At what point in history did Leftism/liberlism begin to openly detest the working classes?

At what point in history did Leftism/liberlism begin to openly detest the working classes?

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At what point did you decide saving thumbnails is a good idea?

When the Democratic party realized it could just pay for votes using welfare

This election seems like a good point in time.

A bunch of those swing states full of white working classes went from Obama in '08/'12 to Trump. And every fucking media outlet is now like, "This is not the problem," even though it is. Trump lied to these people, but he told them what they wanted to hear. Hilary said that their old jobs weren't coming back, and they didn't want to hear that.

Now I hear people say they're bothered that people want the Democratic party to focus less on minorities and various diverse groups and focus more on the white working class and that bothers me. Why? Because if Hilary had pandered to the white working class and not minorities so much, then she would have won. Then after the election -- when she's actually fucking president -- she can pander towards minorities and all the other folk.

When an entire generation got tricked into shouldering massive debt for enrolling into useless acedemic degrees instead of learning a proper productive job. Now we have hordes of impoverished smartasses who sneer at those that support them, all the while envying their modest wealth.

>When the jews abandoned revolutionary communism, somewhere during the 1950s.

Left-wing intellectuals have been looking for a new cannon fodder for their own political ambitions ever since. Marcuse proposed women, blacks and gays, and has been extremely influential. Foucault proposed crazy people, Laclau proposed everyone who could be manipulated into believing their own petty struggles could be understood as a struggle against the "Establishment", multiculturalism is about convincing non-whites that they should be the revolutionary class, etc

leftists detesting the working class is a big mistake.

majority of their voters are working class.

they can't turn on the working class, they'd never get elected.

most likely this is just some ridiculous leftist website not an actual democrat party line, it never will be.

The dems will always race bait, but they have to add the "working class" toppings onto the pizza of leftism or they'll never get elected at all.

that's why marxists like Bernie overwhelmingly push "the working class" issue but have to spice it up with race baiting, which is why he got so popular.

Hillary lost because she went full-blown race baiting, with "working class" spice, she baked the cake with the right ingredients but didn't follow the recipe.

ya feel me?

holy shit a truthful Jew. but yes, this all came from the Jews that fled Nazi Germany and was backed up by the Jews that miraculously survived 5000000 gassings and went to America and wanted revenge on all white people.

Identity politics became their religion despite being fucking proven poison. Bill Clinton said it, they hounded him for it. They even almost turned on Bernie for implying it.

mind blown.

They probably envy that a white man with a skill has a job. Instead of looking at other options, they immediately went to college, signed outrageous loans they couldn't pay for, get a useless degree or worse masters degree in over saturated or useless fields, think they have a right to be entitled, and ridicule the people who are actually working. They made their own choices, but are completely unwilling to accept the consequences.

The post-modern left does not care about economic classes. They care about identity classes.

the proles have always been considered useful idiots by the liberal elite

They always had huge contempt for them.
The goal of the (actually privilegied) left is to use lower/working class people as TOOLS for their narrative. They build a story saying that "poors are miserable but WE the left do help them" and thet need an army of cripples to do that. This is why for example the left has purposedly destroyed education and encouraged retardation nationwide ("no more rational thinking, math, reason, memorization" but enforcement of "creativity of the child, ((philosophy)), ((psychology))"), promoted affirmative (so that poorer social groups learn litteraly less: putting hard test along along the childhood time of a human being is what makes him learn elaborated material in a *progressive* manner)

>tfw i posted this on /his/ two days ago

So its true, /his/ is infested with kikes just like Sup Forums. Sigh. You couldn't even bother saving it properly, Hitler should have finished you hooknosed gremlins off.

affirmative action i mean

>Spend a decade openly denigrating and spitting in the face of the largest voting demographic in the nation
>Get absolutely assfucked by an out-of-nowhere Reality TV Candidate and lose control of House, Senate, Supreme Court and all but a few Governorships to the point where the Republicans are very near to being able to ratify new constitutional amendments without the Democrats being able to object
>Double down on the same strategy that reduced your party to the level of the Libertarian and Green Parties

It's going to be a great 8 years.


1929 when Stalin took our property.

The elite of New England/Washington/East Coast has always detested the non-urban part of their country. This is common in almost every country.



istenkém, hogy rühellem a vidékieket, pedig nem kellene szegényeket, mert liberális vagyok meg minden, szóval melegek, cigányok, hajléktalanok, meg egyébként mindenki okés, na de a vidékieket nem tudom megszokni

Get out, 21st century nazi

The first article he goes over is what is being taught in our colleges. This is why whites are hated, this is why the normal working class is hated.

Kids out of highschool with no real knowledge of the world, and many of them with no real adult role models, and THIS is their first real introduction to the world. You wonder why so many of them are fucking stupid? This shit is why.


it was bush who pushed common core

Shlomo, you know damn well that they don't hate """the working class"""
They hate white people

Since forever. What's newer is the promotion of other races over the indigenous working classes.
And we're not ants, and it's not like you have to shell out to save the proper image and load a link into

When you made it up.

Liberals are not left, not even a little.


The Left = Good Cop.
The Right = Bad Cop.


i have libcuck friends who work shitty jobs due to their stupid degrees but they still look down on plumbers and electricians who 1) do a useful job and 2) make way more money than they do

>At what point in history did Leftism/liberlism begin to openly detest the working classes?
When the working class stopped voting for it. Those very same people, who the middle class communists believe have the highest virtue, did not want communism and the left had to invent 50 new genders in order to marginalize more people to prey on for votes.


the left hates white people. white civilization = capitalism

replace white people = end capitalism.

When union membership dropped to an all time low.

Also when progressive politics became the cornerstone of their movement.

When it stopped focusing on economics and started doing the identity politics. Then read leftist movement went centre-left (social democract) to right wing (neo-liberalism)

Socialism and Communism are the only true leftist ideology's


It dropped because of "leftist" trade deals like TPP and NAFTA.

>istenkém, hogy rühellem a vidékieket, pedig nem kellene szegényeket, mert liberális vagyok meg minden, szóval melegek, cigányok, hajléktalanok, meg egyébként mindenki okés, na de a vidékieket nem tudom megszokni
a-are you cursing us out?...I-i beg you to cut it ouuttt

it's the new dankest meme on the internets
a liberal guy wrote this in "satire"but you know, poe's law
"vidéki" literally means rural, and it's used to refer to people who don't live in Budapest and the first line in the story was what I posted, basically
"oh my gosh, I hate rurals so much, even though I shouldn't, because I'm a liberal and all that, so gays, gypsies, homeless and otherwise everyone is okay, but rurals I just can't get used to"

Kind have a love/hate relationship with that channel, m8

is it possible that the transformation of 1st world to service economy was part of calculated abandoning of the native workers... since workers and natives became obsolete

tl;dr native workers were phased out

I began after the fall of the soviet union
but tony blair sealed the deal.

I consider myself a leftist and haven't voted for a left party in 10 years. The pic is the reason why.

Leftists and Marxists in particular are

1) NOT working class
2) Detest the actual working class

See how libartds mock white working class people.

See how after Brexit some suggested those without a degree and old people should lose their political rights.

The only reason they mention the working class at all is because they have a special palce in the Marxist eschatology, but that role has largely been replaced by so called minorities and gays in the West.



if muslims stopped voting for them they would hate them to

Even Marx hated the shit out of the working class despite his ideology supposedly being the paradise of the working class.

He was a scumbag who regularly abused working class people. Take his maid, for example, who he impregnated and then ignored with no compensation after she gave birth. Same thing with Che Guevara, only he would outright rape them.