How screwed is France really...

How screwed is France really? i mean i am Swedish live very close to Malmö but holy shit i have been in Paris and Marseille litterally Africa level. Is France the next America? is there any possbility to reverse this trend?

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We are doomed really. The sweden meme should actually apply to us

Why is this shitty image still posted? It has been debunked thousands of times. They are not talking about the rate of shitskin kids in France, only the rate of ill shitskin kids WITHIN the shitskin population.


>We are doomed really.
You're not.
It may seem to you like it's the case right now, but once you decide to oppose this situation you'll do just fine even when if outnumbered. And I'd wager that there'll be many Europeans willing to help you.

>only the rate of ill shitskin kids WITHIN the shitskin population.

But that's not true.

You're probably right, but the future looks grim for now

Thats still extremely bad. Its probably even worse as France lies about this sort of stuff.

Thing's will have to get worse before they start to improve imo, either France or Sweden will be a wake up call for the rest of Europe. Le Pen is the last chance for democratic soultion to this whole mess.

Sweden is a lot better of than France though every time i think about France i am happy that i am Swedish.

If we look at the demographic evolution, the 2017 election is our last chance for a democratic solution. It's either that or civil war.

How is the French army friend? is it French or "French"?

The rate at which Sweden was importing fake refugees was alarming, but afaik it slowed down now and they at least they don't have Swedish citizenships so it'd easier to deal with them than with tanned French.

We dont give citizenships to people that are born in Sweden and its quite hard to naturalise in Sweden.

The situation is not as bad as Sweden

Besides, our politicians, with all their flaws, never said anything such as "We should force white women to have mixed babies"
or that white people were the problem in this country

Our judges never let a child rapist free because he was a poor oppressed migrant

The whole population would be outraged if it did happen

All those things did happen is sweden or in the UK, so when people tell me that France is plagued by immigration, it might be true, but we're not completely brainwashed about it

Not sure about that, I'd say they're usually french or at least white, even the foreign legion

Refugees and immigrants don't usually join the military. If things get rough they migrate rather than fight. So in that sense we're all pretty okay.

I have been in Berlin and it surprised me:
>Barely any brown faces
>Women had square-ish jaws, not as attractive as in France or Spain for example
>No crime, no harassment, no rubbish, no refugees in sight.
>Everyone speaks German (as opposed to Netherlands/Belgium where you hear English more often e.g. in shops)

>They are not talking about the rate of shitskin kids in France, only the rate of ill shitskin kids WITHIN the shitskin population
You are false.

Read the source here and the real source

If you have any question after, I am ready to answer them.

Also yes, except if there another genocidal event, France is doomed.

Difficult to fight against pacific demographic evolution while staying civilized.

It's meh.
20% of the French army declares itself as a muslim, but the muslims only do 4 years then quit. (they do it for the money)

So 95%+ of the Caporal Chef and up (officers) are white, French, and atheist/catholics.

So basically, there is a lot of arabs/blacks as cannon fodder, but the orders are still given by people you can trust.

Don't trust the govt though.

Men of liitle faith.

Everything will change once Marine le Pen wins the election (which she will).
It is inevitable now. Why do you still trust the (((polls)))?

Well thats a good thing at least something is good i know Paris doesnt apply for all of France. But its bad even in places you least expect like Elssase-Lohrtingen.

>Everything will change once Marine le Pen wins the election
What can she do?
Also, she's obviously the best choice we have, but I don't trust her _that_ much.

But even if she was the messiah, what can she do?
The foreigners are here for generations now, they're as French as me.
She can prevent new ones from coming in, but that's it.

>The foreigners are here for generations now, they're as French as me.

Thats not true though maybe the (((the law))) say so but thats not the case in reality.

Well maybe she has a chance if there is a massive silent majority somehow. I actually never met a FN voter in person.
Unfortunately true.

>Thats not true though maybe the (((the law))) say so but thats not the case in reality.
Sure, but no country will accept them, they don't speak anything but French, they're not proper muslims anymore and are dumb as rocks.

What can Marine do?
I want hope, user, if you have an idea I haven't thought of these last 10 years, please share it with me.

>What can she do?
She doesn't even need to do anything. When the Front National will reach power, the left will be absolutely BTFO, and that's the most important. The shift in mentality is what we need the most, and once she wins, it will become politically correct to place France's interests above anything, and minorities will stop behaving like they can do what they want in our country. They should be "tolerated", and not loved, those are two completely different things.

Also stop listening to this meme saying that France is a muslim country. They are a fucking minority ffs.

>I actually never met a FN voter in person.
That's because nobody says out loud that they vote FN, by fear of the leftists reaction.

Well she seems to be better than Trump

40% of the births are non-white, user.
Even if the "minorities" are being shunned thanks to Marine, it won't be for long.

In a few decades, France will have a non-white majority, do you think the right will ever be elected after that?

Of course not.

Marine is good, she can slow the process, but she can't prevent anything.

Show me your source for these claims.
Not saying you're wrong, I just didn't know this number.

>Marine is good, she can slow the process, but she can't prevent anything.

Exactly but she is still by far the best.

See the picture
Here: Here: And the scientific research here: (in French tho)

Are native corsicans tested for the disease?

Is there anyone in FN who would be a better leader than Marine Le Pen

Not that I know of.

Jean Marie Le Pen was pretty hardcore, but would fail at economics and world politics, so Marine may be the best choice.

Marion is good too tho.

>It has been debunked thousands of times
