreats now and again, helps me relax

i honestly can't believe in god, despite thinking that generally religion and religious values are more beneficial than being an atheist

i can't convince myself that god exists

Christianity... but not hardcore.. Just the basics.. Like don't be a shithead and be a good dad and don't be degenerate and stuff like that...Oh and believe in Jesus because he's awesome and based... Called Jews in power snakes and antichrists and dead mens bones and synogogue of satan... truly based for his time

Been looking into alternatives to Abrahamic religions

Is not reality already absurd? Why is the concept of a magic sky wizard any less far fetched than life itself?

Swallowing the joopill.

Good, good goyim. We never run out of those, keep eating them by the handfull every day.

Reality is what we all can agree on with our body sensors.

Magic sky wizard is just a thought

It's a thought we all agree upon. Every culture has had an idea of a God.


>not practicing arianism style christianity.


i definitely think it's a human trait to believe in some sort of god, but to me that's more of a remnant of a time before we had scientific knowledge to explain things

at the end of the day we're basically leveled up apes who have existed for a insignificant amount of time in the grand scheme of things, and our brains are not complex enough to deal with the unknown, so we just make shit up

Humanism sprinkled in with some whacky agnosticism. Because humans can only think and achieve to a certain point and that's okay. Everything else beyond that is beyond human comprehension and can be assigned theistic traits.

Or god is a universal quantum computer, matching everything in space and time throughout the multiverse and we can process a minute amount of it at any given moment. Or whatever...

We don't make that shit up for no reason. It has an application. Is the mind of a plant complex enough to perceive a human or an animal when it comes into contact? We have evidence that plants have sensory perceptions and communicate with other plants and insects, what do you suppose they think about people?

This isn't really the place to find religion, but I'll do what I can to help you out based on my life experiences. I was raised in a very sheltered, Christian home. In many ways it was a positive experience - my parents gave me a strong moral foundation to build my life on. Eventually, however, I discovered new ways of thinking. I got involved in speech and debate in high school and I was really good at it. I discovered I have a knack for research and critical thinking. I never thought to apply that questioning spirit to my faith, though. It seemed wrong. When I did have doubts, a well-intentioned friend told me "you can ask questions of God but never question God himself."
He unintentionally redpilled me with that statement. I recognized the irrationality of that thought and fought against it. I don't apply that thinking to any other arena of life, why should I rely on assumptions when it comes to the spiritual realm? I began to adopt new values like action, pragmatism, and self-honesty. I looked at all the suffering and problems in my mother's life caused by her piousness and I recognized the need for action and the danger of over-spiritualization. Sometimes it is necessary to simply do things and make independent decisions, and there's nothing wrong with that. I also rejected the arbitrary nature of certain doctrines, like presuppositionalism. This caused me to confront the internal nature of Christianity.
I recognized that each Christian's faith impacts their lifestyle in drastically different ways. This shattered my earlier view of Christianity as an external truth and showed it to be an internal choice by individual actors. This, coupled with the myriad of denominations and interpretations of the Bible caused me to give up on institutional Christianity completely.
For a brief time my soul was cast into the desert called nihilism. If half my life has been a lie, I thought, there must be no truth or meaning at all. (CON'TD)

Yeah a Religion of blood. 14/88

>I don't believe in anything, but I saw memes on Sup Forums and want to say I'm religious.
>I am also going to base the religion I choose off of what posters on a Bosnian alternative medicine forum say.

Doesn't get much more pathetic than that.

you first

Apathiest. Youll thank me later

>implying he's wrong

>being a misguided christian is worse than not being a christian at all

God is more likely to spare the innocent atheist than the double minded christian in the day of judgement.

The fact is, this line of thinking was nothing but an emotional reaction to my spiritual upheaval. Nihilists are hollow people who find purpose in the absence of meaning. (This inversion is unnatural and Satanic, but that's a whole different conversation.)
I believe it necessary for everyone to go into that desert of the soul, at least once. No matter what you believe you have to come to a place where you admit to yourself "everything I believe about myself and the world around me may be a total fabrication." You can do two things with this knowledge. You can remain in the desert and become a cannibal, or you can return to life prepared to make a new way to yourself.
Sometimes this new way will lead straight back to your old beliefs, sometimes it will lead in the opposite direction. Regardless, it is important that you understand that you are calling the shots. Find truth in your world and in that truth you will your find purpose, or you will make it yourself.

>innocent atheist
is there such a thing? And who are you to say what God will do on the day of judgment?

>And who are you to say what God will do on the day of judgment?

You realize this question just comes back to bite you in the ass right?

Christianity is more than a meme. It is the cornerstone of our society. And this is coming from a Jew. I would never live in a country that wasn't built or at least heavily influenced by Christianity.

>is there such a thing?
Sure there is. Do you think all non christians just go to hell automatically?

Looking to find the "best" religion is perhaps a misnomer. It does more good to find the most "true" religion. Because truth is inherently better.

That being said, Christianity is the "best" (most truthful) religion, in that it describes the world and rebelliousness and wickedness of the human heart, and the truths of experience and relationship with God in the most accurate way.

Besides "feel-y" truths, there is also reasons to believe in the historicity and personhood of Christ as well as His resurrection. Do a little digging and look around for truth--not for what best fits what you want to think/what you think is most Sup Forums approved.


no, but the modern atheist has had the opportunity to hear the gospel and either reject or deny it. Don't get me wrong I'm not saying I've been pure but for arguments sake how can one say that being a bad christian is worse than not being christian at all?

>True religion
That is a waste of time. What you should want personally is one that works like a perfect Pascal's wager where believing in it and practicing it doesn't cost much and it is a good influence on your behavior. On a societal level (and this is of most importance) you should want a religion that controls human nature in a way that is pleasing to you and makes sense. Things like marriage, education, punishment, etc. are important to consider given that any religion you practice you should wish to be practiced to the T by every member of your community.

The irony of referencing Pascal...

He was arguing for Christianity, you know, right?

Trying to find a scape-goat that you can "believe in just in case" and not have to invest anything is the total downfall of Western Christianity. No one wants to actually believe in anything in this post-modern world. It's not cool anymore. That's why I think New Age non-sense is being pumped out by Western self-help people. You get all the fun of religion but without consequences or having to really do anything. But nobody gives a crap about if it's true or not. They do it for enjoyment.

If you just want something to control human behavior... Firstly, that sounds a little dubious, and secondly, that's not a religion. That's just an ideology.

I don't think that is a productive way to look for a religion. Maybe a way to make yourself feel nice or join a societal group. But not for actually participating in the point/experience of religion.

>Romans 2:9 Tribulation and anguish upon every soul of man that worketh evil, of the Jew first, and also of the Greek. 10 But glory, and honour, and peace to every one that worketh good, to the Jew first, and also to the Greek.


no because you will instinctively just go with the one that you know best. god doesnt fucking talk to people, but maybe if you were gifted by him with intelligence, then by using your reason and senses might come to great, self-defining realizations and laws about existence.

>The Church of What's Happening Now


