Dictator Trump wants to make a further step back from equality in form of banning Transgender Toilet Rooms...

Dictator Trump wants to make a further step back from equality in form of banning Transgender Toilet Rooms. We have to give an answer to this injustice and block toilet rooms for males for the sake of equality!!! So the male supremacists will share the feeling of transgender people!
Lets get this hashtag started #blockmaletoilets to troll dem feminists

Stop shitting up the board with garbage, faggot.

just go in the bathroom you want. You don't need a 3rd bathroom for snowflakes

>transgender toilets
Why don't you let the three people worry this actually concerns?

If I got to shit I will go to the women's room idgaf

Can't these motherfuckers just use the gimp toilet, nobody uses them anyway.

No one cares for transidiots.

Penis = Male Goto male bathroom
Vagina = Female Goto female bathroom

Why the fuck is this so hard????

Actually, the courts put an injunction on Obama's order ages ago, Trump was merely complying with the court's decision (unlike Obama, funny how he got no backlash for that).

I mean, if you're saying that Trump is free to disregard court orders, that's fine by me. But you might want to reconsider...

How many trans people are their? How Is this still a real issue? Is Their number higher than the homeless people

Exactly, I will either use their bathroom or piss on a tree or something.

I don't know where I would put my poos if it came to it but maybe follow one of the people blocking the toilet and block their house with poos.

>So the male supremacists will share the feeling of transgender people!
I am a plumber at times, and I have no issue shitting in a womans rest room. I always protest by pissing on the seat, and not flushing my poop down.

From my personal experience in the "field" this is an improvement over how women treat their bathrooms. Men seem to keep their shitters more clean. The worst conditions I have ever seen in an public restroom come from womens rooms.

This will do nothing but piss off normal people who just want to shit in their respective bathrooms.

These people are fucked in the head. Trump could literally sign a guaranteed "world peace" deal with every other country that ensures peace for all time. The media and liberals would find something to bitch and complain about. There'd be marches. Fake news would be doing its usual Jewing. Etc.

Luckily this 16yr old snowflake is gonna have a meeting with the president of United States and straighten everyone out. Dicks, vaginas, bathrooms, it's all so confusing.


jk you guys are alright

>I always protest by pissing on the seat, and not flushing my poop down.

so you're just doing what normal women do in the womens restroom.

this is retarded even for Sup Forums

because they're fucking stupid user.

Of course liberals would hate that. Look at the EU. (((They))) keep trying to push white nations into war with one another. Luckily no one's fallen for it yet, but they would love nothing more than to see all the fighting age white men kill each other and then replace them with shitskin refugees.

Less than 1% of the population. I've never met one irl. Super off-the-fucking-charts important. Awesome huh?!

I think the number is closer to like 1 in 8,000 or something.

That's clinically diagnosed trannies. There's more if you count the faggots who just cross dress to attention whore and for some sort of homoerotic thrill.

What I don't get is that he didn't attack the Transgender community. At all. He simply rescinded a bill that allowed students to use bathrooms of their choosing because he felt it wasn't a federal issue and should be left up to the states. If he TRULY wanted to fuck over Trans people he would have made it ILLEGAL for anyone to use any bathroom that doesn't coincide with their true gender on their birth certificate. He simply said "I don't give a fuck, let the states decide".

It's all a mental illness (trannies, gays, etc), plain and simple.

Exactly. (((They))) will just find any excuse to manufacture outrage. People are waking up to the (((fake news))).

Can Sup Forums do it?

>mad lib breaks urinal
> I step outside to piss on a tree

sounds good to me #pissontrees

You will be spared on the Day of the Loo

This threat would have a lot more weight if you were indian.

I say if you completely pass for the opposite gender go to that bathroom. Do you really want your son to be at the urinal, when all of the sudden Blaire White walks up to the urinal beside him and whips out her dick?

The left has maneuvered itself into an ass backward position. Sanctuary cities and legal Marijuana should be left to the states, but Gay Marriage and Tranny Bathrooms are things that should be decided by the federal government? They're essentially saying the States get to decide on drugs and immigration, while the federal government gets to decide what happens in our bedrooms and bathrooms. Completely asinine, and if anything should be the other way around.

Women seem to have generally worse manners than men with regard to the social contract.
I think the cause is a toss up between either womens' psychopathic lack of empathy for anyone other than their own children, or the fact that women in general don't have to worry about not pissing off strangers because they don't have to worry about being beaten to death as a result, which has done wonders to mold the basic manners of hundreds of generations of men

Think about it. Don't you see allowing that would cause more trouble than its worth? This gender awakening crap is incredible. How fucking stupid are the masses??

>Demoncratically elected
Ok Appelbaum, time for your shoa.. uuh shower

I don't want a tranny pissing in the urinal next to me, seriously. If it's impossible to tell if the tranny is man I say they should go to the woman's restroom. It's not like anyone is going to check their genitalia. This is basically what happened for decades, and now we're all of the sudden making a big deal about it. We don't need to make it a law, but we don't need to start arresting convincing traps for using the women's restroom either.

I think the problem comes with those weirdos who identify as a the opposite gender but make no effort of looking like one.

Like pic related if your gonna pretend then why the fuck would you still have a beard?

transgender men and women are still going to use the bathrooms they identify with and no one is even going to notice

Things worked just fine for decades by allowing people to just function by social contract. If the tranny was passable and you couldn't really tell, no one gave a shit if they used the women's bathroom. In fact, if they used the men's restroom it would have raised several eyebrows.

If thats the case then(I wouldnt know, I dont study transsexual lifestyles) then everyone should keep on with their business. Nobody needs to be signing any laws about something as trivial as this.